Belgium, Government of 2025



Total funding: US$98,697,630
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Cone contribution to UNRWA 29,474,812 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Belgium Contribution to OCHA 2025 6,223,176 Commitment
Norwegian Refugee Council
“ Preventing and Mitigating Violence Against Civilians in Humanitarian Contexts: A Proactive Protection Capacity Development, Training, Coaching, and Research Project ”
809,935 (shared on boundary) Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Multisectoral humanitarian crisis response in Democratic Republic of Congo- Cluster/sector not specified 59,587 Paid Contribution
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
"Le projet fournit une assistance agricole d'urgence a environ 4,150 ménages déplacés et affectés par les conflits armés dans la province de l'Ituri. Les activités principales comprennent la distribution de semences végétales et de cultures vivrières à haut rendement ainsi que de l'outillage agricole" 200,000 Commitment
International Labour Organization
Mitigating the devastating effects of the crisis on Palestinian workers, employers and their families 1,091,099 Paid Contribution
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
ducation in Emergencies for Palestine Refugee Children- Emergency Cash Assistance to Palestine Refugees in Syria - Digitization of UNRWA Historical Documents of Registered Palestine Refugees in Lebanon, Syria and the West Bank” 2,159,827 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRC activities in Ukraine (2024-2025) 8,762,322 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Central Emergency Response Fund
Belgian Government of Flanders Contribution to CERF 2025 632,911 Commitment
Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance
Voluntary contribution to the general budget of ALNAP 2024-2026 54,171 Commitment
World Food Programme
Corefunding for 2024-2026 for WFP 16,251,354 (shared on boundary) Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
Core funding of ICRC 12,944,984 Commitment
Caritas International Belgique
Protection Humanitaire au Coeur de l'Action - II (PROHUMA II) 2,718,447 (shared on boundary) Commitment
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
core contibution UNRWA 29,665,588 Commitment
World Food Programme
Proposition de financement desmoyens generaux du PAM 5,246,590 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protect and improve the life of refugees, internally displaced persons, returnees and stateless people. 10,787,487 Commitment
The New Humanitarian
Le journalisme de TNH vise à contribuer à une action humanitaire plus efficace et plus responsable qui améliore la vie des personnes touchées par les crises. 157,398 Commitment
International Council of Voluntary Agencies
Proposition de financement des moyens généraux du international Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) pour engagement sur 1 an 262,329 (shared on boundary) Commitment
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