Belgium, Government of 2024
Total funding: | US$245,663,534 |
Total pledges: | US$500,000 |
Flow ID Sort descending | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status |
#274667 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Financing the programme component of the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation | 5,458,515 | Commitment | |
#281631 |
Nigeria Humanitarian Fund
Belgium Contribution to Nigeria, Humanitarian Fund (NHF) (NIG_ERF) 2024 | 2,169,197 | Paid Contribution | |
#281632 |
Lebanon Humanitarian Fund
Belgium Contribution to Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF) (3604) 2024 | 4,338,395 | Paid Contribution | |
#281635 |
Syrian Arab Republic Humanitarian Fund
Belgium Contribution to Syria Humanitarian Fund (SHF) (3558) 2024 | 7,592,191 | Paid Contribution | |
#281637 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Belgium Contribution to Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) (3420) 2024 | 5,422,993 | Paid Contribution | |
#281640 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo Humanitarian Fund
Belgium Contribution to DRC Humanitarian Fund (DRC HF) (DRC_HF) 2024 | 9,219,089 | Paid Contribution | |
#281642 |
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Belgium Contribution to oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) (3482) 2024 | 4,338,395 | Paid Contribution | |
#281643 |
Burkina Faso (West, Central Africa HF)
Belgium Contribution to Burkina Faso, Regionally-hosted Pooled Fund (BF_CBPF_RHPF) 2024 | 3,253,796 | Paid Contribution | |
#287425 |
International Organization for Migration
Enhancing resilience and recovery through area-based support in Ukraine | 6,001,100 | Paid Contribution | |
#288827 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Education in Emergencies for Palestine Refugee Children-Phase IV - Emergency Cash Assistance to Palestine Refugees in Syria - Digitization of UNRWA Historical Documents of Registered Palestine Refugees in Lebanon, Syria and the West Bank | 3,222,342 | Commitment | |
#288828 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Education in Emergencies for Palestine Refugee Children-Phase IV - Emergency Cash Assistance to Palestine Refugees in Syria - Digitization of UNRWA Historical Documents of Registered Palestine Refugees in Lebanon, Syria and the West Bank | 1,641,138 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#289103 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Contribution in support of people of concern to UNHCR in Ethiopia, Lebanon, Niger and Syria -- PROTECTION | 2,301,672 | Commitment | |
#290981 |
Belgian Red Cross
Protection des personnes les plus vulnérables affectées par les conflits à travers une assistance multisectorielle au Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Burundi, Rwanda et en République Démocratique du Congo | 873,832 | Commitment | |
#290982 |
Belgian Red Cross
Protection des personnes les plus vulnérables affectées par les conflits à travers une assistance multisectorielle au Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Burundi, Rwanda et en République Démocratique du Congo | 38,913 | Commitment | |
#290983 |
Belgian Red Cross
Protection des personnes les plus vulnérables affectées par les conflits à travers une assistance multisectorielle au Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Burundi, Rwanda et en République Démocratique du Congo | 92,729 | Commitment | |
#290984 |
Belgian Red Cross
Protection des personnes les plus vulnérables affectées par les conflits à travers une assistance multisectorielle au Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Burundi, Rwanda et en République Démocratique du Congo | 105,705 | Commitment | |
#290985 |
Belgian Red Cross
Protection des personnes les plus vulnérables affectées par les conflits à travers une assistance multisectorielle au Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Burundi, Rwanda et en République Démocratique du Congo | 75,485 | Commitment | |
#290986 |
Belgian Red Cross
Protection des personnes les plus vulnérables affectées par les conflits à travers une assistance multisectorielle au Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Burundi, Rwanda et en République Démocratique du Congo | 88,714 | Commitment | |
#291038 |
Belgian Red Cross
Strengthening vulnerable communities: Localised protection initiatives amid humanitarian crises in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Rwanda, DRC and Uganda through the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement network | 1,062,699 | Commitment | |
#291039 |
Belgian Red Cross
Strengthening vulnerable communities: Localised protection initiatives amid humanitarian crises in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Rwanda, DRC and Uganda through the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement network | 531,350 | Commitment | |
#291040 |
Belgian Red Cross
Strengthening vulnerable communities: Localised protection initiatives amid humanitarian crises in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Rwanda, DRC and Uganda through the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement network | 749,203 | Commitment | |
#291041 |
Belgian Red Cross
Strengthening vulnerable communities: Localised protection initiatives amid humanitarian crises in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Rwanda, DRC and Uganda through the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement network | 1,062,699 | Commitment | |
#291042 |
Belgian Red Cross
Strengthening vulnerable communities: Localised protection initiatives amid humanitarian crises in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Rwanda, DRC and Uganda through the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement network | 674,814 | Commitment | |
#291047 |
Médecins du Monde
Renforcement des mécanismes de protection et d’accès aux soins et droits sexuels et reproductifs, pour les populations en situation de vulnérabilité dans le région de Kita au Mali, ainsi qu’à Tahoua au Niger et Sud Kivu en RDC | 393,199 | Commitment | |
#291048 |
Médecins du Monde
Renforcement des mécanismes de protection et d’accès aux soins et droits sexuels et reproductifs, pour les populations en situation de vulnérabilité dans le région de Kita au Mali, ainsi qu’à Tahoua au Niger et Sud Kivu en RDC | 1,275,239 | Commitment | |
#291049 |
Médecins du Monde Belgium
Renforcement des mécanismes de protection et d’accès aux soins et droits sexuels et reproductifs, pour les populations en situation de vulnérabilité dans le région de Kita au Mali, ainsi qu’à Tahoua au Niger et Sud Kivu en RDC | 1,168,969 | Commitment | |
#291058 |
From community-based to community-led Protection programming: people at the centre of how harmful effects of protracted conflicts and climate change could be efficiently mitigated | 952,976 | Commitment | |
#291059 |
Oxfam Belgium
From community-based to community-led Protection programming: people at the centre of how harmful effects of protracted conflicts and climate change could be efficiently mitigated | 723,365 | Commitment | |
#291060 |
From community-based to community-led Protection programming: people at the centre of how harmful effects of protracted conflicts and climate change could be efficiently mitigated | 952,976 | Commitment | |
#291061 |
From community-based to community-led Protection programming: people at the centre of how harmful effects of protracted conflicts and climate change could be efficiently mitigated | 728,746 | Commitment | |
#291062 |
From community-based to community-led Protection programming: people at the centre of how harmful effects of protracted conflicts and climate change could be efficiently mitigated | 952,976 | Commitment | |
#291063 |
From community-based to community-led Protection programming: people at the centre of how harmful effects of protracted conflicts and climate change could be efficiently mitigated | 728,746 | Commitment | |
#291064 |
From community-based to community-led Protection programming: people at the centre of how harmful effects of protracted conflicts and climate change could be efficiently mitigated | 204,570 | Commitment | |
#291072 |
Vétérinaires sans Frontières - Belgium
Programme Humanitaire Protection au Sahel et aux Grands Lacs | 708,913 | Commitment | |
#291073 |
Vétérinaires sans Frontières - Belgium
Programme Humanitaire Protection au Sahel et aux Grands Lacs | 398,950 | Commitment | |
#291074 |
Vétérinaires sans Frontières - Belgium
Programme Humanitaire Protection au Sahel et aux Grands Lacs | 464,697 | Commitment | |
#291075 |
Vétérinaires sans Frontières - Belgium
Programme Humanitaire Protection au Sahel et aux Grands Lacs | 643,167 | Commitment | |
#292293 |
International Council of Voluntary Agencies
Improved coordination for the effective and efficient use of humanitarian resources | 265,675 (shared on boundary) | Commitment | |
#297673 |
UN Agencies (Confidential)
Food Security and Livelihoods Recovery and Enhancement of Vulnerable Earthquake Affected Farmers in Jajarkot and Rukum-West Districts |
460,000 | Commitment |
#301460 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Integrated Livestock Management to Combat Acute Malnutrition in Children Under Five Years in Chad *** The recipient organization does not have a project in the HRP *** | 500,000 | Commitment | |
#302303 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Cone contribution to UNRWA | 29,474,812 | Commitment | |
#302600 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Emergency agricultural support to drought affected people in Tigray region of Ethiopia | 500,000 | Commitment | |
#303269 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Emergency livelihood assistance to protect the food production of rural households in war-affected areas of Ukraine | 500,000 | Pledge | |
#305374 |
International Organization for Migration
Sustainable Water Supply System Recovery For Upstream Communities Affected By The Kakhova Dam Breach | 1,849,795 | Paid Contribution | |
#305891 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Production alimentaire | 500,000 | Commitment | |
#308471 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Belgium Contribution to OCHA 2024 | 6,223,176 | Paid Contribution | |
#308484 |
Central Emergency Response Fund
Belgium Contribution to CERF 2024 | 18,320,900 | Paid Contribution | |
#309646 |
Central Emergency Response Fund
Belgian Government of Flanders Contribution to CERF 2024 | 646,080 | Paid Contribution | |
#309691 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
“ Preventing and Mitigating Violence Against Civilians in Humanitarian Contexts: A Proactive Protection Capacity Development, Training, Coaching, and Research Project ” |
809,935 (shared on boundary) | Commitment |
#310757 |
Ukraine Humanitarian Fund
Belgium Contribution to Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UKR_CBPF) 2024 | 7,583,965 | Paid Contribution |