Grouped view: Spain, Government of 2024



Total funding: US$72,151,515
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 50 of 166
Flow ID Sort descending Source Org. Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
Asamblea De Cooperacion Por La Paz
Kits Alimentaires Nutrition 12,869 Paid Contribution
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Voluntary contribution 2023 to Directorate General of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations DGECHO for the financing of the West Bank Protection Consortium Area C (WBPC) “Prevention of forced displacement of the Palestinian population" --- AECID 1,095,290 Commitment
Centro de Estudios y Solidaridad con America Latina
Emprende Lima Este 8.1: Fortalecimiento de capacidades técnico-productivas de pequeños emprendedores y emprendedoras migrantes y de la comunidad de acogida. Sensibilización, orientación y educación en materia de violencia de género 189,400 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Support the Government to ensure refugees have access to protection and address their immediate basic needs, with a particular focus on winterization. Support service provision through national system.Foster the socio-economic inclusion and livelihoods of 548,246 Paid Contribution
Al Awda Health and Community Association
Providing multisectoral protection services at individual, family and community level, for women and girls survivors or at risk of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Rafah and Khan Younis, south Gaza Strip 275,330 Commitment
World Food Programme
Contribute to WFP's activities within the framework of the United Nations Flash Appeal for the Occupied Palestinian Territories 548,246 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
Meet the most urgent needs of 1,260,000 people in Gaza and West Bank. 548,246 Commitment
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
UNRWA Updated oPt Flash Appeal --- AECID 1,644,737 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
MPCA 548,246 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Palestine: UNICEF Humanitarian response in Gaza/State of Palestine - Flexible ag Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas) 2,157,497 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Algeria: Refuerzo del acceso a entornos de aprendizaje seguros y de calidad en lo Education 1,141,128 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Algeria: Refuerzo de los servicios de salud materno-infantil y nutrición para lo Health 756,920 Paid Contribution
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Support the UNRWA Emergency Appeal: 90 day initial emergency response to the escalation in the Gaza Strip --- Food 53,022 Commitment
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Support the UNRWA Emergency Appeal: 90 day initial emergency response to the escalation in the Gaza Strip --- Health and Medical 53,022 Commitment
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Support the UNRWA Emergency Appeal: 90 day initial emergency response to the escalation in the Gaza Strip --- Protection 53,022 Commitment
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Support the UNRWA Emergency Appeal: 90 day initial emergency response to the escalation in the Gaza Strip --- Shelter 53,022 Commitment
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Support the UNRWA Emergency Appeal: 90 day initial emergency response to the escalation in the Gaza Strip --- Water/Sanitation 53,022 Commitment
World Food Programme
MPCA 164,474 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Provide humanitarian assistance inside Sudan for IDPs and offer assistance in hosting refugee populations in neighbouring countries. 548,246 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Alleviating the food insecurity of vulnerable people, especially in West Africa, through transhipment and pre-positioning of food. 1,641,138 Commitment
World Food Programme
Provide food assistance through the cash modality and to provide emergency school feeding assistance 3,059,072 Commitment
World Food Programme
Contribute to the UNHAS operation across Niger 105,485 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Comprehensive response to the food insecurity of affected populations in Venezuela, with special attention to children under six, people with disabilities and indigenous communities. 644,468 Commitment
Fundación Alianza por Los Derechos, la Igualdad y la Solidaridad Internacional | Solidaridad Internacional
Comprehensive protection and promotion of the rights of women and girls affected by SGBV in the context of the Gaza humanitarian crisis. 877,193 Commitment
Fundación Mundubat
Contribute to ensuring the psychosocial protection of vulnerable populations in the Gaza Strip. 829,458 Commitment
World Food Programme
Improve nutrition” with general Food Assistance, nutrition-sensitive School feeding, complementary activities/livelihood and nutrition support 3,198,100 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Spain Contribution to OCHA 2024 1,072,961 Paid Contribution
Specially Designated Contributions (OCHA)
Spain Contribution to SDC (OCHA) 2024 160,944 Paid Contribution
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Spain Contribution to OCHA 2024 1,072,961 Paid Contribution
Central Emergency Response Fund
Basque Agency for Development Cooperation Contribution to CERF 2024 266,180 Paid Contribution
Central Emergency Response Fund
Spain Contribution to CERF 2024 4,828,326 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Humanitarian assistance for vulnerable children and families in flood-affected areas of eastern Libya 554,939 Commitment
Central Emergency Response Fund
Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation Contribution to CERF 2024 319,782 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Colombia Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) 2024 447,566 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Colombia Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) 2024 38,466 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Ethiopia Humanitarian Response Plan 2024 401,751 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Ethiopia Humanitarian Response Plan 2024 76,499 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Tchad Plan de Réponse Humanitaire 2024 32,859 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Libya Llamamiento de emergencia a las inundaciones en Libia ---- Health 69,368 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Mali Plan de Réponse Humanitaire Para la respuesta de emergencia en materia de salud sexual y reproductiva y violencia sexual y de género en Mali ---- Health 180,355 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Mali Plan de Réponse Humanitaire Para la respuesta de emergencia en materia de salud sexual y reproductiva y violencia sexual y de género en Mali ---- GBV 97,114 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Escalation of Hostilities in the OPT Flash Appeal 2023-2024 Humanitarian situation in Gaza ---- Health 1,109,878 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Escalation of Hostilities in the OPT Flash Appeal 2023-2024 Humanitarian situation in Gaza ---- GBV 1,109,878 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Responding to urgent needs related to gender-based and sexual violence affecting women and girls and strengthening access to quality sexual and reproductive health services for displaced and host populations in areas most affected by the conflict. 539,374 Paid Contribution
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Strengthening the knowledge and capacities of Red Cross National Societies to build resilience and to prepare for and act early in the face of increasing climate hazards 795,334 Commitment
Farmacéuticos Mundi (Farmamundi)
Convenio con Farmamundi - Intervención sociosanitaria de emergencia para apoyar a la población en situación de extrema vulnerabilidad tras el aumento de las hostilidades en la Franja de Gaza 8,658 Commitment
Fundación Alianza por Los Derechos, la Igualdad y la Solidaridad Internacional
Comprehensive protection and promotion of the rights of women and girls affected by SGBV in the context of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, 877,193 Commitment
Farmacéuticos Mundi (Farmamundi)
Convenio con Farmamundi - Asistencia alimentaria de emergencia a la población desplazada interna afectada por el conflicto en la Franja de Gaza 6,494 Paid Contribution
Oxfam Intermón Spain
Contribute to mitigate the humanitarian impact of other forms of violence in three municipalities in the department of Yoro, Honduras; in food security - nutrition and protection, from the transformative leadership of indigenous Tolupanes and peasant wome 84,836 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Oxfam Intermón Spain
Contribute to mitigate the humanitarian impact of other forms of violence in three municipalities in the department of Yoro, Honduras; in food security - nutrition and protection, from the transformative leadership of indigenous Tolupanes and peasant wome 254,507 (shared on boundary) Commitment

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