Ireland, Government of 2022



Total funding: US$205,562,049
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 50 of 214
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
UN Agencies (Confidential)
***** 1,141,553 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Bangladesh: Rohingya Refugee Crisis Joint Response Plan 2022 Bhasan Char Response; Coordination and Staff Health; Education; Food Security; Health; Nutrition; Protection; Shelter/Non-Food Items; Site Management and Site Development; Water Sanitation and Hygiene 1,126,126 Paid Contribution
To save lives and alleviate suffering 296,684 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
to save lives and alleviate suffering 594,530 Paid Contribution
Plan Ireland
To save lives and alleviate suffering 91,116 Commitment
World Vision Ireland
To save lives and alleviate suffering 142,369 Commitment
To save lives and alleviate suffering 170,843 Commitment
To save lives and alleviate suffering 167,411 Commitment
To save lives and alleviate suffering 168,539 Commitment
Start Network
To save lives and alleviate suffering 2,106,742 Commitment
Ukraine Humanitarian Fund
Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF) [OCT 10345] 3,285,871 Paid Contribution
Inter Religious Council
To save lives and alleviate suffering 276,013 Commitment
Inter Religious Council
To save lives and alleviate suffering 276,013 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Christian Aid
To save lives and alleviate suffering 157,486 Commitment
To save lives and alleviate suffering 164,294 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
To save lives and alleviate suffering 276,013 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
To save lives and alleviate suffering 276,013 Commitment
Inter Religious Council
To save lives and alleviate suffering 591,457 Commitment
Inter Religious Council
To save lives and alleviate suffering
37,119 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Ukraine Regional Refugee Response Plan 2022 (RUKRN22) Regional No Sector Earmarking 3,285,871 Paid Contribution
Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund
Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF) [OCT 10397] 2,738,226 Paid Contribution
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
OCT 10398 [OCT 10398];[HQHUM/2022/UNOCHA/Core] 4,381,161 Paid Contribution
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) OCT [OCT 10380] 5,580,357 Paid Contribution
Iraq Humanitarian Fund
Iraq Humanitarian Fund (IHF) [OCT 10358] 1,095,290 Paid Contribution
International Committee of the Red Cross
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 3,285,871 Commitment
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
To support the IFRC response to the crisis in Ukraine and surrounding countries. 1,095,290 Commitment
Oxfam Novib Netherlands
To save lives and alleviate suffering 105,454 Commitment
Oxfam Ireland
To save lives and alleviate suffering
110,816 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering 400,530 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering 544,502 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering 496,511 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering 112,961 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Christian Aid
To save lives and alleviate suffering
241,873 Commitment
World Vision International
To save lives and alleviate suffering 255,484 Commitment
Plan Ireland
To save lives and alleviate suffering 307,054 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering 468,787 Paid Contribution
ACT Alliance / Christian Aid
To save lives and alleviate suffering 480,202 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering
496,511 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering 263,577 Commitment
World Vision International
To save lives and alleviate suffering 608,772 Paid Contribution
Oxfam Ireland
To save lives and alleviate suffering 404,811 Commitment
Somalia Humanitarian Fund
The Fund aligns itself with the Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan 2022, which is targeting 5.5 million vulnerable people with life-saving humanitarian assistance. 3,309,591 Commitment
Plan Ireland
To save lives and alleviate suffering
331,201 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering 592,493 Commitment
World Vision International
To save lives and alleviate suffering 728,531 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Christian Aid
To save lives and alleviate suffering 412,946 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Christian Aid
To save lives and alleviate suffering 462,054 Commitment
Christian Mission Aid
To save lives and alleviate suffering 418,527 Commitment
World Vision Syria Response
To save lives and alleviate suffering 403,186 Commitment
World Vision Ireland
To save lives and alleviate suffering
204,625 Commitment

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