Niger 2024



Total incoming funding: US$345,928,678
Displaying 1 - 63 of 63
Destination org. Sort descending Funding US$ Pledges US$
Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain 6,494,468 0
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International 2,478,442 0
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development 2,579,345 0
Alliance for International Medical Action 831,290 0
Asamblea De Cooperacion Por La Paz 1,197,702 0
Belgian Red Cross 88,714 0
Care and Social Development Organization 209,751 0
CARE International 229,140 0
Caritas Denmark 596,220 0
Caritas Norway 577,396 0
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue 302,383 0
Christian Blind Mission 358,051 0
Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato 839,778 0
Concern Worldwide 2,370,684 0
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI 3,041,708 0
Danish Refugee Council 12,056,682 0
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action) 4,006,516 0
Educo - Fundación Educación y Cooperación, ChildFund Alliance member 821,548 0
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 7,974,910 0
Geneva Call 0 0
Global Partnership for Education 0 0
GOAL 201,800 0
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion 45,502 0
Handicap International Luxembourg 0 0
Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. 2,162,721 0
IMPACT Initiatives 0 0
International Committee of the Red Cross 14,280,141 0
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 117,734 0
International Labour Organization 741,741 0
International NGO Safety Organisation 903,874 0
International NGOs (Confidential) 32,951,667 0
International Organization for Migration 7,119,996 0
International Rescue Committee 1,130,433 0
Luxembourg Red Cross 2,618,863 0
Läkarmissionen 713,241 0
Mine Action Group 0 0
Médecins du Monde Belgium 1,168,969 0
National NGOs (Confidential) 815,735 0
Niger (West, Central Africa HF) 12,353,823 0
Norwegian Red Cross 0 0
Norwegian Refugee Council 3,397,180 0
Not specified 1,020,000 0
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 6,275,266 0
ONG Agir Plus 200,000 0
ONG Développement pour un Mieux Être 399,741 0
Oxfam 728,746 0
Oxfam Novib Netherlands 548,847 0
Plan Bleu 275,449 0
Plan International 3,237,997 0
Première Urgence Internationale 149,667 0
Promediation 0 0
Qatar Charity 141,694 0
Qatar Red Crescent Society 1,000,000 0
Save the Children 4,906,481 0
Solidarités International 224,839 0
UN Women 300,000 0
United Nations Children's Fund 21,249,950 0
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 51,202,355 0
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 0 0
United Nations Population Fund 913,199 0
Vétérinaires sans Frontières - Belgium 643,167 0
World Food Programme 123,606,755 0
World Health Organization 1,126,377 0

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