Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 2018



Total incoming funding: US$218,511,210
Total pledges: US$4,428,000
Displaying 1 - 50 of 145
Flow ID Source org. Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
World Health Organization
Strengthening Country Health Cluster capacity to deliver effective and accountable emergencyhealth action 2015 - 2018 portion - (AA S05-321.50 ALL 26/15) 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Caritas Germany (DCV)
Multisectoral assistance to refugees from the CAF and receiving communities, Equateur Province, Democratic Republic of Congo; 2016: 1.502.000,00 € 2017: 1.500.000,00 € 2018: 500.000,00 € (AA-S05 321.50 CAF 05/16) 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Johanniter Germany
Improving the basic health and drinking water supply in the health zone of Masisi, North Kivu; 2016: 803.211,15 € 2017: 817.961,00 € 2018: 902.060,60 € 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
Improving food security and nutritional diversity scores 2016: 613.933,17€ 2017: 595.358,00 € 2018: 400.000,00 € (AA-S05 321.50 COD 03/16) 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
International Committee of the Red Cross
Assistance, Protection, Prevention and Cooperation Activities (country-earmarking) in DRCongo 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Action Medeor
Emergency assistance for Burundian refugees and Congolese host families by providing health services and access to WASH in the health sector Nundu, South Kivu, DRC Top up financial year 2018: 528.139,55 € 2019: 58.500,00 € 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Johanniter Germany
Improvement of basic health services for the conflict-affected population in North Kivu (health zones Masisi and Mweso) 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
World Vision Germany
Protection and improvement of access to education for conflict affected children and youth in Oicha, North Kivu; 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Renforcement des capacités communautaires à résister à l'insécurité et la violence au Masisi, Nord Kivu:Protection, access & security , Multiyear 2017-2018, total amount CHF 470,000 (7F-09860.01) 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Mercy Corps
Rapide responses to movements of populations through cash based programming , Multiyear 2017-2018, total amount CHF 900,000 (7F-09708.02) 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Emergency Health Response for vulnerable populations in selected health areas of Eastern DRC , Multiyear 2017-2018, total amount CHF 973,000 (7F-08714.05) 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Les populations les plus affectées par la crise et les déplacements disposent de moyens suffisants permettant d’améliorer leurs conditions de vie et leur sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle.Multiyear contribution :FOR WFP : 3.000.000 EUR in 2017 - 1.000.000 EUR in 2018FOR FAO : 3.914.588 EUR in 2017 - 1.304.863 EUR in 2017 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
Humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
Secondement Logisitcs Expert , Multiyear 2017-2018, total amount CHF 119,400 (Z7H214200040) 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
Secondement Logisitcs Expert , Multiyear 2017-2018, total amount CHF 119,400 (Z7H214200040) 51,235 Commitment Incoming
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Secondment of IT and telecommunications specialist to WFP 124,536 Commitment Incoming
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Secondment of IMO to UNICEF 118,961 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
DRC: WASH Emergency Responses for Cholera and Ebola Outbreaks (SM170495) 605,814 Paid Contribution Incoming
Lynden Air Cargo
Support and Relief Commodities USAID/OFDA) 6,970 Commitment Incoming
JAS Forwarding Worldwide Inc.
Logistics Support and Relief Commodities ( USAID/OFDA) 65,645 Commitment Incoming
Program Support ( USAID/OFDA) 1,833,099 Commitment Incoming
International Committee of the Red Cross
Contribution to the ICRC DRC Appeal for DRC 3,364,738 Commitment Incoming
DFID DRC contribution to the DRC Humanitarian Response Plan 2018 24,226,110 Commitment Incoming
IFRC Disaster Relief Emergency Fund
Support to the IFRC DREF operation responding to flooding and cholera in Kinshasa, DRC 24,311 Paid Contribution Incoming
Canadian Food Grains Bank
Food support for displaced and returnee populations in the Kasai region 433,143 Paid Contribution Incoming
Canadian Food Grains Bank
Food support for displaced and returnee populations in the Kasai region 283,630 Paid Contribution Incoming
Humanitarian Implementation Plan ECHO Flight 2018 - Transport/comp. act (ECHO/FLI/BUD/2018/91000) 17,682,198 Commitment Incoming
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
The aim population in the priority zones encloses vulnerable groups which are concerned particularly by the topical conflict situation, how women and youngsters. Depending on the intervention region still to be defined also count to it Binnenvertriebene or Rück-kehrer in the taking up municipalities, just as ex-combatants and former ju-gendliche militia members. 5,341,615 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Secondment of Emergency Specialist to UNICEF 55,839 Commitment Incoming
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Secondment of Humanitarian Affairs Officer to UNOCHA 105,608 Commitment Incoming
Swedish Red Cross
WASH and Health related assistance to affected population by population movement in Kasai region 242,777 Commitment Incoming
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Secondment of IMO to OCHA in DRC 115,482 Commitment Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
To support internally displaced persons and returnees in the Provinces of Kasaï, Kasaï-Central and Kasaï-Oriental in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, primarily through interventions in the areas of protection and legal support, basic needs and essential services, security from sexual violence and exploitation, and community empowerment and self-reliance. 2017 - 2018 multiyear award - award total $3,182,758 0 (shared on boundary) Paid Contribution Incoming
International Committee of the Red Cross
In support of the ICRC's 2018 operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo 5,498,822 Commitment Incoming
International Committee of the Red Cross
Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities for Democratic Republic of Congo 1,500,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Humanitarian Assistance through NGOs 1,181,818 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
WFP Secondment Cash based transfer (Z7H214200054) 127,050 Commitment Incoming
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Support to conduct a recognition in DRC to explore the possibility of support expansion of the humanitarian presence in Kananga, preliminary through construction of inter-agency office-solutions. 28,028 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Establishment of UN hub in Kananga 1,203,369 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Cadre de financement RDC 2018 - 2019 multiyear award - award total Euro 17 million 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Cadre de financement RDC ONG 5,308,642 Commitment Incoming
Cadre de financement RDC, 2018 - 2019 multiyear award - 2018 portion - award total Euro 14 million. 17,283,951 Commitment Incoming
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Àccès humanitaire aux populations affectées par les conflits à l'est de la RDC , 2018-2019 multi-year award, award total CHF335,475 (7F-09727.02) 0 (shared on boundary) Commitment Incoming
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Àccès humanitaire aux populations affectées par les conflits à l'est de la RDC , 2018-2019 multi-year award, 2018 portion, award total CHF268,380 (7F-09727.02) 285,815 Commitment Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Support to IFRC EPoA for DRC Ebola 23,310 Commitment Incoming
Swedish Red Cross
Support to humanitarian activities in multiple humanitarian crises, as well as regional support 609,310 Commitment Incoming
International Committee of the Red Cross
Humanitarian assistance to affected population 2,538,071 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
Hélicoptère en soutien de la riposte Ebola 797,272 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Réponse d’urgence Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA) pour le contrôle de l’épidémie Ebola dans les zones des santé de Bikoro, Iboko, Ingende et Wangata. 399,730 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Support to revised IFRC Emergency Appeal for DRC Ebola 31,080 Commitment Incoming

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