Ireland, Government of 2023



Total funding: US$209,117,998
Total pledges: US$13,815,090
Displaying 1 - 50 of 243
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Ireland (IRISH AID) Contribution to OCHA 2023 4,282,655 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Bangladesh Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis Joint Response Plan 2023 - Bhasan Char Response 1,014,199 Paid Contribution
International Committee of the Red Cross
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 2,028,398 (shared on boundary) Commitment
United Nations Population Fund
This allocation provides a contribution to UNFPA's Horn of Africa Drought Crisis Response Plan. The program is comprised of critical interventions to address the needs of women and girls during this humanitarian emergency. UNFPA's HOA Drought Crisis Response Plan shows a clear emphasis of prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable. 1,471,215 Commitment
United Nations Population Fund
This allocation provides a contribution to UNFPA's Horn of Africa Drought Crisis Response Plan. The program is comprised of critical interventions to address the needs of women and girls during this humanitarian emergency. UNFPA's HOA Drought Crisis Response Plan shows a clear emphasis of prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable. 213,220 Commitment
United Nations Population Fund
This allocation provides a contribution to UNFPA's Horn of Africa Drought Crisis Response Plan. The program is comprised of critical interventions to address the needs of women and girls during this humanitarian emergency. UNFPA's HOA Drought Crisis Response Plan shows a clear emphasis of prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable. 447,761 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | United Nations Children's Fund | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | World Food Programme
Rapid Response Corps deployments into various humanitarian and emergency crises throughout 2022 1,482,877 (shared on boundary) Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Delivery of integrated high impact drought response interventions to enhance the health, dignity and wellbeing of drought-affected populations in the arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) of Kenya. (2023 portion of EUR 1 mio) 82,007 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Christian Aid
To save lives and alleviate suffering 159,744 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security Building resilient communities through climate smart and market driven production for improved food and nutrition security in Sierra Leone 533,049 Commitment
Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund
Ireland Contribution to Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF) (3559) 2023 1,071,811 Paid Contribution
Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund
Ireland Contribution to Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF) (3559) 2023 2,648,305 Paid Contribution
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Ireland Contribution to Myanmar Humanitarian Fund (MHF) (3415) 2023 529,661 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 3,177,966 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 1,059,322 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 783,898 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 266,949 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 266,949 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 266,949 Commitment
International Rescue Committee
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 266,949 Commitment
United Nations Population Fund
UNFPA's earthquake response in Türkiye 603,732 Commitment
United Nations Population Fund
UNFPA's earthquake response in Türkiye 603,732 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Ireland (IRISH AID) Contribution to OCHA 2023 535,332 Paid Contribution
International Committee of the Red Cross
Humanitarian Unit, DCAD to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as core funding for 2023. 10,976,948 Commitment
Lebanon Humanitarian Fund
Ireland Contribution to Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF) (3604) 2023 2,750,275 Paid Contribution
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Ireland Contribution to Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) (3420) 2023 6,600,660 Paid Contribution
International Committee of the Red Cross
To save lives and alleviate suffering of the vulnerable. 1,100,110 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
To save lives and alleviate suffering of the vulnerable. 1,650,165 Commitment
Democratic Republic of the Congo Humanitarian Fund
Ireland Contribution to DRC Humanitarian Fund (DRC HF) (DRC_HF) 2023 3,025,303 Paid Contribution
To save lives and alleviate suffering 550,055 Commitment
Start Network
To save lives and alleviate suffering 2,090,209 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
Food Security (food parcels and supermarket vouchers 53,500 Paid Contribution
Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund
Ireland Contribution to Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund (EHF) (3379) 2023 2,181,025 Paid Contribution
International Committee of the Red Cross
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 539,957 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 539,957 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 539,957 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
To save lives and alleviate suffering. 539,957 Commitment
Plan Ireland
To save lives and alleviate suffering 161,987 Commitment
to save lives and alleviate suffering 107,991 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Christian Aid
To save lives and alleviate suffering 107,991 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering 161,987 Commitment
World Vision Syria Response
To save lives and alleviate suffering 161,987 Commitment
Plan Ireland
To save lives and alleviate suffering 161,987 Commitment
Plan International
To save lives and alleviate suffering 86,393 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering Conflict in Sudan 161,987 Commitment
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering - Flooding in Ethiopia 161,987 Commitment
World Vision Ireland
To save lives and alleviate suffering
118,790 Commitment
Oxfam GB
To save lives and alleviate suffering CASH 161,987 Commitment
Nigeria Humanitarian Fund
Ireland Contribution to Nigeria, Humanitarian Fund (NHF) (NIG_ERF) 2023 1,090,513 Paid Contribution
Comitato Internationale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli
The project aimed at to responde to drought affected communities of Borena through Multi-purpose cash transfer, and integrated WASH interventions WASH and MPCT 550,000 Paid Contribution

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