Grouped view: Italy, Government of 2024
Total funding: | US$178,588,938 |
Total pledges: | US$0 |
Flow ID Sort descending | Source Org. | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status |
#276207 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security Support the economic and social development of the people of Battir Area by promoting agro-cultural tourism and enhancing agro-ecological production. By the end of the project period, the cultural landscape in the UNESCO World Heritage Property in Battir as well as the surrounding villages will be further safeguarded, especially their agricultural terraces and water resources to attract visitors and tourists in a sustainable manner and to increase the production of crop/vegetable varieties and brand them to benefit the local community. | 421,813 | Commitment | ||
#276833 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security improved adoption of AMR mitigation measures, increased livestock productivity and recycling of energy from animal waste. | 1,893,900 | Commitment | ||
#276834 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security improved adoption of AMR mitigation measures, increased livestock productivity and recycling of energy from animal waste. | 1,102,100 | Commitment | ||
#278783 |
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
Comitato Internationale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli
Contribute to improve the living conditions and access to basic services like Food Security, Access to Water, Sanitation and Protection for the most vulnerable IDPs and the host community in the Somali Region WASH, Agriculture & Food security | 488,243 | Paid Contribution | |
#278799 |
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
Comitato Internationale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli
The project aimed at to support drough affected communities of Borena in the sectors of WASH, MPCT and Livelihood WASH, MPCT and Agriculture and Food security | 865,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#282969 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
Multilateral contribution to the affected population | 1,887,810 | Commitment | ||
#282971 |
World Food Programme
Multilateral contribution to the affected population | 272,926 | Commitment | ||
#283071 |
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Contribution to the Ukraine Crisis Response Special Fund of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | 3,639,010 | Commitment | ||
#285694 |
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Multi-Sector Humanitarian support in response to the pediatric and nutritional care needs of the population of Bangui and BĂ©goua ----- AICS | 217,562 | Commitment | ||
#286354 |
Armadilla societĂ cooperativa sociale Onlus
Covid response - prevention measures including awareness raising in health sector. | 254,565 | Paid Contribution | ||
#286918 |
Terre des Hommes - Italy
Emergency intervention and early recovery in the sectors of protection, food security and livelihoods, health and education to strengthen the resilience capacity of the vulnerable population. | 94,371 | Paid Contribution | ||
#288864 |
Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining
Annual support to Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining for advocacy activities and mine action policies | 563,481 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#288865 |
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
Humanitarian Protection programme in favor of refugees and hosting communities in Jordan | 4,405,286 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#289077 |
Italy, Government of
Emergency initiative to support people affected by the conflict in Ukraine and neighboring countries -- Protection | 22,172,949 | Commitment | ||
#294690 |
United Nations Development Programme
Syrian Arab Republic Humanitarian Response Plan Early Recovery Resilience Fund for INGOs | 1,902,643 | Paid Contribution | ||
#297889 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Restore livestock holders and farmers productive capacities to ensure their livelihoods and minimize the ongoing deterioration of key productive assets. == Multilateral contribution to the affected population | 3,236,246 | Commitment | ||
#301584 |
International Labour Organization
Towards a more inclusive economy through immediate job generation and enterprise development for vulnerable refugee and host communities in Jordan - Phase II (There is a cash for work component) | 717,441 | Commitment | ||
#302378 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Italian contribution to the Bilateral Emergency Fund to IFRC | 2,109,705 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#302385 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Contribution to UNHCR for the program "Supporting Refugees through Secondary Health Care in Lebanon" | 2,774,695 | Commitment | ||
#302386 |
World Food Programme
Contribution to WFP for the "School Food Program 2023/2024" in Lebanon. | 1,664,817 | Paid Contribution | ||
#302389 |
UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
Contribution to UNDRR for strengthening early warning systems and cross-border disaster risk management in Africa - Phase IV |
5,549,390 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#302603 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Emergncy Reserve for Germplasm Collections at Risk | 70,000 | Paid Contribution | ||
#303877 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Emergency support to safeguard the resilience of vulnerable female and male herders and farmers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and sustain and reactivate agricultural production through the distribution of time-critical agricultural inputs. | 429,184 | Commitment | ||
#305587 |
Lebanon Humanitarian Fund
Italy Contribution to Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF) (3604) 2024 | 2,139,037 | Paid Contribution | ||
#305621 |
Caritas Ukraine
Ukraine HRP Health S.U.P.E.R. - Support Ukrainian Population for the Emergency and Rehabilitation (Strengthening the public health of the population in different regions of the country through an integrated intervention of health, social and protection support for the most fragile groups affected by the conflict such as families with disabilities and minors) (AICS) | 324,000 | Paid Contribution | ||
#307133 |
International Organization for Migration
Addressing irregular migration and protecting the rights and wellbeing of migrants and refugees in Lebanon | 1,768,227 | Paid Contribution | ||
#307424 |
World Food Programme
Contributions not used in the HRP | 2,147,720 | Paid Contribution | ||
#307491 |
United Nations Mine Action Service
Humanitarian Mine Action to reduce explosive risk faced by civilians in Palestine | 279,805 | Commitment | ||
#307495 |
World Health Organization
Top up of the contribution to the Bilateral Emergency Fund with the World Health Organization. | 144,425 | Commitment | ||
#307497 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Top up of the contribution to the Bilateral Emergency Fund with FAO, to address the humanitarian crisis in Palestine | 3,246,753 | Commitment | ||
#307500 |
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
Humanitarian Programme for the protection of the Palestinian refugee population and at risk of forcible transfer | 2,164,502 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#308560 |
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Italy Contribution to oPt Humanitarian Fund (3482) 2024 | 1,083,424 | Paid Contribution | ||
#308930 |
International Labour Organization
Out of plan HDP (development) An ka Baara– Travail décent et augmentation des revenues dans les filières de la mangue et de l’horticulture moderne | 370,475 | Paid Contribution | ||
#309937 |
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
ACRA - Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina (Fondazione ACRA)
Renforcement des capacités de la ville de N'Djamena pour prévenir et gérer les crises alimentaires et climatiques, en fournissant une assistance directe à la population autochtone, réfugiée et rétournée (santé, éducation, sécurité alimentaire) et en renforçant les mécanismes de gouvernance locaux. | 18 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#309939 |
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
ACRA - Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina (Fondazione ACRA)
Renforcement des capacités de la ville de N'Djamena pour prévenir et gérer les crises alimentaires et climatiques, en fournissant une assistance directe à la population autochtone, réfugiée et rétournée (santé, éducation, sécurité alimentaire) et en renforçant les mécanismes de gouvernance locaux. | 325,000 | Commitment | |
#309942 |
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
ARCS Arci Culture Solidali APS
Assistance sanitaire des populations déplacées, hôtes et des catégories vulnérables dans l’arrondissement de Wabane, département de Lebialem | 347,598 | Paid Contribution | |
#309946 |
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
ARCS Arci Culture Solidali APS
Services de protection en faveur des populations déplacées, hôtes et des catégories vulnérables dans l’arrondissement de Wabane, département de Lebialem | 86,562 | Paid Contribution | |
#309948 |
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale
Assistance sanitaire des populations déplacées, hôtes et des catégories vulnérables dans l’arrondissement de Wabane, département de Lebialem *** The recipient organization does not have a project in the HRP. *** | 365,512 | Paid Contribution | |
#309950 |
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI
Assistance sanitaire des populations déplacées, hôtes et des catégories vulnérables dans l’arrondissement de Wabane, département de Lebialem | 488,475 | Paid Contribution | |
#309951 |
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
Food Security, Education, and Child Protection. ----- AICS | 1,072,000 | Paid Contribution | ||
#310315 |
International Labour Organization
Out of plan HDP (development) An ka Baara– Travail décent et augmentation des revenues dans les filières de la mangue et de l’horticulture moderne | 22 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | ||
#310387 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Guatemala Plan de Respuesta Humanitario 2024 | 49,151 | Commitment | ||
#310388 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Guatemala Plan de Respuesta Humanitario 2024 | 9,154 | Commitment | ||
#310389 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Strengthening Asylum Capacity in Central America - Strengthening Asylum Capacity in Central America Phase 2 | 194,743 | Paid Contribution | ||
#310649 |
ComunitĂ Impegno Servizio Volontariato
Niger Plan de Reponse Humanitaire (PRH) Sécurité Alimentaire / Food Security Initiative d'urgence en faveur des populations vulnérables dans la région de Liptako-gourma au Niger ---- AICS ---- CASH | 629,808 | Commitment | ||
#310650 |
ComunitĂ Impegno Servizio Volontariato
Niger Plan de Reponse Humanitaire (PRH) Sécurité Alimentaire / Food Security Initiative d'urgence en faveur des populations vulnérables dans la région de Liptako-gourma au Niger ---- AICS | 209,970 | Commitment | ||
#311017 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Niger Plan de RĂ©ponse Humanitaire 2024 | 507,045 | Paid Contribution | ||
#312135 |
AcciĂłn Contra el Hambre - Spain
Multisectoriel / Multi-Sector Assistance Alimentaire et Relevement des capacités Financier / Financial | 840,953 | Paid Contribution | ||
#313769 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Health for Gaza | 6,500,542 | Commitment | ||
#314996 |
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Support to food security in the Department of Logone et Chari | 218,160 | Paid Contribution |