Grouped view: European Commission 2010
Total funding: | US$1,541,527,989 |
Total pledges: | US$432,900,432 |
Flow ID Sort descending | Source Org. | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status |
#117816 |
Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Projet de renforcement structurel et organisationel des APE de la sous-préfecture de Bambari pour améliorer l'accès à l'éducation. Ce projet comprend des formations à la gestion, la mise en place d'AGR, la formation de maîtres parents, la réhabilitation de 10 écoles et l'appui en mobilier et matériel pédagogique de toutes les écoles de la sous-préfecture. | 750,000 | Paid Contribution | ||
#152291 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Public Awareness, Information and Communication actions in the Humanitarian field [ECHO/INF/BUD/2010/01000 - total original funding decision of Euro 1 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations] | 10 | Commitment | ||
#152292 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Sixth Dipecho Action plan for Central Asia [ECHO/DIP/BUD/2010/02000 - unallocated of Euro 7,295,000] | 655,120 | Commitment | ||
#152296 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian assistance for populations in conflict-affected areas affected in Mindanao [ECHO/PHL/BUD/2010/01000 - total original funding decision of Euro 5 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations | 733 | Commitment | ||
#152300 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations affected by the Burma/Myanmar crisis in Burma/Myanmar and Thailand [ECHO/-XA/BUD/2010/01000 - total original funding decision of Euro 9.18 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations] | 6,959 | Commitment | ||
#152301 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian aid for vulnerable people affected by the consequences of the conflicts and natural disasters in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries [ECHO/-AS/BUD/2010/01000 - unallocated of orig Euro 33.25 mn] | 140,018 | Commitment | ||
#152303 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Commission Decision on the approval and financing of a Global Plan for humanitarian Actions in Sudan from the general budget of the European Union [ECHO/SDN/BUD/2010/01000 - total original funding decision of Euro 131 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations] | 4 | Commitment | ||
#152304 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian actions for the most vulnerable populations victims of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Middle-East [ECHO/-ME/BUD/2010/01000 - unallocated of Euro 52 mn] | 184,873 | Commitment | ||
#152305 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Commission Decision on the approval and financing of a Global Plan for humanitarian actions in Colombia and neighbouring countries from the budget of the European Communities [ECHO/-SM/BUD/2010/01000 - total original funding decision of Euro 12 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations] | 502 | Commitment | ||
#152307 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Continuing multi-sectoral humanitarian aid for people affected by the earthquake in Haiti (IP/10/156) [ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02000 - unallocated of Euro 90 mn] | 278,708 | Commitment | ||
#152308 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Commission Decision on the financing of humanitarian Actions in the south-east African and south-west Indian Ocean region (DIPECHO) from the general budget of the European Union (Second DIPECHO Action Plan) [ECHO/DIP/BUD/2010/04000 - total original funding decision of Euro 6 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations | 3,074 | Commitment | ||
#152310 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian aid for refugees in Kenya [ECHO/KEN/BUD/2010/01000 - unallocated balance of total original funding decision of Euro 3 mn] | 40,376 | Commitment | ||
#152323 |
Save the Children
Humanitarian aid in response to the food crisis in the Sahel [ECHO/-WF/EDF/2010/01015] | 1,270,648 | Commitment | ||
#152330 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Commission Decision on the financing of a small scale humanitarian response to disasters from the general budget of the European Union [ECHO/DRF/BUD/2010/03000 - unallocated of Euro 8 mn] | 617,752 | Commitment | ||
#152331 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Commission Decision on the financing of humanitarian actions in the south-east African and south-west Indian Ocean region from the general budget of the European Union [ECHO/-FA/BUD/2010/03000 - total original funding decision of Euro 5 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations | 123 | Commitment | ||
#152332 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian aid to support vulnerable populations in Zimbabwe affected by the breakdown of essential services [ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2010/01000 - unallocated of Euro 15 mn] | 1,001,575 | Commitment | ||
#152333 |
Care Germany
Saa'da emergency: integrated water and sanitation hygiene (WASH) response and INGOF security response [ECHO/YEM/BUD/2010/01001] | 1,507,208 | Commitment | ||
#152334 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Global Plan for humanitarian actions in Somalia [ECHO/SOM/BUD/2010/01000 - unallocated of Euro 35 mn] | 703,828 | Commitment | ||
#152339 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian aid in the framework of the LRRD process in Liberia (ECHO/LBR/EDF/2010/01000 - unallocated balance of total original funding decision of Euro 2.95 mn] | 13,106 | Commitment | ||
#152341 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Emergency response to the deepening food crisis in the Sahel [ECHO/-WF/BUD/2010/02000 - total original funding decision of Euro 10 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations | 2,886 | Commitment | ||
#152344 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Emergency humanitarian assistance to people affected by the cholera outbreak in Southeast Asia [ECHO/-XA/BUD/2010/02000 - total original funding decision of Euro 1 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations] | 1,297 | Commitment | ||
#152347 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Assistance to most vulnerable people in Nepal [ECHO/NPL/BUD/2010/01000 - total original funding decision of Euro 1.5 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations] | 93 | Commitment | ||
#152351 |
Transparency International e.V.
Launching civil society monitoring of corruption risks in humanitarian aid to Haiti [ECHO/-GF/BUD/2009/01019] | 196,592 | Commitment | ||
#152352 |
World Food Programme
Assistance to Vulnerable Populations Affected by Conflict, Natural Disasters and High Food Prices in Nepal (PRRO 106760)[ECHO/NPL/BUD/2009/01010] | 1,143,583 | Paid Contribution | ||
#152358 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Tackling child malnutrition and deaths through expansion of community-based management of severe acute malnutrition using the community-based therapeutic care approach in Nigeria [ECHO/-WF/EDF/2010/01016] | 1,360,544 | Paid Contribution | ||
#152359 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRC economic security activities in Yemen [ECHO/YEM/BUD/2010/01002] | 2,721,088 | Commitment | ||
#152360 |
Médecins du Monde
Medical support to the northern conflict-affected population, Yemen. [ECHO/YEM/BUD/2010/01003] | 680,272 | Commitment | ||
#152361 |
Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Emergency support to the conflict affected population of the North of Yemen [ECHO/YEM/BUD/2010/01005] | 816,327 | Commitment | ||
#152362 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Awaiting allocation to specific project/sector [ECHO/YEM/BUD/2010/01006] | 3,314,439 | Paid Contribution | ||
#152367 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian emergency assistance for the victims of hydro-meteorological disasters in South East Asia [ECHO/-AS/BUD/2010/02000 - total original funding decision of Euro 7 mn - fully allocated to specific organizations] | 5,950 | Commitment | ||
#152368 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Réponse aux inondations au Bénin [ECHO/BEN/EDF/2010/01000 - unallocated of Euro 1.55 mn] | 229,166 | Commitment | ||
#152373 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Commission decision on the financing of humanitarian actions in the Pacific region from the general budget of the European Union [ECHO/-PA/BUD/2010/01000 - total original funding decision of Euro 2 mn - fully allocated to specific organizatons] | 1,413 | Commitment | ||
#64696 |
Vétérinaires sans Frontières - Belgium
Improved Community Response to Drought II (ICRDII) [ECHO/-HF/BUD/2009/01003 - additional for 2010] | 335,215 | Commitment | ||
#65200 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Funds originally committed in 2009 and redirected to earthquake response - Global Plan to bring relief and humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable populations in Haiti [ECHO/HTI/BUD/2009/01000 - unallocated of Euro 7 mn] | 509,078 | Commitment | ||
#65217 |
International Rescue Committee
Emergency Cholera Response and Primary Health Care support [ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2009/01015] | 712,203 | Commitment | ||
#66822 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Voluntary Repatriation of Congolese Refugees in Zambia [ECHO/ZMB/EDF/2009/01003] | 258,940 | Commitment | ||
#67423 |
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
An Integrated Approach to Reduce Levels of Malnutrition in Urban Areas of Masvingo District (ECHO/ZWE/BUD/2009/02010) | 851,552 | Commitment | ||
#67424 |
Secours Islamique France
Soutien d’urgence en faveur des populations vulnérables du Sud Madagascar, souffrant des effets de la sécheresse [ECHO/MDG/EDF/2009/01005] | 371,934 | Commitment | ||
#68018 |
Save the Children
Improving income and food security through cash transfers and contributing to active learning on cash transfer programming and safety nets in Southern Sudan [ECHO/SDN/BUD/2009/01025] | 1,179,530 | Commitment | ||
#68804 |
Médecins Sans Frontières - Netherlands
PNG Cholera Emergency Response [ECHO/PNG/EDF/2009/01003] | 231,092 | Commitment | ||
#69263 |
United Nations Department of Safety and Security
Safety and security to Humanitarian Community in Southern Sudan (ECHO/SDN/BUD/2009/01057) | 1,195,300 | Commitment | ||
#69924 |
World Food Programme
Rehabilitation and construction of warehousing in Rabouni and at health clinic level [ECHO/DZA/BUD/2009/02001] | 1,326,531 | Commitment | ||
#69925 |
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian assistance for the victims of the conflict in Chhattisgarh [ECHO/IND/BUD/2010/01000 - unallocated balance of total original funding decision of Euro 1.4 mn] | 72,978 | Commitment | ||
#70078 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Support to mitigate the negative effects of high food prices (EU Food Facility 2009/213-679) | 5,500,000 | Paid Contribution | ||
#70209 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Shelter Assistance for IDPs and returnees [ECHO/LKA/BUD/2009/04011] | 530,504 | Commitment | ||
#70303 |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Pro-Rep-Shel with SRL (Protection, Repatriation Preparedness and Shelter Improvement) with Sri Lankan Refugees living in Tamil Nadu Camps and Returnee Assistance in Sri Lanka (ECHO/LKA/BUD/2009/03004) | 639,601 | Commitment | ||
#70352 |
Médecins du Monde
Funds originally committed in 2009 and redirected to earthquake response - Programme multisectoriel pour la rduction de la mortalit maternelle et infanto-juvnile (enfants de moins de 5 ans) dans le dpartement de la Grande Anse (ECHO/HTI/BUD/2009/01001) | 872,093 | Paid Contribution | ||
#70353 |
Cooperazione E Sviluppo - CESVI
Funds originally committed in 2009 and redirected to earthquake response - Projet humanitaire damlioration de la situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle des enfants de 0 5 et des femmes enceintes et allaitantes dans le dpartement Sud Hati(ECHO/HTI/BUD/2009/01002) | 631,208 | Paid Contribution | ||
#70354 |
World Food Programme
Funds originally committed in 2009 and redirected to earthquake response - Logistics support to emergency preparedness operations in Haiti (ECHO/HTI/BUD/2009/01003) | 218,023 | Paid Contribution | ||
#70355 |
Terre des Hommes International
Funds originally committed in 2009 and redirected to earthquake response - Projet humanitaire damlioration de la situation nutritionnelle des enfants de 0 5 et des femmes enceintes et allaitantes dans le dpartement Sud Hati (ECHO/HTI/BUD/2009/01004) | 1,039,608 | Paid Contribution |