Russian Federation 2023



Total incoming funding: US$5,184,027
Russian Federation also provides international humanitarian funding - click here
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Flow ID Source org. Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
Specially Designated Contributions (OCHA)
OCT 9925 [OCT 9925];[791] 50,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Provision of food assistance to the most needy people in Russia 210,613 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Committee of the Red Cross
Humanitäre Maßnahmen in der UKR und NachbarstaatenSchutz-, Hilfs-, Unterstützungs- und Kooperationsmaßnahmen in der Ukraine und Nachbarstaaten 4,923,414 Commitment Incoming
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