Grouped view: Germany, Government of 2020



Total funding: US$4,368,368,314
Total pledges: US$15,376,387
Displaying 1 - 50 of 1471
Flow ID Sort descending Source Org. Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Food security (2014.0972.1) 6,988,564 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
(Shan State) The aim of the plan is to improve the food situation of farmers population in Shan State. The plan concentrates his activities upon mountain villages and communities close to the border in the Shan State in which many households straightened on subsistence agriculture are food-threatened. (2015.1800.0) 10,254,605 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Arche Nova E.V. - Initiative for People in Need
Strengthening of the Resilienz of the villages affected by the flood disaster by the renovation and the reconstruction from WaSH-and base infrastructure with concurrent construction and strengthening of village structures and resources in the areas of Hygiene and DRR. (2016.1808.1) 2,407,701 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Vision Hope International
The project is carried out under use of mobile technology (i. e. WhatsApp and Viber) to communicate with the mothers before and after the exemption. This technology has become in Syria during the topical war more and more the main communicative device. The medical staff will also use this technology to co-ordinate with the project intervention FIHD. In addition, a small Internet café is furnished for the patients, so that they can use waiting periods sensibly for the information retrieval. (2016.1821.4) 3,340,883 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
The plan makes a direct contribution to the poverty fight by the increase of the Resilienz of vulnerabler target groups. An improved disaster risk management and a protection improved with it of the production bases (which are needed to the generation by income and to the food production) as well as the support of all dimensions of food security contribute to the reduction of poverty. (2016.1849.5) 12,131,519 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.
Aim of the plan: Enlargement of the capacity of the limited and on the regional level very specific ground water structure by traffic jam thresholds and conformist water withdrawal by innovative, solar-pursued wells / pumps combination. Use of the enlarged and with it lighter to available water reserves than additional drinking water and to the support of agricultural and garden-architectural projects in the region, as for example of the GIZ and Cooperation Suisse. (2016.1832.1) 3,511,706 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
The plan is aimed at the strengthening of the life bases and the Resilienz of the rural population in from supporting measures weakly covered Saaxil-region. In the centre attempts stand in the sectors keeping of pets, milk hygiene and - marketing as well as agriculture with focus on grain cultivation, vegetable cultivation, fruit cultivation and feed cultivation (20161847.9) 9,955,752 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
The aim of the plan is to be improved it the food and hygiene methods of the people in well-chosen regions of the Rakhine State, in particular women between 15 and 49 years and children between 6 and 23 months. The measures become in well-chosen villages of both Townships Pauktaw and Kyauktaw moved. The plan strengthens the capacities of the actors in the area of Food protection at local level. (BMZ) 2,185,792 (shared on boundary) Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Supporting Burundian refugees in countries affected by the Burundi Situation & Burundian IDPs and Spontaneous Returnees 3,919,372 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Contribution to an improved Resilienz of refugees and taking up municipalities in the district Baalbek, governorate Baalbek-Hermel (Lebanon) by strengthening of the Lebanese health system 7,219,821 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
Shan -Under the management of local-based groups (CBOs) one becomes self-determined village development and an improvement of herLiving conditions and the Resilienz in poverty to living onesPopulation in the northern Shan reaches 2,508,399 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Resilienzstärkung in the northern and central Rakhine state by the reduction of the illness frequency and disaster susceptibility, long-term structural education in the area of the water supply and sanitary care, Livelihood measures as well as lasting strengthening of local partners. 3,639,418 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Implementation of basic medical services, improvement of acute malnutrition and emergencyassistance for people affected by the conflict (Multiyear) 279,955 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
Help, protection, prevention and cooperation activities in Somalia 2016 - 2018 (AA-S05 321.50 SOM 03/16) 1,119,821 Commitment
CARE Germany-Luxembourg eV
Strengthening of the Resilienz from dryness and chronic food insecurity affected herdsman and lasting Re integration of repatriates in Somalia 3,476,678 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Financial contribution to uphold basic medical care in Syria; Multiyear 2017-2020, 2017: 1227205.00 €, 2018: 2504900.00 €, 2019: 2504900.00 €, 2020: 526225.00 € 598,663 Commitment
CARE International
Contribution to the business development in the Chad lake region, around refugees, repatriates and expelled better to integrate as well as a peaceful living together with him To reach guest municipalities, Multiyear 2017-2020, 2019 portion (tentative breakdown) (part of 2017.1807.1) 735,294 Commitment
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Strengthening of the Resilienz of the local population by support of the inklusiven medical care, the reconstruction improved emergency precaution 4,348,837 (shared on boundary) Commitment
German Red Cross
Haitian-born from the Dominikanichen republic after Haiti of pushed away and her guest municipalities her living conditions have improved and the local red cross structures are better able to react to risks and crises. 2,115,317 (shared on boundary) Commitment
World Food Programme
The Emergency operation is designed to make destroyed Syrian baker's in areas with particularly many IDPs again functioning to improve the care of the population with bread goods. In addition, the production should be expanded, so that also new occupation places originate. 192,782,368 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Medico International
Mobile medical clinics and crisis management in the Westbank, Multiyear 2017-2020, 2017: 85.803,54 € 2018: 1.128.121,61 € 2019: 922.360,61 € 2020: 617.727,08 € 726,738 Commitment
Save the Children
The Resiiienz of Binnenvertriebenen and other vulnerablenGroups in Mogadishu is by job market integration, social onesProtection and access to water supply and sanitary care raises 4,747,596 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Plan International
Strengthening of the existence basis and food security fromTo refugees from the south Sudan and the taking up municipalities inWhite Nile State (WNS) by varied activities andPossibilities of employment for youngsters (BMZ) 2,211,538 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Network Partnership for Development and Justice E. V
Reconstruction of the infrastructure and strengthening of the economic and social Resilienz in areas of northwest Bangladesh which are concerned particularly by the flood in 2017 3,007,075 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Johanniter Germany
Primary health care, food and psychosocial support for internally displaced persons and Venezuelan refugees in Antioquia and Cór-doba, Colombia 2017: 0,00 € 2018: 334.000,00 € 2019: 360.000,00 2020: 288.800,00 € Top up financial year 2018: -31.876,56 € 2019: 15.115,10 € 2020: 40.136,46 € (2020 portion) 382,041 Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Conditions for an improved food security concerning the dimensions access to and physiological utilisation of food from by the dryness to expelled ones Binnenflüchtlingen, repatriates and vulnerablen inhabitants in Kismayo are created. 16,492,451 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Social services, including intercultural meeting, from himCommunal centres for refugees and taking up population are offered, areimproves. 17,421,603 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Arche Nova E.V. - Initiative for People in Need
Strengthening of the Resilienz and improvement of the living conditions of the conflict-affected and vulnerable municipalities in the northern Shan state 2,505,598 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
A contribution to the strengthening of the Resilienz of vulnerable sections of the population in well-chosenMunicipalities in Ninewa is performed. 81,231,127 (shared on boundary) Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Support to IDPs and refugees - Somalia crisis;Multiyear 2017-2020, total amount Euro 24.1 million ( 2017: 18.100.000,00 € 2018: 2.000.000,00 € 2019: 2.000.000,00 € 2020: 2.000.000,00 €) 2,352,941 Commitment
World Food Programme
Humanitarian crisis in South Sudan 268,221 (shared on boundary) Commitment
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF); 2018: 950.000,00 € 2019: 950.000,00 € 2020: 1.200.000,00 € Top up financial year 2018: 150.000,00 € Top up financial year 2019: 300.000,00 € Top up financial year 2020: 300.000,00 € (2020 portion) 1,742,160 Commitment
Caritas Germany (DCV)
Support of the reintegration of Binnenflüchtlingen by the reconstruction of lasting existence bases as well as dwelling (BMZ) 3,953,791 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Integration of refugees and improvement food protection (BMZ) 8,530,806 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
The access of youngsters from vulnerablen sections of the population in the north of the Rakhine State to the offers of the professional qualification and the occupation support is improved (BMZ) 11,848,341 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Caritas Germany (DCV)
Disaster preparedness for vulnerable communities in dis-aster prone areas in south Punjab, Pakistan2018: 140.000,00 € 2019: 200.000,00 € 2020: 200.000,00 € (AA-S09 321.50 PAK 02/18) 236,967 Commitment
World Food Programme
Of the innovation Accelerator serves as a platform for the identification and development of new, innovative attempts for humanitarian to support transitional plan and developing plan in partner countries WEP with the aim the global fight against the hunger with lasting effect (BMZ) 12,962,963 (shared on boundary) Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Syria:Unicef Syria,Improving People's Access to Equitable and Sustainable WASH (SM180004) (BMZ 2016 41 042) 1,161,440 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Yemen: WASH and Education Support to internally displaced children and families (BMZ-2017-4991 0) 4,857,820 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Syria: Equitable basic WASH services for ALL (SM170622) 4,739,336 Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
The aim population in the priority zones encloses vulnerable groups which are concerned particularly by the topical conflict situation, how women and youngsters. Depending on the intervention region still to be defined also count to it Binnenvertriebene or Rück-kehrer in the taking up municipalities, just as ex-combatants and former ju-gendliche militia members. 5,341,615 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Arche Nova E.V. - Initiative for People in Need
Lasting improvement of the drinking water care, the sewage management and waste management to dam the results of the armed conflict on the health and quality of life of the Binnenflüchtlinge and the admission municipality in four Governorates 3,316,770 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Johanniter Germany
Lowering of the morbidity and Mortalität in the health zones Masisi and Mweso (BMZ) 4,434,514 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Approche participative pour le developpement de l’assainissement durable au profit des populations urbaines et peri-urbaines de la ville de Tombouctou 1 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Approche participative pour le developpement de l’assainissement durable au profit des populations urbaines et peri-urbaines de la ville de Tombouctou 900,091 Commitment
World Food Programme
Support for implementation of Strategic Initiatives for the Global Logistics Cluster August 2018 - July 2021; 2018: 277.435,00 € 2019: 1.235.888,00 € 2020: 1.450.794,00 € 2021: 1.035.883,00 € (2020 portion) 1,698,822 Commitment
World Food Programme
Stabilization and improvement of the food situation of the Southern Sudanese and refugees. Improving the livelihoods of small farmers, including diversification of agricultural production; supporting communities in building infrastructure to improve their capacity to cope with future climate shocks. 17,128,728 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Transitional aid is established as the Federal Ministry's crisis management instrument.The project is active nationwide and concentrates on advising the Federal Ministry in three fields of action. 1) Conceptual anchoring of transitional aid, 2) advice on operationalisation and management of transitional aid and 3) cooperation and strategic partnership, especially with the World Food Programme. 17,166,732 (shared on boundary) Commitment
To strengthen the resilience of the conflict-affected population and local structures in Paoua through integrated WASH measures and activities for food security (BMZ) 4,391,101 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Strengthening the peace process and resilience and improving health care for returning refugees and receiving populations through capacity building of local structures. 3,082,904 (shared on boundary) Commitment

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