Sweden, Government of 2024
Total funding: | US$1,260,020,895 |
Total pledges: | US$0 |
Flow ID Sort descending | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status |
#239477 |
United Nations Population Fund
SEB16/Arab States Reg. Office/Cairo | 3,133,893 (shared on boundary) | Paid Contribution | |
#243419 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Sweden (MFA) Contribution to OCHA 2024 | 14,134,649 | Paid Contribution | |
#243424 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Sweden (MFA) Contribution to OCHA 2024 | 1,858,535 | Paid Contribution | |
#271781 |
International Organization for Migration
Prevention and Response to Acute Trafficking in People, Mental Health and Psychosocial Concerns in North-East Nigeria, Phase 2 | 400,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#273648 |
Islamic Relief Pakistan
Pakistan Flood Emergency Response Plan 2023 Multi-Sector Improved wellbeing of communities through inclusive WASH services Communities enabled to improve household food security, income and assets through Cash for work --- SIDA | 487,579 | Commitment | |
#273988 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Collaboration and Cooperation across Displacement-affected Areas - improving conditions for peaceful and inclusive communities and enhanced self-reliance --- SIDA | 912,247 | Paid Contribution | |
#273992 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Collaboration and Cooperation across Displacement-affected Areas - improving conditions for peaceful and inclusive communities and enhanced self-reliance --- SIDA | 843,851 | Paid Contribution | |
#275145 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Sweden (Sida) Contribution to OCHA 2024 | 174,590 | Paid Contribution | |
#277098 |
Première Urgence Internationale
Humanitarian initial allocation 2023 | 781,667 | Paid Contribution | |
#278193 |
International Rescue Committee
Humanitarian initial allocation 2023 == Reducing Protection Risks and Meeting Basic Needs of Conflict-Affected Communities Far North, North-West and Southwest Regions, Cameroon --- SIDA | 123,903 | Paid Contribution | |
#282967 |
Swedish Red Cross
Additional allocation to SRC for South Sudan due to escalating conflict in Sudan. | 1,797,915 | Commitment | |
#285695 |
Action Contre la Faim - France
Multi-Sector Program Based Approach 2023-2025 in CAR | 782,549 | Commitment | |
#285698 |
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Projet PIINS, phase III | 46,454 | Commitment | |
#288231 |
World Food Programme
Contributions not used in the HRP | 61,242 | Paid Contribution | |
#288251 |
International Rescue Committee
Emergency Support for the flood affected people in Cox’s Bazar district. |
1,700,414 | Commitment |
#288299 |
Save the Children
Afghanistan HRP Education AFG_Sida_Contribution_Country_Strategic_Plan_2022-2025 | 1,901,551 | Paid Contribution | |
#289794 |
Save the Children
Emergency response to the the Ein El Helweh Camp Crisis in Lebanon. | 157,587 | Commitment | |
#290150 |
Save the Children
Emergency response to the the Ein El Helweh Camp Crisis in Lebanon. | 63,035 | Commitment | |
#291532 |
International Rescue Committee
Basic Needs - Guatemala | 336,345 | Commitment | |
#291692 |
Swedish Red Cross
Emergency response in Palestine | 303,309 | Commitment | |
#291697 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Darién Emergency Response The project's primary objective is to address the humanitarian crisis stemming from the surging mixed migration flows through the Colombian Darien gap into Panamá, and subsequently into other Central American countries. | 321,691 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#291891 |
Save the Children
Emergency response for the influx of refugees from Nagorno Karabakh into Armenia | 229,779 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#294521 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Sweden (MFA) Contribution to OCHA 2024 | 2,107,970 | Paid Contribution | |
#295261 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
UNRWA’s humanitarian operations in Palestine | 1,838,742 | Commitment | |
#295421 |
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Emergency Support to Afghan Returnees from Pakistan | 455,089 | Commitment | |
#295540 |
International Rescue Committee
Additional humanitarian allocation | 880,368 | Commitment | |
#295550 |
International Rescue Committee
Additional humanitarian support to Venezuela | 449,398 | Commitment | |
#295720 |
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Rapid flood respons for flood affected people in Dolo Ado district, Liban Zone, Somali region. | 385,468 | Commitment | |
#297124 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
opt | 3,854,679 | Commitment | |
#297152 |
Swedish Red Cross
Shelter, Health and Medical, Water/sanitation and protection | 318,620 | Commitment | |
#297291 |
International Rescue Committee
Afghanistan Earthquake Emergency Response | 213,522 | Commitment | |
#298005 |
International Rescue Committee
Humanitarian initial allocation 2023 == Reducing Protection Risks and Meeting Basic Needs of Conflict-Affected Communities Far North, North-West and Southwest Regions, Cameroon --- SIDA | 495,611 | Paid Contribution | |
#299169 |
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Each of the targeted households will receive 450 kg of heating pirina (olive pomace) for two months, slightly below the SNFI cluster's recommended allocation of 250 kilograms per month. | 185,113 | Commitment | |
#299755 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) Darien Emergency Response. NRC will scale up its response to address the most pressing needs of refugees and migrant children, women and men crossing the border through WASH, Shelter, Protection/ICLA and Education in Emergencies services. NRC will develop an integrated multi-sectoral response that will be coordinated between Colombia and Panamá. This will allow for improved access to services for the population affected by the humanitarian crisis. --- Protection --- SIDA | 27,847 | Commitment | |
#299757 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) Darien Emergency Response. NRC will scale up its response to address the most pressing needs of refugees and migrant children, women and men crossing the border through WASH, Shelter, Protection/ICLA and Education in Emergencies services. NRC will develop an integrated multi-sectoral response that will be coordinated between Colombia and Panamá. This will allow for improved access to services for the population affected by the humanitarian crisis. --- Water Sanitation Hygiene --- SIDA | 9,100 | Commitment | |
#299760 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) Darien Emergency Response. NRC will scale up its response to address the most pressing needs of refugees and migrant children, women and men crossing the border through WASH, Shelter, Protection/ICLA and Education in Emergencies services. NRC will develop an integrated multi-sectoral response that will be coordinated between Colombia and Panamá. This will allow for improved access to services for the population affected by the humanitarian crisis. --- Emergency Shelter and NFI --- SIDA | 10,884 | Commitment | |
#299762 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) Darien Emergency Response. NRC will scale up its response to address the most pressing needs of refugees and migrant children, women and men crossing the border through WASH, Shelter, Protection/ICLA and Education in Emergencies services. NRC will develop an integrated multi-sectoral response that will be coordinated between Colombia and Panamá. This will allow for improved access to services for the population affected by the humanitarian crisis. --- Education --- SIDA | 30,413 | Commitment | |
#300163 |
International Rescue Committee
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, SIDA Supporting Social and Economic Resilience of Vulnerable Women and Girls (SECuRE) II | 2,676,340 | Paid Contribution | |
#301441 |
International Labour Organization
RMRP for Venezuela Integration Providing Venezuelan migrants and refugees with access to decent jobs in their host countries - Enhancing opportunities for Venezuelan migrants and refugees in Latin America ---- SIDA | 183,896 | Paid Contribution | |
#301449 |
International Labour Organization
RMRP for Venezuela Integration Providing Venezuelan migrants and refugees with access to decent jobs in their host countries - Enhancing opportunities for Venezuelan migrants and refugees in Latin America ---- SIDA | 270,352 | Paid Contribution | |
#301497 |
World Food Programme
Duration From 010124 to 311224 (11 months) | 88,416,659 | Commitment | |
#301498 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
p | 3,362,152 | Commitment | |
#301500 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Duration From 010124 to 311224 (11 months) | 87,562,850 | Commitment | |
#301501 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Duration From 010124 to 311224 (11 months) | 38,424,592 | Commitment | |
#301502 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Core Funding | 43,828,859 | Commitment | |
#301503 |
IFRC Disaster Relief Emergency Fund
. | 4,803,074 | Commitment | |
#301504 |
Swedish Red Cross
. | 960,615 | Commitment | |
#301505 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
. | 15,850,144 | Commitment | |
#301511 |
International Labour Organization
Out of plan HDP (development) Productive Employment for Women and Youth in Mali through Market Systems Development | 1,318,113 | Paid Contribution | |
#301521 |
International Labour Organization
RMRP for Venezuela Integration Providing Venezuelan migrants and refugees with access to decent jobs in their host countries - Enhancing opportunities for Venezuelan migrants and refugees in Latin America ---- SIDA | 145,852 | Paid Contribution |