Grouped view: European Commission 2006



Total funding: US$1,011,643,402
Total pledges: US$102,181,709
Displaying 1 - 50 of 914
Flow ID Sort descending Source Org. Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Humanitarian aid for the most vulnerbale victims of the ongoing crisis in the oPt [ECHO/-ME/BUD/2005/02011-80% received] 790,514 Paid Contribution
Help for the return of IDPs in the Minduli District. [ECHO/COG/EDF/2004/1005] 270,118 Commitment
Medical Emergency Relief International
Support to primary health care services in Rolpa district, mid-western region(ECHO/NPL/BUD/2005/01005] 628,141 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Caring for the Liberian and Ivorian refugees living in camps in Guinea[ECHO/GIN/BUD/2006/01005] 340,440 Paid Contribution
United Nations Development Programme
Disaster risk reduction at the National level in Nepal - Third DIPECHO action plan [ECHO/DIP/BUD/2005/04005] 322,275 Commitment
Medical Emergency Relief International
Provision of secondary health care to war affected populations of Buchanan and surrounding areas, Grand Bassa County [ECHO/LBR/BUD/2006/01008] 926,657 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian aid for refugees in the United Republic of Tanzania: Global Plan 2006 [ECHO/TZA/BUD/2006/01000 - Unallocated balance] 118,343 Pledge
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian aid addressing vulnerabilities arising from conflict, insecurity and climatic hazards in Uganda [ECHO/UGA/BUD/2006/01000 - uncommitted balance of original pledge of Euro 15 million] 224,853 Pledge
Oxfam GB
Public Health Programme for Sudanese refugees and Host communities, Eastern Chad [ECHO/TCD/BUD/2006/01014] 922,786 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian aid for the most vulnerable populations in Sudan[ECHO/SDN/BUD/2006/01000-uncommitted balance] 3,057,427 Pledge
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection and Assistance for Refugees in Burundi; Repatriation and Rintegration of Burundian Refugees[ECHO/BDI/BUD/2006/01001] 1,106,599 Paid Contribution
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian assistance [Unallocated balance - ECHO/CIV/BUD/2006/01000] 475,993 Pledge
International Rescue Committee
Emergency Winter Support for Vulnerable Returnees - Phase II [ECHO/-AS/BUD/2006/01001] 199,180 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian aid for vulnerable people affected by the Afghan crisis and natural hazard in Pakistan (remaining uncommitted) [ECHO/-AS/BUD/2006/01000] 615,385 Pledge
Action Contre la Faim - France
Reduction of the vulnerability of population living in underserved peri-urban areas of Kabul city [ECHO/-AS/BUD/2006/01008] 1,080,236 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food aid (ECHO/NPL/BUD/2005/01006) 194,101 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Support to humanitarian operations in the WA coastal region - Strengthening the capacity of child protection networks within the countries of the Mano River Union (Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea) and Cte dIvoire to protect children affected by armed conflict [ECHO/-WF/BUD/2006/02002] 409,401 Paid Contribution
French Red Cross
Projet de prise en charge de la malnutrition dans la rgion de Zinder [ECHO/NER/BUD/2006/01004] 376,884 Commitment
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Establishment of an OHCHR monitoring office in Nepal 6,043,257 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Emergency Decision to strengthen the resilience of local populations in Djibouti, to the affects of the drought cycle on human and livestock health [ECHO/-HF/BUD/2006/01000] 1,511,487 Pledge
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Emergency Decision to strengthen the resilience of local populations in Ethiopia, to the affects of the drought cycle on human and livestock health (Uncommitted balance)[ECHO/-HF/BUD/2006/01000] 1,094,503 Pledge
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
Water supply & health support to agropastoralist areas acutely affected by drought, related acute food insecurity, aggravated water shortage & health threats in Makueni district [ECHO/-HF/BUD/2006/01001] 725,514 Commitment
World Food Programme
Purchase and delivery of commodities to Western Saharan refugees in Algeria [ECHO/DZA/BUD/2006/01001] 483,676 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Emergency assistance for Sahrawi refugees in Algeria(ECHO/DZA/BUD/2006/01002) 604,595 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian aid for vulnerable population groups in Zimbabwe [ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2006/01000] (Uncommitted balance) 338,573 Pledge
Dominican Republic, Government of
Core humanitarian [ECHO/DOM/BUD/2006/01000] 302,297 Pledge
Health Programme for War Affected in Northern Uganda (ECHO/UGA/BUD/2006/01001) 1,091,527 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Emergency health and protection programme for Northern Uganda. (ECHO/UGA/BUD/2006/01002) 1,813,610 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Strengthening UNICEF´s capacities to effectively deliver on its Commitments for Children in Emergencies in the area of child protection. Protection to children and women in humanitarian emergencies [ECHO/THM/BUD/2006/04001] 2,132,701 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Strengthening international protection to refugees and other persons of concern to UNHCR through thematic support to the UNHCR [ECHO/THM/BUD/2006/01001] 4,739,336 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Strengthening humanitarian information systems essential to the coordination of humanitarian assistance through thematic support to the UN OCHA (80% of total commitment of Euro 3 million)[ECHO/THM/BUD/2006/02001] {OCT 1347} 3,084,833 Paid Contribution
OIKOS - Intercooperação e Desenvolvimento
Restoring food security and water supply in the municipality of Papel Pampa, Bolivia (ECHO/BOL/BUD/2006/01003) 236,967 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Emergency assistance - EUR 142,857 172,741 Paid Contribution
Oxfam GB
Humanitarian Response to Floods, in the San Julian Municipality, Santa Cruz - Bolivia (ECHO/BOL/BUD/2006/01001) 236,967 Paid Contribution
CARE Netherlands
Emergency assistance - EUR 142,857 172,741 Paid Contribution
Spanish Red Cross
Rehabilitation of the living conditions of the people affected by the floods in the Department of Beni, Bolivia (ECHO/BOL/BUD/2006/01004) 142,180 Paid Contribution
Save the Children
Humanitarian response to the floods in Beni, Pando, Cochabamba, La Paz and Oruro (Bolivia), with a focus on children´s rights (ECHO/BOL/BUD/2006/01005) 236,967 Paid Contribution
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI
To alleviate suffering and facilitate short term recovery of population affected by the floods, landslide in the department of Potosi in Bolivia (ECHO/BOL/BUD/2006/01006) 213,270 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Emergency decision to strengthen the resilience of local populations in Kenya to the affect of the drought cycle on human and livestock health [ECHO/KEN/EDF/2006/01001] 6,344,221 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian aid for vulnerable populations suffering the effects of drought in Mozambique [ECHO/MOZ/EDF/2006/01000-Unallocated balance] 357,993 Pledge
United Nations Children's Fund
Strengthening UNICEF´s and partners´ capacity to prepare for and respond to children´s and women´s needs in emergencies, in line with the Core Commitments for Children (CCCs) - Phase II [ECHO/THM/BUD/2006/03001] 4,976,303 Commitment
World Food Programme
WFP Air Support Service for the West African Region (WFP SO 10061.3)[ECHO/-WF/BUD/2006/02003] 592,417 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food aid (ECHO/-ME/BUD/2005/02005) 1,813,785 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Protecting livelihoods in crisis (ECHO/NPL/BUD/2005/01006) 615,327 Paid Contribution
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
[Zambia] Emergency preparedness for surveillance outbreaks of avian influenza in Zambia 218,750 Paid Contribution
Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale
Integrated relief and rehabilitation intervention in Greater Torit, eastern Equatoria [ECHO/SDN/BUD/2006/01001] 966,921 Commitment
Oxfam GB
Emergency public health and coordination, preparedness and response programme 2006 [ECHO/SDN/BUD/2006/01005] 2,189,349 Commitment
Pharmaciens Sans Frontières Comité International
Pharmaceutical supply, training and technical advise for medical agencies in soutthern Sudan [ECHO/SDN/BUD/2006/01004] 2,047,337 Commitment
Vétérinaires sans Frontières - Belgium
Fod security interventions for vulnerable households including returnees and IDPs through veterinary support and disease prevention [ECHO/SDN/BUD/2006/01006] 1,420,118 Commitment
South Sudan emergency health programmes [ECHO/SDN/BUD/2006/01003] 500,000 Commitment