Dominican Republic 2023
Total incoming funding: | US$5,656,758 |
Flow ID | Source org. | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status | Boundary |
#251674 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Sustainable humanitarian response for highly affected communities, refugees and migrant children in Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, and Trinidad & Tobago (2022 portion of EUR 500,000) | 918 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#268560 |
International Organization for Migration
Western Hemisphere Regional Migration Program (WHP) | 9,159 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#269596 |
World Food Programme
Global Food Crisis - Humanitarian Assistance to people affected by the severe food insecurity crisis in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. COMMISSION DECISION of 7.09.2022 Caribbean region -- Food Security (2023 portion of EUR 3 mio) | 2,047,570 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#269597 |
World Food Programme
Global Food Crisis - Humanitarian Assistance to people affected by the severe food insecurity crisis in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. COMMISSION DECISION of 7.09.2022 Caribbean region -- support to specoal operations (2023 portion of EUR 3 mio) |
611,612 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#275027 |
World Food Programme
Adapting the humanitarian response to anticipate, prepare and respond to man-made shocks, geological hazards and rapidly intensifying and slow onset climate shocks in the Dominican Republic. ---- Protection | 56,498 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#275030 |
World Food Programme
Adapting the humanitarian response to anticipate, prepare and respond to man-made shocks, geological hazards and rapidly intensifying and slow onset climate shocks in the Dominican Republic. ---- Education | 169,492 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#275035 |
World Food Programme
Adapting the humanitarian response to anticipate, prepare and respond to man-made shocks, geological hazards and rapidly intensifying and slow onset climate shocks in the Dominican Republic. ---- Disaster Risk Reduction | 338,983 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#275087 |
World Food Programme
Adapting the humanitarian response to anticipate, prepare and respond to man-made shocks, geological hazards and rapidly intensifying and slow onset climate shocks in the Dominican Republic. ---- Protection | 26,231 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#275090 |
World Food Programme
Adapting the humanitarian response to anticipate, prepare and respond to man-made shocks, geological hazards and rapidly intensifying and slow onset climate shocks in the Dominican Republic. ---- Education | 78,692 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#275095 |
World Food Programme
Adapting the humanitarian response to anticipate, prepare and respond to man-made shocks, geological hazards and rapidly intensifying and slow onset climate shocks in the Dominican Republic. ---- DRR |
157,385 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#275662 |
Catholic Relief Services
LAC Regional/ER4 Food Assistance,Disaster Risk Reduction Policy and Practice (DRRPP),Water, Sanitation and Hygiene,Shelter and Settlements,Multipurpose Cash Assistance,Humanitarian Policy, Studies, Analysis, or Applications | 3,000,000 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#281602 |
World Food Programme
Other W.Indies & E.Caribbean Regional (nee British W.indies) UNWFP - World Food Programe | 3,250,000 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#283403 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Improved food and nutrition security and resilience to climate shocks by promoting the Anticipatory Action approach in the Dry Corridor of Central America (SDGs 1, 2 and 13). | 136,774 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#283920 | Caribbean Regional/ER4 Regional Other Obligations | 500,000 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#284028 | Dominican Republic/ER4 Dominican Republic Other Obligations (USAID/BHA) | 100,000 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#286939 |
King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center
Diagnostic volunteer project for specialized surgeries in the Dominican Republic | 30,667 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#287946 |
CitiHope International
Dominican Republic CitiHope International Food Assistance, Nutrition | 258,658 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#287947 |
Batey Relief Alliance
Dominican Republic CitiHope International Food Assistance, Nutrition | 198,856 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#288333 |
World Food Programme
not RMRP - usaid / bha | 900,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#290452 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
WASH, Health, Cash Voucher Emergency assistance in response to floods | 7,407 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#291030 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Humanitarian response to people on the move on the Dominican border with Haiti, especially unaccompanied or separated children and their families, refugees, asylum-seekers, and stateless persons (UNHCR & UNICEF) | 98,601 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#293769 |
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
"The overall objective of the action is to reduce the vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees and address the impact on host communities in order to design stable and durable solutions with medium and long-term vision. The project´s specific objectives are: (1) Strengthened host communities’ acceptance and improve economic and social inclusion for vulnerable refugee and migrant populations in transition and host communities, considering also, cahs based initiatives to target population and technical support to local authorities and CSOs to address urban and socio-economic impact due to COVID 19 in their communities and its effect on refugees and migrants in the short and medium term. (2) Refugee and migrant populations are better protected and have improved access to documentation, orientation, and basic rights. The project has action in the following cities of Panamá: La Chorrera" | 417,204 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#294970 |
Batey Relief Alliance
IFRP USAID Recipient | 198,856 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#294971 |
CitiHope International
IFRP USAID Recipient | 258,658 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#295005 |
Dominican Republic, Government of
Humanitarian aid for those affected by Hurricane Fiona in the Dominican Republic | 250,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#296042 |
International Organization for Migration
Western Hemisphere Regional Migration Program (WHP) | 755,339 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#306881 |
Humanitarian Coalition
Dominican Republic Response to tropical cyclone WASH, Cash Emergency assistance in response to cyclone |
260,999 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#306906 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Dominican Republic 2023 Response to Floods WASH, Health, PRotection, Cash emergency assistance in response to floods | 29,828 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#318077 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
2023 UNHCR Statelessness Projects Multi-Population/Other Western Hemisphere Dominican Republic ---- Protection | 100,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#319445 |
International Organization for Migration
Western Hemisphere Regional Migration Program (WHP) | 755,339 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#319448 |
International Organization for Migration
Ensuring the Delivery of Critical Humanitarian Assistance to Vulnerable Migrants Haiti Western Hemisphere | 626,269 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
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