Grouped view: European Commission 2013



Total funding: US$1,854,613,494
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 50 of 1142
Flow ID Sort descending Source Org. Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
International Organization for Migration
Provision of Emergency WASH assistance for population affected by conflict and natural disasters in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Warrap and Upper Nile states (part of ECHO/-AF/BUD/2012/91043) 800,000 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
(Rakhine) Emergency food assistance to the affected population in Rakhine State (ECHO/-XA/BUD/2012/91001) 1,984,284 Commitment
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Treatment of SAM under 5 and PLW in Benadir and Bakool (part of ECHO/-HF/EDF/2012/01006) 1,150,000 Paid Contribution
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
(Typhoon Bopha) Humanitarian assistance to populations affected by Typhoon Bopha in the Philippines (ECHO/PHL/BUD/2012/02001) 1,363,636 Commitment
Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain
(Typhoon Bopha) Emergency assistance to the affected vulnerable population by the typhoon Bopha/Pablo, PHILIPPINES (ECHO/PHL/BUD/2012/02003) 2,337,662 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Typhoon Bopha: Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in the Typhoon Bopha affected areas (part of ECHO/PHL/BUD/2012/02002 - equiv to 80% of Euro 150,000) [OCT 4036] 159,151 Paid Contribution
World Health Organization
(Syria) Strengthen trauma and referral management (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91018) 3,640,321 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
(Jordan) Humanitarian Interventions to address Reproductive Health rights and prevent and respond to Gender-Based Violence, among Syrian refugees in Jordan (ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91020) 1,315,417 Paid Contribution
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
IGA, destocking and information management activities in Jamam and Gendrassa refugee camp, Maba county, Upper Nile (part of ECHO/-AF/BUD/2012/91047) 447,282 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(Iraq) Humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91012) 3,267,958 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(Lebanon) Humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91012) 14,205,181 Commitment
Norwegian Refugee Council
Emergency Response And Access Mechanism for Afghan Populations - shelter (part of ECHO/-AS/BUD/2012/91007) 1,250,000 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(Jordan) Humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees 7,089,273 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(Turkey) Humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees 5,574,765 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(Syria) Awaiting allocation to specific projects (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91012) 5,627,812 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Multi-sector assistance for Afghan refugees 666,667 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food Assistance to Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal (ECHO/NPL/BUD/2013/91001) 1,287,001 Commitment
Oxfam Novib Netherlands
Nigeria 2012 Flood-Emergency WASH Response (ECHO/NGA/BUD/2012/01001) 663,130 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Support to HCR activities in DRC 2013 (ECHO/COD/BUD/2012/91000) (Refugees) 518,135 Paid Contribution
World Health Organization
Cholera Outbreak Preparedness and Response Sierra Leone (ECHO/DRF/BUD/2012/93015) 267,574 Commitment
International Organization for Migration
Support and Assistance for Sustainable Return and Relocation of IDPs within the Framework of Camp Coordination / Camp Management (CCCM), especially for the most vulnerable IDPs (part of ECHO/HTI/BUD/2012/91021) 7,957,560 Paid Contribution
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Flight Operations for Humanitarian Assistance in Afghanistan (FLOFA 12) (ECHO/-AS/BUD/2013/91001) 2,386,703 Commitment
Médecins Sans Frontières - Netherlands
Kutupalong Refugee Health (ECHO/BGD/BUD/2013/91001) 1,193,634 Commitment
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
A Complimentary Emergency Response to Acute Food/ Nutritional Insecurity in Nsanje and Chikhwawa districts (ECHO/-SF/EDF/2012/02002; 444,297 Commitment
World Vision UK
Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition for the most vulnerable children Under 5 in the Republic of Angola (ECHO/-SF/EDF/2012/02001) 2,652,487 Commitment
Enabling Effective Security Management and Emergency Preparedness for Humanitarian Agencies in Kenya (ECHO/-HF/BUD/2013/91001) 564,381 Commitment
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
(Jordan) Providing life-saving support to most vulnerable displaced Syrians and host communities - water and sanitation (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91003) 542,741 Commitment
Médecins Sans Frontières - Netherlands
Chhattisgarh Conflict Intervention (ECHO/IND/BUD/2013/91001) 542,741 Commitment
Save the Children
Emergency Assistance to communities affected by a Measles Outbreak in Pakistan (ECHO/DRF/BUD/2012/93016) 1,356,852 Commitment
World Food Programme
Assistance to Food Insecure People Suffering from the Effects of Natural Disasters (ECHO/-SF/EDF/2012/02005) 4,860,743 Commitment
Mercy Corps Europe
(Jordan) Increased Winter Preparedness and Improved Hygiene for Syrian Rrefugees in Northern Jordan (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91022) 916,230 Commitment
Norwegian Refugee Council
(Lebanon) Continued support to people escaping the armed conflict in Syrian and seeking refuge in Neighboring countries (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91021) 5,104,712 Paid Contribution
Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.
(Syria) Emergency response to the conflict in Syria (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91013) 271,370 Commitment
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Emergency response preparedness for, and response to small-scale disasters globally (ECHO/DRF/BUD/2013/91001) 4,070,556 Commitment
World Food Programme
Responding to Humanitarian Needs and Strengthening Resilience to Food Insecurity (ECHO/-SF/EDF/2012/02003) 4,062,415 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Tracking Population Displacement and Return Movements in Mali (part of ECHO/-WF/BUD/2012/91063) 939,484 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
(Syria) Emergency Food Assistance to People Affected by Unrest in Syria (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91001) 20,340,570 Commitment
World Food Programme
(Iraq) Emergency Food Assistance to People Affected by Unrest in Syria (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91001) 1,356,852 Commitment
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
(Region) Emergency support to populations affected by the crisis in Syria (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91006) 3,392,130 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
(Lebanon) Emergency shelter assistance to conflict and displacement affected population in Syria and neighbouring countries (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2012/91002) 5,695,464 Paid Contribution
Médecins Sans Frontières
Primary and Secondary Basic Health Care for vulnerable populations in the South East of Central African Republic (121031) (ECHO/CAF/BUD/2012/91013) 624,142 Commitment
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(Jordan) Revised Syria Regional Response Plan - to cover education activities; Sustaining Quality Education and Promoting Skills Development Opportunities for Young Syrian Refugees in Jordan 1,428,883 Paid Contribution
War Child Holland
(Lebanon) Revised Syria Regional Response Plan 1,023,974 Paid Contribution
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
(Jordan) Emergency Assistance to Syrian conflict-affected and displaced populations and Support to Humanitarian Coordination (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2013/91001) 1,357,259 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Improving the Nutrition Situation of the Most Vulnerable Children in Angola (ECHO/-SF/EDF/2012/02004) 2,713,738 Commitment
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
(Iraq) Humanitarian assistance to Syria Crisis (part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2013/91001) 400,000 Commitment
French Red Cross
Partenariat pour la Transition - Amélioration de l'accès à un soutien psychosocial de qualité pour les populations affectées par la crise en Côte d'Ivoire (ECHO/CIV/EDF/2012/01008) 1,153,324 Commitment
International Organization for Migration
Orderly Return and Pilot Reintegration Assistance to Burundian Former Refugees From Tanzania to Burundi (ECHO/-CF/BUD/2012/91005) 1,628,223 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Partnership for Transition: Restoration of social cohesion and protection of the population living in areas highly affected by the Ivorian conflict (ECHO/CIV/EDF/2012/01009) 1,153,324 Commitment
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V
Support to displaced families affected by the earthquake, department ouest, Haiti (part of ECHO/HTI/BUD/2012/91007) 678,426 Commitment

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