United Kingdom, Government of 2025



Total funding: US$280,415,503
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 50 of 101
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
support to small farmers with special focus on women and young people 5,689,001 (shared on boundary) Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Nigeria Nigeria: Partnership for learning for All (PLANE-EiE) Education 11,216,021 (shared on boundary) Commitment
International Organization for Migration
Main objective to ensure dignified, safe and secure living conditions and basic services for vulnerable populations affected disasters driven by natural hazards and conflict, and to contribute to empowered and resilient individuals and communities in northern Mozambique ---- FCDO --- Camp Coordination / Management 68,715 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Protection and Assistance to Vulnerable Migrants reducing risks of trafficking by supporting climate-resilient and trafficking-aware communities 44,631 Commitment
International Organization for Migration
Main objective to ensure dignified, safe and secure living conditions and basic services for vulnerable populations affected disasters driven by natural hazards and conflict, and to contribute to empowered and resilient individuals and communities in northern Mozambique ---- FCDO --- Health 35,279 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Main objective to ensure dignified, safe and secure living conditions and basic services for vulnerable populations affected disasters driven by natural hazards and conflict, and to contribute to empowered and resilient individuals and communities in northern Mozambique ---- FCDO --- DTM 36,185 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Main objective to ensure dignified, safe and secure living conditions and basic services for vulnerable populations affected disasters driven by natural hazards and conflict, and to contribute to empowered and resilient individuals and communities in northern Mozambique ---- FCDO --- Emergency Shelter and NFI 104,201 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Main objective to ensure dignified, safe and secure living conditions and basic services for vulnerable populations affected disasters driven by natural hazards and conflict, and to contribute to empowered and resilient individuals and communities in northern Mozambique ---- FCDO --- Water Sanitation Hygiene 30,859 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Main objective to ensure dignified, safe and secure living conditions and basic services for vulnerable populations affected disasters driven by natural hazards and conflict, and to contribute to empowered and resilient individuals and communities in northern Mozambique 1 (shared on boundary) Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Nutrition Improving the delivery of integrated nutrition and sanitation services to children, and women in Eritrea ---- FCDO 1,229,690 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
United Kingdom (FCDO) Contribution to OCHA 2025 7,768,187 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
United Kingdom (FCDO) Contribution to OCHA 2025 12,946,979 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
United Kingdom (FCDO) Contribution to OCHA 2025 5,178,792 Commitment
United Nations Population Fund
Integrated GBV prevention& lifesaving maternal and RHS to safeguard women & adolescents girls 1,716,139 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Integrated GBV prevention& lifesaving maternal and RHS to safeguard women & adolescents girls 2,941,953 Paid Contribution
International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRC Yaounde Regional Appeal 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 Multi-Sector Multisector humanitarian response in Cameroon 3,074,225 Commitment
World Food Programme
Somalia Multi-Sector To provide Integrated humanitarian and social protection support to disaster prone populations in Somalia, and capacity strengthening of humanitarian cash coordination. 10,159,119 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Save the Children
Protection - Gender-Based Violence GAASHAN programme- Deliver protection services to address gender-based violence and child abuse, as well as sustainable approaches to preventative programming. 4,285,163 (shared on boundary) Commitment
International Organization for Migration
Multi-Sector Danwadaag- Reducing Vulnerabilities of Displaced Communities through Durable Solutions Programming in Somalia 7,281,553 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Norwegian Refugee Council
Multi-Sector BRCiS III- The project aims to enhance the resilience of targeted communities by supporting vulnerable rural communities to cope with shocks and stresses. 2,337,121 Commitment
Norwegian Refugee Council
Multi-Sector BRCiS III- The project aims to enhance the resilience of targeted communities by supporting vulnerable rural communities to cope with shocks and stresses. 18,089,172 (shared on boundary) Commitment
International NGO Safety Organisation
Coordination and Support Services To assist humanitarian and non-profit organizations in fulfilling their mandates though the provision of essential security coordination and information services that help to understand the operating environment and reduce the risks confronting their staff and operations. 465,839 (shared on boundary) Commitment
International NGO Safety Organisation
Coordination and Support Services To assist humanitarian and non-profit organizations in fulfilling their mandates though the provision of essential security coordination and information services that help to understand the operating environment and reduce the risks confronting their staff and operations. 465,839 (shared on boundary) Commitment
World Food Programme
Provision of Humaniarian Air Services to the Humanitarian Community in DRC 1,198,397 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
Strengthening the Resilience and Protection of vulnerable populations living in conflict-affected areas in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Multipurpose Cash
11,689,816 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
RESTORE: restoring the riverine eco-systems for climate adaptation 9,708,738 Commitment
International Labour Organization
Syria 3RP Livelihoods Estidama++ Fund – Formalization and Extension of Coverage (COVID-19 recovery) 143,666 Paid Contribution
International Rescue Committee
Reducing illness, violence, and abuse through systematic empowerment (RISE) 12,445,094 Commitment
Central Emergency Response Fund
United Kingdom Contribution to CERF 2025 59,923,175 Commitment
Central Emergency Response Fund
United Kingdom Contribution to CERF 2025 6,658,131 Commitment
International Organization for Migration
Supporting Humanitarian Assistance in Afghanistan Programme Afghanistan HRP Multi-Sector Humanitarian --- FCDO 413,986 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Supporting Humanitarian Assistance in Afghanistan Programme Afghanistan HRP Multi-Sector Humanitarian ---- FCDO 279,652 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Supporting Humanitarian Assistance in Afghanistan Programme Afghanistan HRP Multi-Sector Humanitarian --- FCDO 1,066,961 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Supporting Humanitarian Assistance in Afghanistan Programme Afghanistan HRP Multi-Sector Humanitarian --- FCDO 371,287 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Supporting Humanitarian Assistance in Afghanistan Programme Afghanistan HRP Multi-Sector Humanitarian --- FCDO 63,847 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Syria: Support to United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Humanitarian Action for Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas) 5,044,136 Commitment
International Labour Organization
Syria 3RP --- Livelihoods --- Estidama++ Fund – Formalization and Extension of Coverage (COVID-19 recovery) 35 (shared on boundary) Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Nepal 2024 Joint Recovery Action Plan Food Security - Nutrition Support livelihoods and the continuation of basic service delivery ---- FCDO 1,752,330 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Nepal 2024 Joint Recovery Action Plan Emergency Shelter and NFI Provide access to shelter assistance packages and socio-technical support to households rebuilding their homes ---- FCDO 173,637 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Escalation of Hostilities in the OPT Flash Appeal 2023-2024 Support Humanitarian response in Occupied Palestinian Territories ---- GBV 672,468 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Escalation of Hostilities in the OPT Flash Appeal 2023-2024 Support Humanitarian response in Occupied Palestinian Territories ---- Health 2,017,405 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Response Plan 2024 Enhance protection of Ukranian refugees in Moldova through comprehensive GBV prevention and response mechanisms 32,288 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Response Plan 2024 Enhance protection of Ukranian refugees in Moldova through comprehensive GBV prevention and response mechanisms 290,587 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Mozambique Multi-Sector To address the acute needs of displaced and vulnerable migrants in Cabo Delgado through Emergency Shelter, Protection, Camp Management, Health and WASH ---- FCDO 752,790 Commitment
International NGO Safety Organisation
INSO Mozambique Other Improved protection of relief personnel and improved effectiveness of humanitarian action
395,954 Commitment
Norwegian Refugee Council
NRC Mozambique Protection Enhancing access to essential documentation ---- FCDO 452,025 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
Burkina Faso HRP Health "Dewral is a Pulaar word meaning “helping each other.” Dewral: Response and Resilience in Liptako-Gourma links livelihoods and social cohesion to rapid nutrition and food security assistance, supporting participants to meet basic needs and begin looking to the future, strengthening household and community resilience to new shocks and longer-term precarity: ▪ After a rapid onset shock, Dewral’s short-term assistance package will meet vulnerable displaced and host community households’ immediate food, assets, and nutrition needs, and provide basic psychosocial support. ▪ Through longer-term interventions, Dewral supports underserved communities experiencing protracted crises with multipurpose cash assistance (MPCA), nutrition, and livelihoods activities to recover food security and improve child nutrition, and reinforces social cohesion to address underlying trauma, tension, and exclusion." ---- CASH 7,378 Paid Contribution
Concern Worldwide
Burkina Faso HRP Health "Dewral is a Pulaar word meaning “helping each other.” Dewral: Response and Resilience in Liptako-Gourma links livelihoods and social cohesion to rapid nutrition and food security assistance, supporting participants to meet basic needs and begin looking to the future, strengthening household and community resilience to new shocks and longer-term precarity: ▪ After a rapid onset shock, Dewral’s short-term assistance package will meet vulnerable displaced and host community households’ immediate food, assets, and nutrition needs, and provide basic psychosocial support. ▪ Through longer-term interventions, Dewral supports underserved communities experiencing protracted crises with multipurpose cash assistance (MPCA), nutrition, and livelihoods activities to recover food security and improve child nutrition, and reinforces social cohesion to address underlying trauma, tension, and exclusion." 140,175 Paid Contribution
Norwegian Refugee Council
Multi-Sector BRCiS III- The project aims to enhance the resilience of targeted communities by supporting vulnerable rural communities to cope with shocks and stresses. 1,215,390 Commitment
Catholic Relief Services
Assistance mulitsectorielle aux populations nouvellement deplacé et renforcement de la resilience des anciens deplacés et populations hotes dans le Liptako Gourma. Le projet comprend une composante reponse Rapide et une composante Reponse Longue. Les secteurs d'intervention sont la securité alimentaire/Moyen de subsistance; Protection-cohesion sociale; Santé-Nutrition. 595,789 Paid Contribution

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