Congo 2024
Total incoming funding: | US$31,254,158 |
Congo also provides international humanitarian funding - click here |
Flow ID Sort descending | Source org. | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status | Boundary |
#271435 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Providing support to vulnerable persons of concern in the Southern Africa Region | 289,366 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#300389 |
World Food Programme
Food Assistance Programme | 1,712,681 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301009 |
World Food Programme
Assistance Alimentaire aux personnes vulnérables affectées par les inondations à travers les transferts monétaires | 400,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301011 |
World Health Organization
La réponse d’urgence aux besoins sanitaires critiques des populations affectées par les inondations au Congo | 600,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301013 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Fourniture de services multisectoriels essentiels de Santé, Nutrition, WASH, Protection et Education aux populations touchées par les inondations dans les départements de la Likouala, Cuvette et Plateaux | 146,556 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301014 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Fourniture de services multisectoriels essentiels de Santé, Nutrition, WASH, Protection et Education aux populations touchées par les inondations dans les départements de la Likouala, Cuvette et Plateaux | 157,023 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301015 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Fourniture de services multisectoriels essentiels de Santé, Nutrition, WASH, Protection et Education aux populations touchées par les inondations dans les départements de la Likouala, Cuvette et Plateaux | 492,007 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301016 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Fourniture de services multisectoriels essentiels de Santé, Nutrition, WASH, Protection et Education aux populations touchées par les inondations dans les départements de la Likouala, Cuvette et Plateaux | 104,682 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301017 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Fourniture de services multisectoriels essentiels de Santé, Nutrition, WASH, Protection et Education aux populations touchées par les inondations dans les départements de la Likouala, Cuvette et Plateaux | 146,555 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301019 |
United Nations Population Fund
Accès aux services de santé sexuelle et reproductive pour contribuer à la réduction de la mortalité maternelle et des violences basées sur le Genre, en situation de graves inondations, en République du Congo. | 247,500 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301020 |
United Nations Population Fund
Accès aux services de santé sexuelle et reproductive pour contribuer à la réduction de la mortalité maternelle et des violences basées sur le Genre, en situation de graves inondations, en République du Congo. | 202,500 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301157 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Réponse multisectorielle pour les populations affectées par les inondations en République du Congo | 143,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301158 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Réponse multisectorielle pour les populations affectées par les inondations en République du Congo | 44,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301159 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Réponse multisectorielle pour les populations affectées par les inondations en République du Congo | 286,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301160 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Réponse multisectorielle pour les populations affectées par les inondations en République du Congo | 220,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#301161 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Réponse multisectorielle pour les populations affectées par les inondations en République du Congo | 407,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#302099 |
International NGO Safety Organisation
Supporting Humanitarian Safety III |
356,383 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#302777 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Supporting child-centered disaster risk reduction and flood emergency response in the most vulnerable districts of the Likouala region, Republic of Congo Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas) | 981,962 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#306435 |
World Food Programme
Republic of the Congo (ROC)/CE --- Food Assistance, Nutrition --- USAID/BHA | 2,000,000 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#306897 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
CONGO 2024 MDRCG022 WASH, Health, PRotection, Cash emergency assistance in response to floods | 29,828 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#310026 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Republic of the Congo (ROC)/CE Congo/Brazzaville UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund Nutrition Congo: Strengthening institutional and community capacities for the management of Nutrition --- USAID/BHA | 500,000 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#315949 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
Helping violenceaffected communities struggling with food insecurity to meet their urgent needsand pursue their livelihoods. Facilitating access to health care, clean water andother essential services. | 1,416,832 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#315957 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Congo:Strengtheninginstitutional and community capacities for the management of Nutrition | 500,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#316017 |
Catholic Relief Services
Republic of the Congo (ROC)/ER4 Congo/Brazzaville Catholic Relief Services Disaster Risk Reduction Policy and Practice (DRRPP) |
2,750,000 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#316900 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Strengthening the emergency preparedness and response capacity of national humanitarian assistance personnel in Africa through the establishment of a Regional Centre for International Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Response Training (eCentre) in Africa | 507,495 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#318284 |
World Food Programme
Republic of the Congo (ROC)/CE Congo/Brazzaville UNWFP - World Food Programe--- USAID/BHA | 1,000,000 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#321249 |
World Food Programme
Republic of Congo's contribution to WFP for Agriculture & Livelihood, Food Security, Health & Nutrition activities under the DRC RRRP 2024. (Food Security -Agriculture & Livelihoods portion) | 2,000,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#321250 |
World Food Programme
Republic of Congo's contribution to WFP for Agriculture & Livelihood, Food Security, Health & Nutrition activities under the DRC RRRP 2024. (Food Security -Food Assistance portion) | 4,000,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#321251 |
World Food Programme
Republic of Congo's contribution to WFP for Agriculture & Livelihood, Food Security, Health & Nutrition activities under the DRC RRRP 2024. (Health and Nutrition portion) | 6,980,283 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#321252 |
World Food Programme
Food Security - Food Assistance | 2,500,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#323373 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Accelerating local action in humanitarian and health crises |
Protection | Coordination and support services | Health | Other
1,287,554 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | Incoming | |
#323380 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Accelerating local action in humanitarian and health crises |
Protection | Coordination and support services | Health | Other
804,721 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | Incoming | |
#328112 |
World Food Programme
World Food Program Republic of the Congo IO Multisectoral WFP/UNHAS Operations in AF 2024 | 500,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#328254 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNHCR 2024 Global Appeal | 140,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
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