Cameroon 2024
Total incoming funding: | US$28,697,356 |
Cameroon also provides international humanitarian funding - click here |
Flow ID | Source org. | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status | Boundary |
#271687 |
Christian Blind Mission
Humanitarian assitance in DRC, Cameroon, Nigeria, Niger *** The recipient organization does not have a project in the plan, and Cameroon plan is project based. Therefore, the flow is kept outside of the plan.*** | 362,272 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#276967 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
Multisector humanitarian response in Cameroon | 368,732 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#288231 |
World Food Programme
Contributions not used in the HRP | 61,242 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#294156 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRC Yaounde Regional Appeal 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 Multi-Sector Multisector humanitarian response in Cameroon *** Funds towards Rec Cross / Red Crescent organizations are kept outside of the plan. *** | 2,459,380 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#294580 |
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Emergency aid and improvement of humanitarian response capacity in countries affected by crises and displacement in sub-Saharan Africa *** The recipient organization does not have a project in the plan, the plan is project based. Therefore, the flow is kept outside of the plan.*** | 160,619 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#294709 |
Médecins du Monde
7F-10492.02 Cameroon Médecins du Monde CMR, MdM, Protection O-NO, 2023-25 *** The recipient organization does not have a project in the plan, the plan is project based. Therefore, the flow is kept outside of the plan.*** | 218,750 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301275 |
World Food Programme
CSP Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central Africa, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Togo: Ernährungssicherheit in West- und Zentralafrika | 3,735,326 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#302279 | Program Support |
57,869 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#302823 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities for Cameroon | 1,050,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#306987 |
Norwegian Red Cross
Humanitarian activities in Sahel | 539,420 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#306999 |
Norwegian Red Cross
Support to ICRC's Lake Chad region operational appeals | 957,396 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#307004 |
Norwegian Red Cross
Africa Regional Funds | 957,396 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#307448 |
World Food Programme
Contributions not used in the HRP | 850,866 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#307451 |
World Food Programme
Contributions not used in the HRP | 90,213 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#307454 |
World Food Programme
WFP Cameroon Contributions not used in the HRP | 45,116 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#307457 |
World Food Programme
WFP Cameroon Contributions not used in the HRP | 114,411 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#307458 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
World Food Programme
WFP Cameroon Contributions not used in the HRP | 890,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#307459 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
World Food Programme
WFP Cameroon Contributions not used in the HRP | 80,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#307460 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
World Food Programme
WFP Cameroon Contributions not used in the HRP | 66 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#307851 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRC primary-health-care (PHC) and protection of the civilian population (PCP) activities in Cameroon. | 1,072,961 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#308101 |
Première Urgence Internationale
Projet de veille-évaluations, coordination humanitaire et réponse intégrée (RRM) visant à couvrir les besoins de base des populations vulnérables affectées par les crises du bassin du Lac Tchad dans la région de l'’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun ---- DRR |
25,056 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#308858 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional project to enhance preparedness and response to acute food and nutrition insecurity 2024-25 | 300,000 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#308936 |
International Labour Organization
Out of plan Livelihoods, Resilience & Socio-Economic Inclusion Empowering women for resilient economies and peaceful communities in the refugee-affected regions of East and Adamawa in Cameroon | 3,623,089 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#309948 |
Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale
Assistance sanitaire des populations déplacées, hôtes et des catégories vulnérables dans l’arrondissement de Wabane, département de Lebialem *** The recipient organization does not have a project in the HRP. *** | 365,512 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#310203 |
IMPACT Initiatives
West Africa Regional/ER4 Regional IMPACT Initiatives | 900,000 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#311918 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRC Yaounde Regional Appeal 2024 | 1,273,650 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#314976 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Lake Chad - humanitarian capacity development/secondments. NORCAP (Norwegian Capacity Standby Roster). Secondment of personell on short notice to the United Nation and other organisations strengthening their capacity to efficiently protect lives and livel | 1,111,471 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#315892 |
Nascent Solutions Inc.
Cameroon/CE Cameroon Nascent Solutions | 500,000 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#315920 |
World Food Programme
Contributions not used in the HRP Cameroon/CE Cameroon UNWFP - World Food Programe | 50,043 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#316484 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
Multisectoral humanitarian crisis response in Cameroon | 372,856 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#316834 |
World Food Programme
Using satellite imagery analysis in hard-to-reach and inaccessible areas of West and Central Africa to inform disaster risk assessment, early warning and response planning ---- Disaster Preparedness |
6,967 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#316864 |
Alliance for International Medical Action
Assistance médico-nutritionnelle aux populations affectées par les crises du bassin du Lac Tchad (région d'Extrême Nord) et anglophone (région du Nord Ouest) du Cameroun. ----- DISASTER PREPAREDNESS |
43,222 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#316866 |
Alliance for International Medical Action
Assistance médico-nutritionnelle aux populations affectées par les crises du bassin du Lac Tchad (région d'Extrême Nord) et anglophone (région du Nord Ouest) du Cameroun. ----- WASH ***** The recipient organization does not have a WASH project in the HRP ***** | 54,162 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#316867 |
Alliance for International Medical Action
Assistance médico-nutritionnelle aux populations affectées par les crises du bassin du Lac Tchad (région d'Extrême Nord) et anglophone (région du Nord Ouest) du Cameroun. ----- NUTRITION ***** The recipient organization does not have a Nutrition project in the HRP ***** | 843,710 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#316868 |
Alliance for International Medical Action
Assistance médico-nutritionnelle aux populations affectées par les crises du bassin du Lac Tchad (région d'Extrême Nord) et anglophone (région du Nord Ouest) du Cameroun. ----- HEALTH ***** The recipient organization does not have a Health project in the HRP ***** | 1,476,508 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#316900 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Strengthening the emergency preparedness and response capacity of national humanitarian assistance personnel in Africa through the establishment of a Regional Centre for International Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Response Training (eCentre) in Africa | 507,495 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#318670 |
World Food Programme
Contributions not used in the HRP | 1,055,018 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#320548 |
Médecins du Monde
Renforcement de l’accès aux soins de santé maternelle, néonatale et infanto-juvénile pour les populations de trois districts de santé du Nord-Ouest du Cameroun ***** The recipient organization does not have a project in the HRP***** | 554,324 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#320552 |
French Red Cross
Projet d’amélioration de l’accès aux soins médicaux, nutritionnels et de santé de la reproduction pour les populations hôtes et déplacées, affectées par la crise sécuritaire dans le Logone et Chari, région de l’extrême nord du Cameroun | 277,162 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#320553 |
French Red Cross
Projet d’amélioration de l’accès aux soins médicaux, nutritionnels et de santé de la reproduction pour les populations hôtes et déplacées, affectées par la crise sécuritaire dans le Logone et Chari, région de l’extrême nord du Cameroun | 277,162 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#323781 |
World Food Programme
Contributions not used in the HRP Cameroon/CE Cameroon UNWFP - World Food Programe | 29,469 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#323782 |
World Food Programme
Contributions not used in the HRP | 1,000,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#323790 |
World Food Programme
Contributions not used in the HRP CAMEROON - Emergency Food Assistance 2024 | 775,025 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#324262 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
CASH, WASH, HEALTH, PROTECTION Assistance in response to floods | 29,433 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#324337 |
Mary Dinah Foundation
IFRP Nutrition ----- USAID / BHA ***** The recipient organization does not have a project in the HRP***** | 299,957 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#324712 |
World Food Programme
Cameroon/CE ----- contributions not used in the HRP this is capacity strengthening modality ----- USAID / BHA |
450,854 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#326043 |
Première Urgence Internationale
Projet de veille-évaluations, coordination humanitaire et réponse intégrée (RRM) visant à couvrir les besoins de base des populations vulnérables affectées par les crises du bassin du Lac Tchad dans la région de l'Extrême-Nord du Cameroun --- Disaster Preparedness |
113,916 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#326120 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Support the appeal launched on the International Federation of Red Cross platform, a call for support for Cameroon Call Cameroon Logistics | 220,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#326383 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Accelerating local action in humanitarian and health crises | 1,011,134 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#326387 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Accelerating local action in humanitarian and health crises | 927,935 | Commitment | Incoming |
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