United Kingdom, Government of 2004
Total funding: | US$307,547,915 |
Total pledges: | US$0 |
Flow ID Sort descending | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status |
#17731 |
Iran, Government of
Search and rescue operations with 67 personnel and 4 dogs - GBP 160,000 | 284,191 | Commitment | |
#17801 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
In response to IFRC Appeal - GBP 150,000 | 266,429 | Commitment | |
#17804 |
Iran, Government of
450 winterized tents including airlift - GBP 150,000 | 266,429 | Commitment | |
#17806 |
Iran, Government of
2 Antonov 12 aircraft for use by the government - GBP 100,000 | 177,619 | Commitment | |
#17807 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Support for 2 UNDAC Team Members - GBP 40,000 | 71,047 | Commitment | |
#17813 |
World Health Organization
20,000 doses for tetanus | 100,000 | Commitment | |
#18285 |
United Nations Department of Safety and Security
Reinforce security for UN operations in Iraq | 5,328,596 | Commitment | |
#18490 |
World Health Organization
Health and nutrition | 884,956 | Paid Contribution | |
#18492 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Awaiting confirmation | 888,099 | Commitment | |
#18493 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Restoration of water supply infrastructure for date plantations | 222,025 | Paid Contribution | |
#18494 |
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
To repair wells, buy pumps, increase livestock numbers, replace agricultural tools and rehabilitate the irrigation network | 532,860 | Commitment | |
#18496 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
To distribute food and provide information on camp management and training and replenish relief stocks | 799,290 | Commitment | |
#18644 |
World Health Organization
Health and nutrition | 50,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#18834 |
United Nations Development Programme
Rule of Law and security judiciary | 136,418 | Paid Contribution | |
#18859 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Emergency humanitarian interventions | 1,243,339 | Paid Contribution | |
#18862 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Coordination of humanitarian assistance | 729,854 | Paid Contribution | |
#18863 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Emergency humanitarian interventions | 1,277,372 | Paid Contribution | |
#18881 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Humanitarian assistance | 94,400 | Commitment | |
#18939 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Reducing morbidity and mortality among vulnerable populations in disaster affected areas in Guinea | 932,835 | Paid Contribution | |
#18941 |
World Health Organization
Fighting HIV/AIDS amongst resettling populations | 373,134 | Paid Contribution | |
#18942 |
World Health Organization
Access/use of an essential care package (ECP) | 932,836 | Paid Contribution | |
#18943 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Education activities [OLS Nairobi] | 2,238,804 | Paid Contribution | |
#18944 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Health activities [OLS Nairobi] | 1,679,104 | Paid Contribution | |
#18946 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency measles campaign [Darfur] | 1,060,645 | Paid Contribution | |
#18947 |
World Health Organization
Strengthening health services in the NC through coordination and information management | 400,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#18948 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Protection of separated and other vulnerable children [OLS Nairobi] | 917,492 | Paid Contribution | |
#18950 |
United Nations Development Programme
Preparatory support for reintegration of former combatants and community based weapons reduction | 500,000 | Commitment | |
#19059 |
Morocco, Government of
Deployment of 402 winterized family tents | 414,167 | Paid Contribution | |
#19237 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Coordination activities | 442,478 | Paid Contribution | |
#19264 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Coordination support services | 466,418 | Paid Contribution | |
#19270 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Support to immunisation programme | 932,735 | Paid Contribution | |
#19281 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
Tracing activities, coordinating restoration of family links within SL; building capacity of local RC organsiations; promoting international humanitarian law | 369,988 | Commitment | |
#19282 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Support for the prevention and response to malaria | 746,268 | Paid Contribution | |
#19283 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
Promoting human rights and international humanitarian law | 924,969 | Commitment | |
#19341 |
Catholic Relief Services
Local purchase of blankets | 55,000 | Commitment | |
#19370 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
To assist in the prevention of waterborne diseases | 176,991 | Commitment | |
#19371 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
To assist in the prevention of outbreaks of cholera | 88,001 | Commitment | |
#19384 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
UNDAC membership in 2004 | 50,000 | Commitment | |
#19463 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Emergency assistance to Sudanese refugees in eastern Chad | 5,488,860 | Paid Contribution | |
#19516 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency measles campaign [Darfur] | 945,550 | Paid Contribution | |
#19523 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Coordination of humanitarian activities | 444,050 | Paid Contribution | |
#19653 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
To address the protection and medical need for the Haitian population | 367,207 | Commitment | |
#19656 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 597,015 | Paid Contribution | |
#19684 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Disaster preparedness, development | 71,200 | Commitment | |
#19694 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Critical Reproductive Health Services; Delivery of Essential Health Services;Expanded Programme on Immunisation, including Polio Eradication Initiative; Introduction of integrated youth-friendly services and behaviour change outreach | 532,860 | Paid Contribution | |
#19695 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Nutritional Supplementation | 532,860 | Paid Contribution | |
#19715 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency nutrition rehabilitation, prevention of malnutrition and the control of micro-nutrient deficiencies | 18,229 | Paid Contribution | |
#19721 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Awaiting allocation | 9,328,358 | Paid Contribution | |
#19729 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 12,191 | Paid Contribution | |
#19796 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 1,865,671 | Paid Contribution |