Grouped view: European Commission 2022
Total funding: | US$3,007,407,004 |
Total pledges: | US$5,166,117 |
Flow ID Sort descending | Source Org. | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status |
#190969 |
World Food Programme
WFP Assistance to Refugees from Western Sahara in Algeria (part of ECHO/-NF/BUD/2019/91006) | 5,913,580 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#191959 |
World Food Programme
Strengthening the capacities of the national scheme for emergency preparedness and response in risk areas in Burkina Faso (part of ECHO/-WF/BUD/2019/91030) |
1,672,241 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#193041 |
Save the Children
Provision of safe, inclusive and quality education to conflict affected and other vulnerable boys and girls in Central Darfur, West Darfur and South Kordofan | 1,112,347 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#199026 |
World Vision Germany
EC Beef Enterprise Strengthening and Transformation (BEST) Project | 3,574,688 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | ||
#205250 |
World Food Programme
Provision of Humanitarian Air Service in Support of DG ECHO-funded and other humanitarian aid projects in DRC, Kenya and Mali - with the possibility to cover other countries through special flights during the lifespan of the Action. | 16,407,982 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#207304 |
Plan International
Enabling resilience and disaster preparedness to natural hazards and social violence for high-risk communities in Nicaragua and El Salvador (ECHO/-AM/BUD/2020/91007) |
1,527,149 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#207326 | ****** | 5,646,036 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |||
#208560 |
CARE Austria
Strengthening Mozambique's Preparedness for Natural Disasters through investments and capacity building at community and national level | 1,419,214 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#211812 |
International Organization for Migration
Social cohesion and conflict prevention promoted between host communities and migrants/refugees | 28,483 | Paid Contribution | ||
#211884 |
International Organization for Migration
Better understanding of migration, inclusion of migration and asylum-related challenges and opportunities in urban strategies and planning, strengthening of local response capacities and knowledge sharing | 84,758 | Paid Contribution | ||
#211917 |
International Organization for Migration
Design and implement awareness campaigns and sociocultural activities | 51,589 | Paid Contribution | ||
#211957 |
International Organization for Migration
Support to social media to promote integration, cultural activities in recovery of public spaces | 30,056 | Paid Contribution | ||
#211964 |
International Organization for Migration
Promotion of integration between communities, strengthen anti-xenophobia campaign | 30,753 | Paid Contribution | ||
#213160 |
World Health Organization
#213886 |
World Food Programme
WFP Assistance to Refugees from Western Sahara in Algeria (part of ECHO/-NF/BUD/2019/91006) | 112,740 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#214651 |
Concern Worldwide
Enhanced Responses to Nutrition Emergencies (ERNE) |
Coordination and support services | Food Security | Nutrition | Other
140,065 | Commitment | |
#214652 |
Concern Worldwide
Enhanced Responses to Nutrition Emergencies (ERNE) | 117,212 | Commitment | ||
#214653 |
Concern Worldwide
Enhanced Responses to Nutrition Emergencies (ERNE) | 1,312,362 | Commitment | ||
#214724 |
Terre des Hommes - Lausanne
Amélioration de la préparation et des capacités de réponse aux risques de catastrophes dans les régions du Nord, l'’Est et de la Boucle du Mouhoun (part of ECHO/-WF/BUD/2020/91023) | 747,014 | Paid Contribution | ||
#214802 |
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Coordinated Action for Multi-Sector Programming in Camp and Out-of-Camp Settings | 45,218 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#215128 |
Save the Children
Réponse Intégrée Rapide et Continue en Education, Protection de l’enfant et Santé Mentale et Soutien Psychosocial des enfants en situation d'urgence au Sahel | 2 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#217835 |
Multi-sector lifesaving response for the conflict-affected population of Kutum and Al Waha localities in North Darfur, and Talodi and Habila localities in South Kordofan (part of ECHO/-AF/BUD/2020/91027) |
Food Security | Health | Nutrition | Other
4,605,418 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#217836 |
Multi-sector lifesaving response for the conflict-affected population of Kutum and Al Waha localities in North Darfur, and Talodi and Habila localities in South Kordofan (part of ECHO/-AF/BUD/2020/91027) |
Food Security | Health | Nutrition | Other
106,007 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#217837 |
World Vision International
Multi-sectoral Emergency lifesaving response through integrated health, wash, protection and livelihoods support for IDPs, refugees and host communities in South Darfur (MERIT-SD) | 86,057 | Commitment | ||
#224609 |
Advocacy, research and capacity building to women, girls and women's rights organizations to prevent SGBV | 477,897 | Commitment | ||
#225227 |
Concern Worldwide
Renouveler le contrat social entre l’Etat et la population en favorisant les dynamiques de consolidation de la paix en République Centrafricaine (RCA). EUR1,127,603 in 2020, EUR1,127,603 in 2021, EUR563,802 in 2022 | 1,044,115 | Paid Contribution | ||
#225687 |
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Leaving No One Behind – Supporting protection services for most vulnerable refugees through the Local Initiative Fund in Turkey (LIFT 2.0) (ECHO/TUR/BUD/2020/91010) | 4,700,353 | Commitment | ||
#225942 |
United Nations Children's Fund
CCTE (Conditional Cash Transfer for Education)" - Increased access to education and protection for vulnerable refugee children and families in Turkey (2022 - Education portion) | 42,081,289 | Commitment | ||
#226262 | -,Action A: Man made crisis and natural disasters,Action C: DIPECHO (ECHO/-HF/BUD/2021/91000) COVID-19 Assistance | 668,203 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |||
#226278 | -,Action A: Man made crisis and natural disasters COVID-19 ASSISTANCE (ECHO/SYR/BUD/2021/91000) | 2,413,381 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |||
#226279 | -,Action A: Man made crisis and natural disasters (ECHO/SYR/BUD/2021/91000) | 2,053,415 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |||
#227119 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Integrated humanitarian assistance to conflict and climate induced-affected IDPs in Somali, Oromia/SNNPR, Tigray and Afar regions; and refugees and vulnerable host communities in Gambella and Shire, Ethiopia (ECHO/-HF/BUD/2020/91022) | 4,402,823 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#228553 |
Spanish Red Cross
Mitigating the Impact of Hurricanes Eta and Iota on the Health of the Most Vulnerable Families in Alta Verapaz and Izabal, Guatemala | 856,793 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#228775 | -,Action B: Emergency Toolbox (ECHO/DRF/BUD/2021/91000) | 613,242 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |||
#229412 |
CARE France
Cuenca Resiliente: a multi-hazard, inclusive Early Warning System in the basin of Cuyaguateje river, favouring disaster preparedness in Cuba (ECHO/-AM/BUD/2021/91006) |
418,160 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#229738 |
Save the Children
From Mexico's Borders to Central America's Transit Routes: Strengthening Protection and Aid for Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Migrants through integrated response, education in emergencies and Streamlined Coordination |
Protection | Health | Other
703,400 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#229741 | -,Action B: Emergency Toolbox (ECHO/DRF/BUD/2021/91000) | 597,372 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |||
#230194 |
EMERGENCY - Life Support for Civilian War Victims ONG Onlus
Provision of lifesaving qualified health care in response to the humanitarian protracted crisis in Afghanistan | 732 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#230680 |
Luxembourg Red Cross
Contribuer à l’'amélioration des conditions de vie et au respect de la dignité des populations vulnérables affectées par les conflits armés dans la province du Lac Tchad (ECHO/-AF/BUD/2021/92001) | 679,953 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#231105 |
Save the Children
Child education and protection in Venezuela during times of crises. |
Protection | Coordination and support services | Education | Other
2,173,913 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#231109 |
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Central America Multi-Hazard Early Warning (CAMHEW); Information Management, Community Empowerment and CVA Preparedness | 1,055,100 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#233598 |
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
The overall objective of the action is to reduce vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees and address the impact on host communities in order to design stable and durable solutions with medium and long-term vision. The project´s specific objectives are: (1) Strengthened host communities’ acceptance and improve economic and social inclusion for vulnerable refugee and migrant populations in transition and host communities, considering also, cahs based initiatives to target population and technical support to local authorities and CSO’s to address urban and socio-economic impact due to COVID 19 in their communities and its effect on refugees and migrants in the short and medium term. (2) Refugee and migrant populations are better protected and have improved access to documentation, orientation, and basic rights. The project has action in the following city in Perú: Lima. | 313,648 | Commitment | ||
#233606 |
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
"The overall objective of the action is to reduce vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees and address the impact on host communities in order to design stable and durable solutions with medium and long-term vision. The project´s specific objectives are: (1) Strengthened host communities’ acceptance and improve economic and social inclusion for vulnerable refugee and migrant populations in transition and host communities, considering also, cahs based initiatives to target population and technical support to local authorities and CSO’s to address urban and socio-economic impact due to COVID 19 in their communities and its effect on refugees and migrants in the short and medium term. (2) Refugee and migrant populations are better protected and have improved access to documentation, orientation, and basic rights. The project has action in the following city in Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo" | 269,752 | Commitment | ||
#233609 |
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
"The overall objective of the action is to reduce vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees and address the impact on host communities in order to design stable and durable solutions with medium and long-term vision. The project´s specific objectives are: (1) Strengthened host communities’ acceptance and improve economic and social inclusion for vulnerable refugee and migrant populations in transition and host communities, considering also, cahs based initiatives to target population and technical support to local authorities and CSO’s to address urban and socio-economic impact due to COVID 19 in their communities and its effect on refugees and migrants in the short and medium term. (2) Refugee and migrant populations are better protected and have improved access to documentation, orientation, and basic rights. The project has action in the following cities of Colombia: Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Cúcuta, and Villa del Rosario." | 826,742 | Commitment | ||
#233613 |
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
"The overall objective of the action is to reduce vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees and address the impact on host communities in order to design stable and durable solutions with medium and long-term vision. The project´s specific objectives are: (1) Strengthened host communities’ acceptance and improve economic and social inclusion for vulnerable refugee and migrant populations in transition and host communities, considering also, cahs based initiatives to target population and technical support to local authorities and CSO’s to address urban and socio-economic impact due to COVID 19 in their communities and its effect on refugees and migrants in the short and medium term. (2) Refugee and migrant populations are better protected and have improved access to documentation, orientation, and basic rights. The project has action in the following city in Ecuador: Quito and Manta." | 569,803 | Commitment | ||
#233616 |
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
"The overall objective of the action is to reduce vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees and address the impact on host communities in order to design stable and durable solutions with medium and long-term vision. The project´s specific objectives are: (1) Strengthened host communities’ acceptance and improve economic and social inclusion for vulnerable refugee and migrant populations in transition and host communities, considering also, cahs based initiatives to target population and technical support to local authorities and CSO’s to address urban and socio-economic impact due to COVID 19 in their communities and its effect on refugees and migrants in the short and medium term. (2) Refugee and migrant populations are better protected and have improved access to documentation, orientation, and basic rights. The project has action in the following cities of Panamá: Panamá City." | 307,364 | Commitment | ||
#233619 |
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
"The overall objective of the action is to reduce vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees and address the impact on host communities in order to design stable and durable solutions with medium and long-term vision. The project´s specific objectives are: (1) Strengthened host communities’ acceptance and improve economic and social inclusion for vulnerable refugee and migrant populations in transition and host communities, considering also, cahs based initiatives to target population and technical support to local authorities and CSO’s to address urban and socio-economic impact due to COVID 19 in their communities and its effect on refugees and migrants in the short and medium term. (2) Refugee and migrant populations are better protected and have improved access to documentation, orientation, and basic rights. The project has action in the following cities of Trrinidad and Tobago: Chaguanas." "The overall objective of the action is to reduce vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees and address the impact on host communities in order to design stable and durable solutions with medium and long-term vision. The project´s specific objectives are: (1) Strengthened host communities’ acceptance and improve economic and social inclusion for vulnerable refugee and migrant populations in transition and host communities, considering also, cahs based initiatives to target population and technical support to local authorities and CSO’s to address urban and socio-economic impact due to COVID 19 in their communities and its effect on refugees and migrants in the short and medium term. (2) Refugee and migrant populations are better protected and have improved access to documentation, orientation, and basic rights. The project has action in the following cities of Trrinidad and Tobago: Chaguanas." | 291,436 | Commitment | ||
#233749 |
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI
NGO Coalition - Supporting the rollout of Malawi's COVID-19 national vaccination campaign (ECHO/DRF/BUD/2021/91016) | 914,634 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#233807 |
International NGO Safety Organisation
INSO HoA 2021 | 363,196 | Commitment | ||
#233841 |
Terre des Hommes International
Enhanced child protection prevention and response for the most vulnerable children in Dadaab refugee camps (ECHO/-HF/BUD/2021/91018) | 847,458 (shared on boundary) | Commitment |