Nepal 2007



Total incoming funding: US$21,601,987
Nepal also provides international humanitarian funding - click here
Displaying 1 - 31 of 31
Flow ID Source org. Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
Swiss Development Cooperation/Swiss Humanitarian Aid
HA Small Action Credit Line CooF 81,967 Commitment Incoming
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Food Aid beside the Food Security Program (2006.1853.8) (BMZ-No.: 2007.1831.2) 533,333 Commitment Incoming
The Southasia Trust
NPL 1071015/Himal Southasian Magazine -Strengthening civil society 98,884 Paid Contribution Incoming
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Reconstruction and live-stability (committ new funds of 1.000.000 Euro on 25.08.2008) (BMZ-No.: 2007.1813.0) 3,142,077 Commitment Incoming
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Food security, reconstruction and life-stability (see new funds in 2007 for 2007) (BMZ-No.: 2006.1853.8) 1,621,622 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
Emergency relief supplies (Nepal) 50,000 Commitment Incoming
International Committee of the Red Cross
Protection and economic security activities (ECHO/NPL/BUD/2007/01007) 1,283,784 Commitment Incoming
Swedish Red Cross
Humanitarian support to people affected by the extensive rainfalls 267,388 Commitment Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Food, Water, Shelter 97,365 Commitment Incoming
Soutient aux oprations de secours menes par la Croix Rouge npalaise 41,040 Commitment Incoming
Plan Ireland
To provide for the immediate food and shelter needs of 5,500 amount of people affected by this years Monsoon flooding (PLAN 07 02) 187,248 Commitment Incoming
Danish Red Cross
Support to flood victims in Nepal [ECHO/-SA/BUD/2007/02008] (Nepal) 953,678 Commitment Incoming
Danish Red Cross
Support to the victims of the floods in Nepal - August 2007 (46.H.7-1-156) 183,379 Commitment Incoming
Centre canadien d'étude et de coopération internationale (CECI)
Health, medical and household items to flood affected families in the Dhanusa and Mahottari Districts, Central Terai (M-012617) 186,916 Commitment Incoming
Wildland Fire Management Project for NEPAL, Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), Freiburg Germany (VN 05 385.28/3 - 12/07) 51,881 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the flood affected population [PL 1073420] (Nepal) 91,408 Paid Contribution Incoming
Chemonics International Inc.
Peace and transition initiatives (USAID/OTI) 7,385,000 Commitment Incoming
Banke Bardia Flood Warning Programme (ECHO/DIP/BUD/2007/04001) 487,695 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
EMOP 10523.0 Food Assistance for Populations Affected by Flooding (ECHO/-SA/BUD/2007/02007) [Nepal] 681,199 Commitment Incoming
The Netherlands Red Cross
To improve healthcare, access to drinking water (16175 (DMV0103967) 740,651 Commitment Incoming
Terre des Hommes International
Nepal Nutrition Project 129,310 Commitment Incoming
Red Cross Society of China
For Hong Kong Red Cross - Humanitarian assistance to victims of flood (Nepal) 154,044 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
(Nepal) Emergency humanitarian relief activities following the floods in South Asia (SM079961) 933,653 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Building Safer Communities: A Regional Initiative (ECHO/DIP/BUD/2007/04010) 468,085 Commitment Incoming
CARE Austria
Post-Flood Rehabilitation Support for Victims of Flooding in 6 Districts of Eastern and Western Nepal (ECHO/-SA/BUD/2007/02009) 272,480 Commitment Incoming
Flood relief 50,000 Commitment Incoming
Association for the Prevention of Torture
NPL 1071111/Human Rights-Prevention of torture in Nepal. 14,863 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Red Cross
NPL 1073343/Flood victims - IFRC appeal (Nepal) 352,740 Paid Contribution Incoming
Handicap International France
Mainstreaming disability and people with disabilities into disaster management in Nepal(ECHO/DIP/BUD/2007/04024) 371,204 Commitment Incoming
Secours Catholique – Caritas France
(Nepal) Apporter des matriaux de construction en kit pour construire ou reconstruire des habitations et des abris, et une aide technique pour les construire 283,688 Commitment Incoming
International Committee of the Red Cross
General assistance to affected population 405,405 Commitment Incoming
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