Türkiye 2023



Total incoming funding: US$1,392,286,538
Türkiye also provides international humanitarian funding - click here
Displaying 1 - 50 of 761
Flow ID Source org. Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Türkiye UNOCHA 112,878 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Labour Organization
Employment promotion for Syrian refugees and the local population in Turkey (Phase II) 573 (shared on boundary) Paid Contribution Incoming
International Labour Organization
Employment promotion for Syrian refugees and the local population in Turkey (Phase II) 4,030,954 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom
Multi-donor flexible humanitarian contribution (UNICEF Regional Humanitarian Thematic)
MENARO United Kingdom Committee for UNICEF 15,969 (shared on boundary) Paid Contribution Incoming
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
Providing multi-sectoral emergency support to the conflict-affected population in Northwest Syria 7,024,485 Commitment Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Emergency Social Safety Net Assistance for Refugees in Turkey 2023- portion 123,076,923 Commitment Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Emergency Social Safety Net Assistance for Refugees in Turkey (2023 portion) 74,646,154 Commitment Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Emergency Social Safety Net Assistance for Refugees in Turkey (2023 portion) 12,389,381 Commitment Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Emergency Social Safety Net Assistance for Refugees in Turkey ---- COVID-19 Assistance (2023 portion) 2,461,538 Commitment Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Emergency Social Safety Net Assistance for Refugees in Turkey (2023 portion) 22,892,308 Commitment Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Emergency Social Safety Net Assistance for Refugees in Turkey (2023 portion) 142,477,876 Commitment Incoming
Fondation Caritas Luxembourg
Providing Legal Support and Assistance for vulnerable migrants in Turkey (2023 portion of EUR 950,000) 308,075 Commitment Incoming
Relief International
Supporting Safe and Inclusive Access to and Transition of Physical Rehabilitation Services in Turkey – SIAT II (2023 portion of EUR 1.9 mio) 1,021,505 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Supporting the access of out-of-school refugee children and adolescents into education (2023 portion of EUR 5.8 mio) 3,325,688 Commitment Incoming
International Labour Organization
Supporting Resilience and Social Cohesion with Decent Livelihood Opportunities 2,008,651 Paid Contribution Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Estonia Contribution to OCHA 2023 26,624 Paid Contribution Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Japan Contribution to OCHA 2023 250,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Strengthening the role of emergency response mechanisms in humanitarian context in Türkiye in mainstreaming SRH and GBV response for refugee women and girls 277,777 Commitment Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Mental health and psychosocial (MHPSS) and hygiene kits support to Afghan and Ukrainian refugees living in urban areas of Türkiye as well as to the host communities 780,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Annual Programme 2023 - Top-up earthquake in Türkiye 2023 732,279 Commitment Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Multilateral contribution to the affected population 1,089,325 Commitment Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Lifesaving emergency Assistance for Disaster-Affected Populations in Türkiye 450,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Lifesaving emergency Assistance for Disaster-Affected Populations in Türkiye 1,125,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Lifesaving emergency Assistance for Disaster-Affected Populations in Türkiye 675,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Lifesaving support to the most urgent sexual and reproductive health needs of affected women following the earthquake in Türkiye 800,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Emergency Shelter and NFI assistance for earthquake-affected persons in Türkiye 2,300,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Emergency Response to Assist Earthquake Affected Communities 498,998 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Emergency Response to Assist Earthquake Affected Communities 1,596,818 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Development Programme
Emergency Response to WASH Sector. Project will help local municipalities, hospitals and other institutions to prevent disease by providing support in managing waste and debris, including medical waste and cat/dog food to prevent pets from feeding on corpses, while deploying water and sanitation equipment such as mobile/portable toilets, and repairing critical water systems, and providing guidance in proper debris management. 500,225 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency life-saving WASH, winterization and education services for the most vulnerable children and communities affected by the earthquake in Türkiye 652,500 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency life-saving WASH, winterization and education services for the most vulnerable children and communities affected by the earthquake in Türkiye 337,500 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency life-saving WASH, winterization and education services for the most vulnerable children and communities affected by the earthquake in Türkiye 1,260,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants
Emergency humanitarian assistance for earthquake victims in Turkey 103,430 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Türkiye - Essential multi-sectoral support to Ukrainian & refugee children --- CP, GBViE and PSEA 873,016 Paid Contribution Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Germany Contribution to OCHA 2023 214,362 Paid Contribution Incoming
Technisches Hilfswerk (THW)
Deployment of a Medium Urban Search and Rescue (MUSAR) team of the THW's Rapid Response Unit Salvage Abroad (SEEBA) to Turkey after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria on February 6th, 2023 801,009 Commitment Incoming
Crisis/Disaster Type Earthquake Glide: HRP: Name of the crisis : Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria 3,215,434 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Bollore Logistics USA Inc.
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 Transportation - Disaster Site 360,000 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 Food Assistance 15,240,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 Shelter and Settlements Türkiye Earthquake Flash Appeal 2023 Emergency Shelter and NFI Emergency Lifesaving NFI, Tent and Protection Support to Earthquake-Affected Populations in Türkiye 4,499,572 Commitment Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 Protection Emergency Lifesaving NFI, Tent and Protection Support to Earthquake-Affected Populations in Türkiye 500,428 Commitment Incoming
Türkiye, Government of
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 1,500,000 Commitment Incoming
Air Cargo Services
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 Transportation - Disaster Site 1,417,000 Commitment Incoming
Radiant Logistics
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 Transportation - Disaster Site 579,370 Commitment Incoming
CEVA Logistics
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 Transportation - Disaster Site 414,900 Commitment Incoming
Radiant Logistics
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 Transportation - Disaster Site 14,033 Commitment Incoming
Priority Worldwide Services
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 Transportation - Disaster Site 9,049 Commitment Incoming
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 Program Support 697,355 Commitment Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
emergency humanitarian aid for the populations following the earthquakes that struck hit Turkey 53,591 Commitment Incoming
Diplomat Freight Services
Türkiye/Earthquake-2023 Transportation - Disaster Site 987,445 Commitment Incoming

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