Switzerland, Government of 2018



Total funding: US$435,577,774
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 50 of 649
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
United Nations Development Programme
UNDP – Improving Living Conditions in Palestinian Gatherings (7F-09416.01) 303,030 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Capacity building programme in support of the Palestinian National Authority – Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary measures (7F-09401.01) 202,020 Commitment
Jordanian National Commission for Women
Jordan - Cooperatives as a Means for Women’s Economic Empowerment (7F-09467.01) 55,556 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Jordan - Reduce vulnerability in Jordan in the context of Water scarcity and increasing food/energy demand (7F-09468.01) 211,111 Commitment
(Morocco) Caritas maroc: droits humains des migrants 2016-2019 (part of 7F-05271.07), 2018 portion. 403,633 Commitment
Swiss Capacity Building Facility: North AfricaContribution (7F-08204.02) 485,437 Commitment
(Tunisia) Formation professionnelle en Tunisie (7F-08328.02) 48,544 Commitment
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
(Egypt) HAYAT: Human security through inclusive socio-economic development in Upper Egypt (7F-08457.01.02) 291,262 Commitment
Small Action HA: Central America (7F-00242.13) 51,921 Commitment
Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Foundation(GKCF) Support to Centers in Palestine Refugee Camps (7F-09569.01) 207,684 Commitment
Direct Action, Bekaa Valley (7F-09459.01.02/03/04) 1,064,874 Commitment
(Jordan): School Rehab, Syrian Children through local NGOs (7F-08097.04) 295,488 Commitment
Norwegian Refugee Council
(Myanmar): Acess to Civil Documentation, Protection and Access (7F-08798.04) 136,518 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
(Myanmar): Promote and support an environment conducive for durable solutions in Rakhine State, Protection and Access (7F-09566.01) 78,431 Commitment
Long-term educational, protection and life-saving support (part of 7F-09346.01 [2015 to 2018] 2018 portion) 316,456 Commitment
Terre des Hommes - Italy
Lebanon - Tdh, Protection of the Most Vulnerable Children Affected by the Syria crisis in South Lebanon (part of 7F-09383.01[2015 to 2018] - 2018 portion ) 153,093 Commitment
International Development Association
Enhancing advocacy and coordination capacity of AIDA in oPt (part of 7F-08637.03 [2016 to 2018] - 2018 portion). 41,625 Commitment
Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain
Myanmar: Strenthening Community Resilience to Natural Hazards (DRR), Rakhine State 2018 (part of 7F-09567.01) 64,755 Commitment
Jordan: Global Credit, Emergency Relief (2018 portion, part of 7F-06833.06) 221,774 Commitment
Morocco: ALCS (Association de Lutte Contre le Sida ) Migration Generally (2018 portion, part of 7F-09064.02) 30,242 Commitment
Tunisia: Plateforme d'assistance, Migration Generally (2018 portion, part of 7F-08929.02) 75,605 Commitment
Kenya: Promoting Life Skills and Livelihoods in Kukuma Refugee Camp, Kenya (2018 portion, part of 7F-08201.02) 806,452 Commitment
Apprentis d'Auteuils
Tahaddi Community Empowerment Pr. Formal Basic Education, (part of 7F-08099.02), 2018 portion 108,040 Commitment
Aga Khan Foundation
Tajikistan: FOCUS: Remote Geo-Hazards Capacity Building and Monitoring. Creating Opportunities in a Safe Environment (COSE): Integrating Risk Management into Urban and Rural Development, (part of 7F-06585.04), 2018 portion 558,943 Commitment
United Nations Development Programme
Tajikistan: improved DRR Policy Making Mechanism Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance (SDRGT), (part of F-08614.02), 2018 portion 181,935 Commitment
HI Emergency Protective Response(part of 7F-08519.03), 2018 portion 228,659 Commitment
Action Contre la Faim - France
Iraq: Drinking Water/basic san WASH 2016 -18 ( part of 7F-09679.01), 2018portion. 100,000 Commitment
Small Actions Credit Line , Psycho-social support through local NGOS, 2016-2018 ( part of 7F-09663.01), 2018 portion. 101,833 Commitment
ActionAid International
Myanmar: Continued Empowerment of Communities in Mon and Kayin States 2016-2019 ( part of 7F-09668.01), 2018 portion. 203,666 Commitment
Myanmar: Sustained community infrastructures for disadvantaged and conflict affected people in Mon and Kayin State through SDC, 2016-2018 ( part of 7F-08847.02), 2018 portion. 772,912 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Security analysis for enhanced protection in Bentiu and Malakal Protection of civilians site (PoCs) (2016 to 2018) , 2018 portion (part of 7F-09430.02), 395,012 Paid Contribution
(Colombia): Small-Scale Actions Credit Line through SDC (2016-2018) , 2018 portion, (part of 7F-01683.11) 51,546 Commitment
Norwegian Refugee Council
(Yemen): WASH Response in Lahj (2016-2018) , 2018 portion, (part of 7F-09548.01) 33,687 Commitment
Save the Children
(Yemen): Integrated Child Protection and WASH Emergency Response in Sa'ada(2016-2018) , 2018 portion, (part of 7F-09148.01) 43,013 Commitment
(Central America): Additional Credit Disaster Risk Reduction Programme 2013-2017 through Secretaria General del Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano (CSUCA), Centro de Coordinación para la Prevención de los Desastres Naturales en América Central (CEPREDENAC) (2017-2018) , 2018 portion (part of 7F-08668.01) 154,639 Commitment
Plan International
Improving livelyhoods of Syrian refugees in Damietta, 2016 & 2018, 2018 portion (part of 7F-09194.02) 50,352 Commitment
Somalia Resilience Program
Somalia: Somalia Resilience Programme (SomReP), 2016 & 2018, 2018 portion (part of 7F-09004.03) 302,115 Commitment
Community Development Association
Myanmar: Sustainable SDC infrastructure in the Ayeyarwaddy region, formal basic education, 2016-2020. 2018 portion, (part of 7F-09647.01.01) 33,484 Commitment
Emergency Relief and enhanced self-reliance for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians, 2016-2018, 2018 portion, (part of 7F-08897.01) 70,493 Commitment
Building Resilience throught WASH Interventions for Vulnerable People in Syria, 2016-2019, 2018 portion, (part of 7F-09707.01) 466,390 Commitment
Nonviolent Peaceforce
Reducting Violence in Mundri, Western Equatoria State, 2016-2018, 2018 portion (part of 7F-09683.01). 125,255 Commitment
Strenghtening PNGO Advocacy, Policy and Communication Capacities through Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) , 2016-2019, 2018 portion (part of 7F-09275.01). 142,566 Commitment
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Myanmar - CBPF (OCT 5435) 197,239 Paid Contribution
International Rescue Committee
(Yemen): Emergency Response to Improve WASH Services in Yemen, for 2016 to 2018, 2018 portion (part of 7F-09547.01) 46,678 Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eaux (AGIRE), Multiyear: 2016, 2018 to 2020, 2018 portion (part of 7F-08025.03) 292,976 Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Transforming Disaster & Climate (Food Aid), Multiyear: 2016 and 2018, 2018 portion (part of 7F-09331.02). 49,366 Commitment
TUR Concern Capacity Strengthening of local NGO's for an Effective Refugee Response in Turkey through Other NGO Int/Foreign North , Multiyear: 2016-2018, 2018 portion (part of 7F-09714.01) 71,707 Commitment
Natural Disaster Risk Reduction and Integrated Watershed Management in Muminabad through CARITAS Switzerland , Multiyear: 2016-2019, 2018 portion (part of 7F-06945.43) 585,366 Commitment
CARE International
Institutionalization of DRM in FATA , Multiyear: 2016-2018, 2018 portion (part of 7F-09685.01) 78,049 Commitment
Education for NGO through Mashal Trust implementing partners , Multiyear: 2016-2018, 2018 portion (part of 7F-09676.01) 19,512 Commitment

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