Grouped view: European Commission 2007



Total funding: US$1,147,313,185
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 50 of 943
Flow ID Sort descending Source Org. Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
International Organization for Migration
Intervention durgence sur les infrastrucutres de base pour faciliter le retour, la rinsertion et la rintgration des IDPs et des ex May May dans le territoire du Nord Est du Katanga [ECHO/COD/EDF/2006/01003] 1,457,673 Commitment
World Health Organization
Improvement of health care provision in the North Caucasus (Part of Euro 3.2 mn funding for four years, 2006 - 2009- remaining balance of Euro 1.28 mn will be recorded in 2008 and 2009) 1,200,000 Paid Contribution
Cordaid International
Aide humanitaire aux populations vulnrables de la Rpublique du Burundi (Bururi, Makamba)- Appui aux structures sanitaires [ECHO/BDI/BUD/2007/01015] 956,284 Commitment
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Primary emergency aid to the victims of the floods in Indonesia [ECHO/IDN/BUD/2007/02002] 142,672 Commitment
CARE Netherlands
PERLU = Protect through Emergency Relief and Live sustaining Undertakings; Primary emergency aid to the victims of the floods in Indonesia [ECHO/IDN/BUD/2007/02003] 259,403 Commitment
Médecins du Monde
Emergency medical relief operation of East and North Jakarta (Indonesia) victim of floods starting on February 2007. [ECHO/IDN/BUD/2007/02001] 246,433 Commitment
World Vision Germany
Primary emergency aid to the victims of the floods in Indonesia [ECHO/IDN/BUD/2007/02000] 194,553 Commitment
Support Expenditure [ECHO/ADM/BUD/2007/01000] 7,198,444 Commitment
Dominican Republic, Government of
Financement du Dispositif de la DG ECHO dans la Carabe (Rpublique Dominicaine) [ECHO/DOM/BUD/2007/01000] 337,224 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection and assistance to Chechen refugees in Georgia [ECHO/-EE/BUD/2007/01006] 1,093,294 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Assistance to returnees, IDPs and women at risk in Afghanistan [ECHO/-AS/BUD/2007/01001] 10,086,455 Commitment
United Nations Development Programme
Disaster preparedness and response capacity building in Afghanistan [ECHO/-AS/BUD/2007/01004] 482,035 Commitment
Norwegian Refugee Council
Integrated shelter assistance to the returnees and vulnerable resident communities in Nangarhar province [ECHO/-AS/BUD/2007/01022] 893,370 Commitment
International Organization for Migration
IOM Support to Camp Management and Return and Reintegration of IDPs in Timor-Leste [ECHO/TMP/BUD/2007/01004] 930,203 Commitment
Spanish Red Cross
Relief operation to the most affected people by the Tropical Cyclone Favio in Inhambane province in Mozambique [ECHO/MOZ/BUD/2007/02002] 860,927 Commitment
Norwegian Red Cross
ERU (Emergency Response Unit) Basic Health Care Clinic, to Vilanculos District Hospital, Mozambique [ECHO/MOZ/BUD/2007/02004] 260,927 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene [ECHO/MOZ/BUD/2007/02001] 300,383 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food assistance for Mozambique cyclone victims [ECHO/MOZ/BUD/2007/02003] 662,252 Paid Contribution
OIKOS - Intercooperação e Desenvolvimento
Distribution of agriculture inputs for the re-establishment of household food production in the Zambezi River flood zone (ECHO/MOZ/BUD/2007/01007) 172,343 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
Protection and water/sanitation activities [ECHO/IRQ/BUD/2007/01001] 11,538,462 Commitment
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Justice, Human Rights, Peace building and Reconciliation 421,053 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food Assistance for Mozambique Flood victims (PRRO 10310.0 Mozambique) [ECHO/MOZ/BUD/2007/01001] 662,252 Paid Contribution
Belgian Red Cross
Emergency relief to flood-affected populations in Mozambique (ECHO/MOZ/BUD/2007/01002) 364,053 Commitment
Oxfam Intermón Spain
Emergency response to the Zambezi floods in Sofala province, Mozambique (ECHO/MOZ/BUD/2007/01003) 397,351 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Response to the Zambezi River Basin Flood Emergency in Mozambique (ECHO/MOZ/BUD/2007/01004) 218,409 Commitment
World Vision UK
Non-food Emergency Response for settlements in Mutarara (ECHO/MOZ/BUD/2007/01005) 263,555 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Christian Aid
Flood relief project, Zambezia, central Mozambique (ECHO/MOZ/BUD/2007/01006) 264,901 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food aid [ECHO/MDG/BUD/2007/01002] 1,066,666 Paid Contribution
Oxfam GB
Humanitarian response to attend population affected by floods in Bolivia [ECHO/BOL/BUD/2007/01002] 437,158 Commitment
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
Agricultural restart with seeds distribution and technical support[ECHO/MDG/BUD/2007/01001] 343,576 Commitment
World Health Organization
Revitalize the system for delivery of primary health care (PHC) services 259,403 Paid Contribution
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Emergency Job Creation: Direct Hire (West Bank)[ECHO/-ME/BUD/2007/01014-80% received] 9,700,434 Paid Contribution
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Emergency Food Assistance (Gaza)[ECHO/-FA/BUD/2007/01031-80% received] 14,111,030 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection and local integration of Colombian refugees and asylum seekers in Ecuador [ECHO/-SM/BUD/2007/01008] 1,283,784 Commitment
UNDG Iraq Trust Fund
Refugees, IDPs and durable solutions 12,184,246 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Urgent humanitarian interventions support project [ECHO/LKA/BUD/2006/01003] 266,667 Paid Contribution
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI
Projet dassistance sanitaire et nutritionnelle auprs des populations rfugies et dplaces victimes des conflits au Darfour et de linscurit dans les zones frontalires tchado-soudanaises et soutien aux structures sanitaires locales [ECHO/TCD/BUD/2007/01001] 1,927,333 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Support to the sustainable reintegration and livelihoods of 58 500 IDPs, returnees and most vulnerable resident households in southern Sudan [ECHO/-FA/BUD/2007/01003] 1,594,350 Paid Contribution
Cordaid International
Soutien urgent l´tat nutritionnel des populations vulnrables de Kibombo, Province du Maniema [ECHO/-FA/BUD/2007/01052] 265,562 Commitment
World Food Programme
Tanzania PRRO 10529.0 - Assistance to Refugees in Camps and Vulnerable Households among the Host Population in Western Tanzania [ECHO/-FA/BUD/2007/01014] 6,720,430 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food support for vulnerable groups [ECHO/-FA/BUD/2007/01018] 10,752,688 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Response to the Cte d,Ivoire Crisis and its Regional Impact in Burkina Faso, Cote d,Ivoire, Ghana and Mali [ECHO/-FA/BUD/2007/01001] 666,666 Paid Contribution
Danish Refugee Council
Ensuring short term food security and restoring the livelihoods of vulnerable communities in Southeast Liberia [ECHO/-FA/BUD/2007/01046] 681,199 Commitment
World Food Programme
Emergency Food Assistance to Vulnerable Households in the North Caucasus [ECHO/-FA/BUD/2007/01034] 1,641,587 Paid Contribution
Save the Children
Emergency Nutrition Program for Children, Centre Nord Region [ECHO/-FA/BUD/2007/01064] 1,054,164 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Emergency Seed Provision to Ensure Staple Crop Production [ECHO/-FA/BUD/2007/01029] 319,793 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency humanitarian assistance for the protection (Mine Risk Education) and education of displaced and conflict-affected children in Chechnya [ECHO/-EE/BUD/2007/01001] 681,836 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Shelter and Protection Programs [ECHO/-EE/BUD/2006/01022] 1,315,789 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection and Assistance to Refugees, Liberian Returnees and Receiving Communities (ECHO/LBR/BUD/2007/01005) 2,649,007 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection of and Assistance to returned IDPs and Receiving Communities 430,981 Paid Contribution