United States of America, Government of 2008



Total funding: US$3,052,290,133
Total pledges: US$279,956,834
Displaying 1 - 50 of 905
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
Oxfam GB
Logistics and Relief Commodities,Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (DFD-G-00-07-00208-01) 658,110 Commitment
Helen Keller International
Treatment and prevention of child malnutrition in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali and Niger 1,500,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Meningitis outbreak (SM080063)[DFD-G-00-08-00093-00] 447,728 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Education for Children and Young People in Conflict Affected Areas of Northern Uganda (USA/Department of Labor) 500,000 Paid Contribution
International Rescue Committee
Education for Children and Young People in Karamoja Region (USA/Department of Labor) 300,000 Paid Contribution
Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale
Improved Access to Water and Sanitation Services in Return Areas 1,166,614 Paid Contribution
CARE Somalia
Gedo Livelihood Recovery Project (DFD-A-00-07-00202-02) 1,925,926 Paid Contribution
CARE International
Strengthening Livelihoods in the Gedo Region (SLGR) (DFD-A-00-07-00202-02) 819,310 Paid Contribution
CARE International
Emergency Flood Recovery and Disaster Mitigation Project (EFRDM) [DFD-A-00-07-00202-02] 295,865 Paid Contribution
CARE Somalia
Southern Somalia Water Rehabilitation Project II (DFD-A-00-07-00202-02) 656,973 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
351,410 MT of P.L. 480 Title II Emergency Food Assistance and Emerson Trust (for relief programming) 259,940,800 Commitment
World Food Programme
383,808 MT of P.L. Title II Emergency Food Assistance (toward the Productive Safety Net Programme) 301,551,000 Commitment
Catholic Relief Services
CRS Shelter and NFI Assistance in Western Darfur (Part of US$3,000,574) 892,838 Paid Contribution
(through US Embassy) LAC/Preparedness - Disaster Response (00008MO000460) 100,000 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (DFD-G-00-08-00017-00; DFD-A-00-08-00248-00) 4,317,516 Commitment
Save the Children
Economy and Market Systems, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (DFD-G-00-08-00008-00) 1,724,436 Commitment
Catholic Relief Services
Emergency relief supplies, including transportation 198,395 Commitment
Kenya Red Cross Society
Emergency relief supplies 200,000 Commitment
(through USAID Mission) Programme/Admin support cost 222,739 Commitment
World Food Programme
76,220 mt of P.L. 480 Title II Emergency Food Assistance (for ongoing WFP programs in Kenya - from the total commitment of US$82 million, US$72 million is allocated to respond to the current emergency) [USAID/FFP] 10,020,600 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Broadly earmarked contributions to UNHCR Iraq Supplementary Appeal (total of $116,400,000 - CAP portion, $17,466,171 to be allocated to specific sector/projects; Iraqi refugees in neighboring countries portion, $98,933,829) 24,802,334 Paid Contribution
Catholic Relief Services
Provision of Safe Water and Sanitation in Noigam, Show Ground in Eldoret, Turbo and Burnt Forest 400,000 Commitment
Catholic Relief Services
Rapid response activities in protection, humanitarian coordination and information management, logistics and emergency relief supplies 2,415,081 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection Monitoring of IDPs and Returnees 529,115 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Prevention and response to unaccompanied and separated children 303,000 Commitment
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Purchase and distribution of emergency relief supplies to the Bolivians affected by recent floods (Beni, Sta Cruz Departments). 75,000 Commitment
International Medical Corps US
Reduced morbidity and mortality among people affected by conflict through the rehabilitation of the health system and health infrastructures in Vakaga and Haute-Kotto prefectures (DFD-G-00-07-00109-01) 494,958 Commitment
(through USAID Mission) Admin Support 110,430 Commitment
(through USAID Mission) Admin Support (Ethiopia-Ogaden 150,000 Commitment
United States Agency for International Development
Travel-USAID East Africa 13,000 Commitment
Red Cross Society of China
China/Winter Emergency - Disaster Response (00008MO000428) 150,000 Commitment
Costa Rica, Government of
Costa Rica-Preparedness- Risk Reduction (00008MO000419) 12,000 Commitment
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Health (DFD-G-00-08-00046-00) 416,494 Commitment
International Medical Corps US
Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Nutrition, Protection(HDA-G-00-02-00120-10; DFD-G-00-08-00077-00) 2,820,203 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Health,Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (DFD-G-00-08-00019-00) 2,000,000 Commitment
Première Urgence Internationale
Economy and Market Systems, Agriculture and Food Security (DFD-G-00-08-00041-01) 2,071,058 Commitment
(through USAID Mission) Admin Support (660-MARDA22A135.00-3-)80043 991,413 Commitment
(through USAID) Mitigation 25,000 Commitment
(through USAID) Protection 50,000 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Preparedness/Vulnerable and IDP - Protection (DFD-G-00-06-00228-06) 300,000 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Nutrition - contribution made outside the appeal framework (DFD-A-00-07-00050-01) 1,000,000 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Accelerated Young Child Survival/Reaching Every Child in Somalia (MDG 4) Included in UNTP (DFD-G-00-07-00018-02) 1,143,809 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Lutheran World Relief
Refugee assistance to Kakuma and Dabaab Camps 765,868 Commitment
John S Connor, Inc
Logistics and Relief Commodities (TRN-C-00-08-00032-00) 75,225 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Water and Sanitation to Post-Election IDPs in Molo, Nakuru 250,000 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Emergency Camp Management for Kenyan IDPs Hosted in Sites in Kitale and Surrounding Areas 250,000 Commitment
Cooperative Housing Foundation International
Humanitarian Coordination and Information Management in Darfur (DFD-G-00-08-00186-00) 256,034 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Early Recovery Health and WASH Projects for Returning Post-Election IDPs 185,000 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Protection Support to Post-Election IDPs 200,000 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
Distribution of Essential Household Goods in Post-Election IDP Sites 125,000 Commitment

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