Benin 2024



Total incoming funding: US$4,490,353
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15
Destination org. Sort descending Funding US$ Pledges US$
Benin Red Cross Society 10,000 0
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 0 0
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion 178,827 0
Handicap International Luxembourg 0 0
IMPACT Initiatives 0 0
International Committee of the Red Cross 0 0
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 22,075 0
International NGOs (Confidential) 7,484 0
Mine Action Group 0 0
National NGOs (Confidential) 49,545 0
Organization of Islamic Cooperation 400,000 0
Private (individuals & organizations) 4,069 0
SOS Kinderdorf 498,891 0
United Nations Children's Fund 1,419,050 0
World Food Programme 1,900,412 0

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