Grouped view: European Commission 2011



Total funding: US$1,573,837,646
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 50 of 1008
Flow ID Sort descending Source Org. Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
CHOLERA RESPONSE / Emergency humanitarian assistance in response to the cholera epidemic in Haiti [ECHO/HTI/BUD/2010/02000 - unallocated balance of total original funding decision of Euro 10 mn] 1,196,730 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Commission Decision on the financing of Actions for 'DG ECHO's Programme for Enhanced Response Capacity' [ECHO/ERC/BUD/2011/01000 - unallocated balance of total original funding decision of Euro 24.117 mn] 192,413 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian assistance [ECHO/COD/BUD/2011/91000 - unallocated balance of total original funding decision of Euro 40 mn] 168,318 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) for COLOMBIA [ECHO/COL/BUD/2011/91000 - unallocated balance of total original funding decision of Euro 12 mn] 28,563 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian Implementation Plan for HAITI [ECHO/HTI/BUD/2011/91000 - unallocated balance of total original funding decision of Euro 36 mn] 157,536 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Policy Support to improve the quality and effectiveness of humanitarian aid [ECHO/POS/BUD/2011/01000 - unallocated of Euro 2 mn] 1,918,313 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
Humanitarian implementation plan. Epidemics [ECHO/DRF/BUD/2011/93000 - unallocated balance of total original funding decision of Euro 6.5 mn] 93,333 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
(Regional) Humanitarian Implementation Plan for the Libyan Crisis [ECHO/-NF/BUD/2011/91000 - unallocated balance of total original funding decision of Euro 20 mn] 2,037,044 Commitment
National NGOs (Confidential) | Red Cross Organizations | UN Agencies (Confidential)
To provide emergency humanitarian aid to the victims of typhoons and other hydro-meteorological disasters (ECHO/-AS/BUD/2011/01000 - total original funding decision of Euro 4,000,000 - fully allocated to specific organizations, however OCHA funds of Euro 400,000 was underspent by Euro 50,000) 68,212 Commitment
World Food Programme
Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 10666 - Protecting and Rebuilding Livelihoods in the Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (PRRO 106660) 6,970,849 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
“Assistance to CAR refugees and Host Population in Chad” (part of ECHO/TCD/BUD/2010/01019) 3,401,361 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Humanitarian Assistance to IDPs and Conflict-Affected Persons in Northern Yemen [ECHO/YEM/BUD/2010/01007] 2,987,631 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Assistance to Central African refugees (part of ECHO/TCD/BUD/2010/01019) 2,721,088 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
(Sierra Leone) Scaling Up of the Community- based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) and Access to Free Health Care (FHC) for Children under 5 years and Pregnant and lactating Mothers in Sierra Leone [ECHO/SLE/EDF/2010/01001] (part of contribution received outside this appeal) 5,919,579 Commitment
Médecins du Monde Belgium
Réponse à l'épidémie de choléra dans le département des Nippes (ECHO/HTI/BUD/2010/02001) 916,230 Commitment
Medical Emergency Relief International
Integrated Cholera Response (ECHO/HTI/BUD/2010/02002) 1,545,944 Commitment
Actions Médicales Internationale
Réponse Urgence Choléra Haïti (ECHO/HTI/BUD/2010/02003) 654,450 Commitment
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI
CHOLERA RESPONSE (ECHO/HTI/BUD/2010/02004) 559,948 Commitment
Terre des Hommes International
Réponse urgente à la crise de choléra en Haïti dans les départements de l'Ouest et du Sud (ECHO/HTI/BUD/2010/02005) 411,624 Commitment
CARE France
Emergency cholera awareness, prevention and response initiatives in the Upper Artibonite and Northwest departments of Haiti (ECHO/HTI/BUD/2010/02006) 1,000,094 Commitment
Emergency Cholera Response: GOAL emergency WASH intensification project in response to the threat of a cholera epidemic (ECHO/HTI/BUD/2010/02007) 1,225,870 Commitment
Solidarités International
Provision of safe water, appropriate sanitation and hygiene promotion to vulnerable groups in Cadaado, Bardera and Afmadow districts in south central Somalia (part of ECHO/SOM/BUD/2010/01013) 957,984 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Humanitarian response for treatment and prevention of severe and moderate acute malnutrition (ECHO/SOM/BUD/2010/01015) 3,942,180 Commitment
World Food Programme
Relief food assistance to people directly armed conflicts, displacement and food insecurity (PRRO 200050) (ECHO/-CF/EDF/2010/01012) 979,143 Paid Contribution
World Health Organization
Implementation of Supplemental Immunisation Activities in response to the Polio outbreak in Republic of Congo (ECHO/COG/BUD/2010/01001) 525,624 Paid Contribution
Oxfam GB
CHOLERA RESPONSE (part of ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02029) 1,500,000 Commitment
Oxfam GB
Response to Cholera Outbreak in Haiti (part of ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02029) 2,250,000 Commitment
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
CHOLERA RESPONSE / Emergency response to cholera outbreak in Artibonite, Nord Ouest and Ouest departments, Haiti (ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02034) 992,147 Commitment
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
CHOLERA RESPONSE / Emergency WASH Intervention in response and prevention to cholera outbreaks (ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02036) 838,258 Commitment
Médecins du Monde
CHOLERA RESPONSE / Reponse Epidemie de Cholera Departements de L’ouest et de la Grande Anse (ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02037) 1,897,906 Commitment
Solidarités International
CHOLERA RESPONSE / Emergency response to the cholera outbreak in the metropolitan area of Port au Prince (ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02038) 2,645,376 Commitment
World Health Organization
CHOLERA RESPONSE / Implementation of the National Cholera Response Plan (ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02039) 1,897,906 Commitment
French Red Cross
Projet de réponse à l'Urgence Choléra en Haïti (ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02040) 1,883,581 Commitment
German Red Cross
Response to the Cholera Epidemic in the Department of Grand Anse Haiti (ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02041) 921,208 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
CHOLERA RESPONSE / Concern Haiti Cholera Response Project (ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02042) 875,327 Commitment
Oxfam GB
Coordination and Representation of International NGOs working in Haïti (ECHO/-CR/BUD/2010/02046) 295,664 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Post hurricane Tomas emergency agriculture based livelihood assistance in Saint Lucia [ECHO/LCA/EDF/2011/01001] (OSRO/STL/101/EC) 591,327 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food Assistance to Bhutanese Refugees [ECHO/NPL/BUD/2011/91001] 1,777,778 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food assistance and early recovery for the population affected by the flood in Sri Lanka [ECHO/LKA/BUD/2011/01005] 739,911 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally-Displaced People (IDP), Returnee IDP and Affected Host Populations in eastern Chad (part of ECHO/TCD/BUD/2010/01019) 2,721,089 Paid Contribution
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Emergency response preparedness for, and response to small-scale disasters globally [ECHO/DRF/BUD/2011/91001] 3,942,181 Commitment
DAC Aviation International
To provide humanitarian air transport capacity to agencies implementing humanitarian and development projects in the DRC and in Kenya, and possibly other regions depending on humanit. needs, incl. security and medical evacuation missions [ECHO/FLI/BUD/2011/91001] 14,084,507 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection assistance to Afghan refugees in Islamic Republic of Iran [ECHO/-AS/BUD/2011/91003] 2,849,003 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection - Facilitation of voluntary repatriation of Afghans from Pakistan [ECHO/-AS/BUD/2011/91004] 1,068,376 Commitment
World Food Programme
Supplementary nutritional support to malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women (PRRO 200050) ]part of ECHO/-CF/EDF/2010/01012 179,251 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Emergency school feeding for children in the food insecure area affected by the armed conflicts in CAR (PRRO 200050) [part of ECHO/-CF/EDF/2010/01012] 89,228 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Protect and rebuild their livelihoods of conflict affected vulnerable people (PRRO 200050) (ECHO/-CF/EDF/2010/01012) 303,528 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(Region) Emergency humanitarian assistance for the affected population by the Libyan unrest - air evacuation [part of ECHO/-NF/BUD/2011/01006] 6,614,011 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(Region) Multi-sectoral assistance to refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable host population in Libya [part of ECHO/-NF/BUD/2011/01006] 1,980,962 Paid Contribution
Aviation Sans Frontieres Belgium
Renforcement des capacités aériennes humanitaires et élargissement des zones d'interventions en République du Tchad. [ECHO/TCD/BUD/2011/91002] 1,045,539 Commitment