United Kingdom, Government of 2008



Total funding: US$716,512,115
Total pledges: US$1,025,165,221
Displaying 1 - 50 of 253
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
To facilitate the return of IDPs to their home areas and support the resumption of basic livelihoods strategies of war-affected populations in Oyam district, through an emergency road repair and rehabilitation programme 487,647 Paid Contribution
Central Emergency Response Fund
Funds to be allocated to specific appeals, agencies and projects. 60,390,000 Paid Contribution
Crown Agents International Development
In kind - 400 winterised tents to the worst affected districts of Kara-Suu 224,032 Paid Contribution
Central Emergency Response Fund
Funds to be allocated to specific appeals, agencies and projects. 19,849,000 Paid Contribution
Save the Children
(Mozambique) Provide emergency kits for up to 2,000 families. The kits include blankets and plastic sheeting for shelter and cooking pots, water containers and soap 194,183 Paid Contribution
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Humanitarian Coordination 1,990,052 Paid Contribution
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
OCHA core activities (part of GBP 3.5 mn-OCT2305) 4,045,698 Paid Contribution
International Committee of the Red Cross
To buy and deliver food and provide shelter, clean water and emergency health care for up to 500,000 people displaced as a result of the unrest 1,148,720 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
Provide food, shelter, clean water and emergency health care for up to 500,000 people displaced 1,165,713 Commitment
Médecins Sans Frontières - Belgium
Humanitarian assistance to affected population in Nairobi (Kibera and Mathare) 264,209 Commitment
Save the Children
Immediate relief to vulnerable households and institutions (part of GBP 500,000 and GBP 80,000) 489,000 Paid Contribution
International NGOs (Confidential)
3 projects: Emergency Food and Life Saving NFI Distribution to Vulnerable Communities in Sughd Oblast and Rasht Valley, Tajikistan; Emergency Response for Children and their Families in Tajikistan; Winter Emergency Response for the most vulnerable people in Tajikistan 924,453 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency vital medicines support programme 9,940,350 Paid Contribution
United Nations Development Programme
Urgent increase in urban water supplies 695,825 Paid Contribution
United Nations Development Programme
Support to emergency response coordination (includes deployment of humanitarian advisers (CHASE specialists - part of GBP 119,000) 110,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Support to Health Project in Eritrea (SM070321) 258,449 Paid Contribution
Mercy Corps
Immediate relief to vulnerable households and institutions (part of GBP 500,000 and GBP 80,000) 400,000 Paid Contribution
CARE International
Winter emergency response to the most vulnerable (part of GBP 500,000 and GBP 80,000) 230,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations Development Programme
UN emergency reserve in Tajikistan (part of GBP 119,000) 126,581 Paid Contribution
United Nations Development Programme
Strengthening preparedness, response and recovery planning 397,614 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Agricultural Response to Flood-affected Population (Focusing on Preparedness for Immediate Response Early Recovery). 795,229 Pledge
United Nations Children's Fund
(Malawi)To support WatSan, Emergency Education, Child Protection and nutrition 1,192,842 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food aid 2,039,917 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food aid 23,821,358 Paid Contribution
Democratic Republic of the Congo Humanitarian Fund
Contribution to the DRC pooled funding (071-581-104) 58,721,400 Paid Contribution
Emergency programme for 30,000 people in Muturara with access to clean water, improved excreta disposal infrastructure, basic hygiene and household items and hygiene education. 497,018 Paid Contribution
National NGOs (Confidential) | UN Agencies (Confidential)
To help build homes for 20,000 families affected by Cyclone Sidr 9,940,358 Pledge
International Committee of the Red Cross
To assist the internally displaced persons following post election violence in Kenya 1,148,720 Commitment
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
To assist internally displaced person following post election violence 245,000 Commitment
Médecins du Monde
To assist internal displaced persons following post election violence 101,827 Commitment
Iraq Humanitarian Fund
Expanded Humanitarian Response Fund for Iraq (ERF) 1,988,072 Paid Contribution
International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRCs 2008 Somalia Appeal 5,964,215 Commitment
Somalia ERF (until 2012)
Humanitarian Response Fund (HRF) for Somalia 2,485,089 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency nutrition response (SM080071) 1,988,072 Paid Contribution
Oxfam GB
Peace Building and Conflict Mitigation Early Response Project 500,000 Paid Contribution
International Committee of the Red Cross
Protection, food and non-food, watsan and medical assistance in Iraq 13,464,448 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Support to UNICEF components of the CAP 2008 for Iraq 3,976,140 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Broadly earmarked contributions to UNHCR Iraq Supplementary Appeal (total of $6,247,083 - CAP portion, $973,301 to be allocated to specific sector/projects; Iraqi refugees in neighboring countries portion, $5,273,782) 5,273,782 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
IDP and Returnee Emergency Needs Assessments and Emergency Assistance Project Identification Throughout Iraq (IQ1Z066) 250,597 Paid Contribution
Crown Agents International Development
Humanitarian Review mission to Thailand to assess the situation for humanitarian assistance and undertake monitoring of previous assistance given 39,533 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Awaiting allocation to specific project/sector 87,970 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food aid 101,437 Paid Contribution
United Nations Development Programme
Flash floods early warning project 37,924 Commitment
World Food Programme
Logistics coordination and assessment 65,536 Paid Contribution
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Coordination and support services 499,002 Paid Contribution
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Regional office in Ghana 180,915 Paid Contribution
Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund
Humanitarian Response Fund 28,489,852 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
IDP and returnee shelter and NFI needs assessments and emergency assistance identification throughout Iraq (IQ1Z071) 187,948 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Emergency Capacity-Building for MoDM Branch Offices on Protection Needs of and Assistance to IDPs & Returnees-Iraq (IQ1Z067) 526,254 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Joint Operations Cell Iraq (IQ1Z069) 1,067,127 Paid Contribution

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