Swiss Development Cooperation/Swiss Humanitarian Aid 2023



Total funding: US$7,933,491
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
Caritas Ukraine
Ukraine HRP Shelter, MPC, PSS Warm for Winter 1,692,165 Paid Contribution
Caritas Ukraine
Ukraine HRP Shelter, MPC, PSS Warm for Winter ---- CASH 1,692,165 Paid Contribution
Save the Children
Hygiene kits, educational supplies, warm boots, blankets, foot items, first aid kits 90,000 Paid Contribution
Médecins du Monde Suisse
This project aims to address basic needs and primary health care of the population affected by the ongoing conflict in Gaza Strip, and the mental health needs of the entire oPt. 1,670,550 Paid Contribution
Norwegian Refugee Council
Intersectoral Emergency Response Mechanism and MIRE Nexus. MIRE+ has the capacity to reach the entire Colombian territory to provide assistance in hard-to-reach areas affected by the armed conflict, connecting emergency response with early recovery and preparing communities to access development. 216,351 Paid Contribution
Mercy Corps
Economic Resilience Programme Phase 1: IDPs and conflict-affected populations realize self-employment and income-generation opportunities through interventions that support enhanced access to financial assistance, jobs, business consultations, vocational education, information services and legal counselling, enabling them to gain stable livelihoods and reduced reliance on cash and in-kind support. 2,572,260 Paid Contribution
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