Iraq 2023



Total incoming funding: US$264,605,239
Displaying 1 - 67 of 67
Destination org. Sort descending Funding US$ Pledges US$
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid 1,843,366 0
ACT Alliance / Diakonia, Sweden 175,624 0
ACT Alliance / Norwegian Church Aid 455,118 0
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International 2,314,405 0
Action Contre la Faim - France 437,637 0
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development 133,309 0
Al-Nahrain Foundation for Relief and Development 373,772 0
Alutiiq LLC [Alaska Native Corporation] 217 0
CARE Germany-Luxembourg eV 840,847 0
Danish Red Cross 495,657 0
Danish Refugee Council 3,257,415 0
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit 0 0
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action) 0 0
Diakonia World Federation 52,687 0
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 197,242 0
HALO Trust 267,666 0
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion 2,890,445 0
Handicap International Luxembourg 264,831 0
International Atomic Energy Agency 2,500,000 0
International Centre for Migration Policy Development 12,988 0
International Committee of the Red Cross 16,532,280 0
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 1,388,888 0
International Labour Organization 6,374,591 0
International NGO Safety Organisation 253,665 0
International NGOs (Confidential) 37,134,349 0
International Organization for Migration 52,951,681 0
International Rescue Committee 170,049 0
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization 243,902 0
Iraq Trust Fund 214,133 0
Iraq, Government of 72,059 0
King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center 22,000 0
La Chaîne de l'Espoir 9,704,487 0
Mines Advisory Group 3,775,071 0
Mission East 219,575 0
Multi-donor flexible humanitarian contribution (UNICEF Regional Humanitarian Thematic) 0 0
Nadia's Initiative 350,000 0
Nahrain International Company 71,237 0
National NGOs (Confidential) 6,105 0
Norwegian People's Aid 3,667,517 0
Norwegian Refugee Council 8,361,278 0
Not specified -279,411 0
Oeuvre d'Orient 422,687 0
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 3,746,047 0
Oxfam 1,981,870 0
Oxfam GB 834,782 0
Polish Medical Mission 587,769 0
Pompiers de l'urgence Internationale 221,976 0
Première Urgence Internationale 756,779 0
Private (individuals & organizations) 10,102,652 0
Save the Children 692,034 0
Solidarités International 438,116 0
Taqwa Association for Women and Child Rights 131,019 0
Terre des Hommes - Italy 441,561 0
Terre des Hommes - Lausanne 523,836 0
Terre des Hommes International 365,898 0
The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation 39,189 0
The SEED Foundation 0 0
United Nations Children's Fund 18,727,756 0
United Nations Environment Programme 1,907,407 0
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 39,304,897 0
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) 1,388,888 0
United Nations Industrial Development Organization 645,157 0
United Nations Population Fund 3,756,845 0
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East 50,000 0
World Food Programme 10,277,361 0
World Health Organization 9,401,040 0
Ärzte für die Dritte Welt - German Doctors e.V. 112,991 0

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