Mali 2024



Total incoming funding: US$273,314,904
Displaying 1 - 66 of 66
Destination org. Sort descending Funding US$ Pledges US$
Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain 3,686,630 0
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid 124,346 0
ACT Alliance / Norwegian Church Aid 774,969 0
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International 1,392,981 0
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development 1,042,810 0
Al-Ameen for Humanitarian Support 72,000 0
Alliance for International Medical Action 3,473,228 0
Belgian Red Cross 75,485 0
BuildOn 0 0
CARE Denmark 338,852 0
Caritas Germany (DCV) 887,902 0
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue 302,383 0
Danish Red Cross 385,723 0
Danish Refugee Council 5,674,966 0
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action) 2,010,820 0
Doctors Worldwide 131,800 0
Educo - Fundación Educación y Cooperación, ChildFund Alliance member 797,245 0
Fondation Caritas Luxembourg 0 0
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 3,850,979 0
Fundación Mundubat 218,818 0
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion 1,632,068 0
Handicap International Luxembourg 0 0
Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. 770,000 0
Hope for Future Generations 1,041,667 0
iMC Worldwide 1,233,910 0
IMPACT Initiatives 0 0
International Committee of the Red Cross 20,645,958 0
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 39,560 0
International Labour Organization 1,688,588 0
International NGO Safety Organisation 1,046,016 0
International NGOs (Confidential) 49,504,055 0
International Organization for Migration 3,750,000 0
International Rescue Committee 4,882,938 0
Luxembourg Red Cross 0 0
Mali (West, Central Africa HF) 7,297,297 0
Mexican Red Cross 250,000 0
Mine Action Group 0 0
Médecins du Monde 1,857,155 0
Médecins du Monde Suisse 191,589 0
National NGOs (Confidential) 33,710 0
Norwegian Red Cross 957,396 0
Norwegian Refugee Council 11,962,754 0
Not specified 900,255 0
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 2,408,628 0
Organisation Al Farouk 400,000 0
Oxfam 952,976 0
Plan International 1,671,716 0
Plan Norge 210,211 0
Première Urgence Internationale 592,755 0
Private (individuals & organizations) 13,329 0
Promediation 0 0
Qatar Charity 137,288 0
Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies (Confidential) 100,000 0
Save the Children 5,409,763 0
Social Impact 505,686 0
Solidarités International 1,381,569 0
UNICEF National Committee/Spain 220,263 0
United Nations Children's Fund 19,952,474 0
United Nations Development Programme 6,430,635 0
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 23,784,840 0
United Nations Mine Action Service 800,000 0
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 0 0
United Nations Population Fund 4,807,506 0
WeWorld - Gruppo Volontariato Civile Onlus 270,527 0
World Food Programme 68,274,016 0
World Health Organization 63,869 0

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