United Kingdom, Government of 2020



Total funding: US$2,142,409,466
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 50 of 583
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- New amount and year v2 Track displaced populations, disseminate information on what services are available, and provide targeted assistance to vulnerable populations 694,798 Paid Contribution
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Unearmarked Unallocated Funds [OCT 5787];[300339-102] 12,936,611 Paid Contribution
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Unearmarked Unallocated Funds from United Kingdom OCT 5788 [OCT 5788] 7,761,966 Paid Contribution
Start Network
Pooled fund for rapid humanitarian response. 2020 portion of multi-year award total is 10 million GBP. 2,812,500 Commitment
Health Link South Sudan
GBV prevention and Response for conflict Affected population in South Sudan 2,000 (shared on boundary) Paid Contribution
Health Link South Sudan
GBV prevention and Response for conflict Affected population in South Sudan 526,395 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Syria: Support to the United Nations Children's Fund for the Syria Crisis (SM170531) 4,806,863 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Syria: Support to the United Nations Children's Fund for the Syria Crisis (SM170531) 28,993,289 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Jordan: to support GOJ-the Jordan Compact Commitments on Education (SM160374) 14,630,872 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Delivering Humanitarian Assistance and Building Resilience Of Conflict-Affected Individuals In Syria, 2017 - 2020 multiyear award - 2020 Portion, award total GBP 2,547097 3,117,622 Paid Contribution
Sudan Humanitarian Fund
Sudan Humanitarian Fund ( 2020 portion) DFID TO SUDAN CHF APRIL 2020 6,203,000 Paid Contribution
Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund
2020 portion of 2018-2021 multi-year contribution of 23 mil GBP [OCT 6089] 7,453,416 Paid Contribution
Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund
2020 portion of 2018-2021 multi-year contribution of 23 mil GBP [OCT 6090] 6,675,567 Paid Contribution
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Support to Yemen Humanitarian Pooled Fund 13,210,040 Paid Contribution
International NGO Safety Organisation
Provision of Security Information to NGO's, multi-year 2018-2021, 2020 portion, total amount GBP 250,000 325,098 Commitment
Norwegian Refugee Council
Building Resilient Communities in Somalia (BRCiS) Multi-year 2018-2021, 2020 portion, total amount GBP 25 million 32,509,753 Commitment
International Organization for Migration
Enhancing solutions for Durable Solutions for IDPs and returning refugees in Somalia, Multi-year 2018-2021, 2020 portion, total amount GBP 8.5 million 11,169,514 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Emergency livelihood and food security assistance to strengthen the resilience of displaced people and returnees affected by the crisis in the Central African Republic (2020 portion) 2,093,486 Commitment
International NGOs (Confidential)
WASH, Multi-year 2019-2020, 2020 portion, total amount GBP 1.5 million 1,923,077 Commitment
Relief International
"Targeting girls to enrol and remain in school throughout 227 schools. Relief International is the lead implementing partner." 3,336,061 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Support for restoring and strengthening resilience of vulnerable households affected by acute food and nutrition insecurity in Cnakuzo, Ruyigi and Bubanza provinces, using the Caisse de Résilience approach (2020 portion of multi-year award, 2017-2020) 129,366 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
To strengthen protection to the Yemen response, including to mixed migration and other vulnerable groups, while ensuring a whole of caseload approach to protection (2020 portion) 6,562 Paid Contribution
International NGOs (Confidential)
Conflict affected individuals and institutions in Syria are better prepared to cope with and mitigate the risks of shocks 15,221,217 Commitment
ACBAR - Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief
Local NGO Capacity Building 671,673 Commitment
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Joint needs assessment for life saving assistance and evaluation of UK Aid (whole of Afghanistan-Muti-Sector Needs Assessment) 37,677 (shared on boundary) Paid Contribution
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
(REACH initiative) The Of Afghanistan Multi-Sector Need Assessment 745,034 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
Humanitarian assistance 6,345,178 Commitment
The Mentor Initiative
Support for those affected by the ongoing crisis in the Central African Republic conflict in the Central African Republic -GB-GOV-1-300535-104 multi year 2019-2022 total of 14 million GBP 790,911 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Somalia OCHA Office [OCT 6652];[205128-105 (Amend NO. 3 2019)] 609,756 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Multi-Year 2016-2020 Humanitarian Programme in Pakistan - Natural disaster consortium - 2020 portion 2,230,452 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Livelihoods and Legal Assistance Programme for Eastern Ukraine - GB-GOV-1-300561-103 Multi year total amount 1,922,134 GBP- 2018-2020 2,714,878 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Livelihoods and Legal Assistance Programme for Eastern Ukraine multi year 2018-2020 ( 2020 portion 208,815 GBP) 294,936 Commitment
The Mentor Initiative
Support for those affected by the ongoing crisis in the Central African Republic conflict in the Central African Republic -GB- GOV-1-300535-104 - Multi year 2019-2022 ( 2020 portion of GBP 14,000,000 multiyear) 4,391,157 Commitment
Central African Republic Humanitarian Fund
DFID TO CAR CHF APRIL 2020 CAR CBPF (2020 portion) of a Multy year fund 2019- 2022 6,134,500 Paid Contribution
International NGOs (Confidential)
WASH, Multi-year 2019-2020, total amount GBP 1 million 480,769 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Humanitarian assistance to those affected by the ongoing security crisis in the Far North Region of Cameroon (2020 portion) 4,315,660 Paid Contribution
International Medical Corps US
Specialised Protection Intervention for Vulnerable Refugees and Host Communities in Jordan 2,840,780 Commitment
Central Emergency Response Fund
Central Emergency Response Fund for 2020 75,616,800 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Multipurpose Cash Assistance to Vulnerable Populations in the Kasais, Ituri and Tanganyika 2019 - 2020 678,175 (shared on boundary) Commitment
World Food Programme
Multipurpose Cash Assistance to Vulnerable Populations in the Kasais, Ituri and Tanganyika 2019 - 2020 17,944,038 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) 1,453,105 Paid Contribution
World Vision Central African Republic
Effective Approaches to ending worst forms of Child labour (2020 portion) 406,351 Paid Contribution
Specially Designated Contributions (OCHA)
UNDAC - United Kingdom [OCT 6781];[PO 40110603] 77,220 Commitment
World Vision Zambia
Food Security 6,160,000 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRC 2020 Emergency Appeal. Food security, Emergency Shelter & NFI, Health, WASH, Logistics, Protection 9,985,607 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
UNICEF Consortium (Burundi) - Support for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Country Preparedness and Response Plan (with IOM and WHO) 2,096,986 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
ETHIOPIA: Building Health System Resilience for Nutrition Emergencies (SM180344) Ensuring high quality care 18,301,764 Paid Contribution
Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund
Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund [OCT 6831] 13,089,005 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Eritrea: Nutrition, health and sanitation support in Eritrea (SM190372) 659,825 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Eritrea: Nutrition, health and sanitation support in Eritrea (SM190372) 4,248,822 Paid Contribution

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