Denmark, Government of 2007



Total funding: US$175,102,940
Total pledges: US$480,000
Displaying 1 - 50 of 197
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
Central Emergency Response Fund
Funds to be allocated to specific appeals, agencies and projects 8,742,384 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Awaiting allocation to specific project/sector (SM060427) 881,850 Paid Contribution
Save the Children
Emergency education - Rehabilitation and reintegration in south Sudan 2007 - 3rd installment (46.H.7-4-117) 1,364,359 Commitment
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
Support to reintegration of returning refugees in Burundi 2007 (46.H.1.5.Burundi) 1,322,667 Commitment
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
Refugees in South Sudan and neighbouring Kenya (46.H.7-2-136) 881,896 Commitment
Danish Red Cross
Refugees in Uganda (46.H.7-1-147) 352,759 Commitment
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
Support to DCAs rehabilitation and reintegration activities in Southern Sudan 2007 (46.H.7-2-137) 1,058,134 Commitment
Médecins Sans Frontières
Contribution to Mdecins Sans Frontires´ Emergency aid personel in 2007 (46.H.5.LUG) 883,058 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food aid 918,118 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
WFP Air Support Service for the West African Region (SO 10061.3/SO 10552.0) 110,430 Paid Contribution
Danish Mission Council Development
Emergency aid list for humanitarian efforts 2007-2009 (46.H.7-20.b) 264,917 Commitment
Danish Mission Council Development
Emergency preparedness list 2007 (46.H.5.DHF-2007) 883,058 Commitment
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Human Rights Protection and Promotion 1,058,201 Paid Contribution
Danish Mission Council Development
Rehabilitation of the Lutheran Training Institute (46.H.7-20.c.) 352,340 Commitment
Save the Children
Child nutrition III, emergency education programme for children, child resilience and capacity development 2007. 2.instalment (46.H.7-4-118) 278,180 Commitment
Save the Children
ABE for children affected by armed conflict 2007. 2.instalment (46.H.7-4-118) 365,112 Commitment
Save the Children
Child focused relief 2007 2.instalment (46.H.7-4-118) 260,794 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Reconstruction and stabilisation aid to returned refugees and locals in Kajokeji County, South Sudan 2007 3rd instalment of a total amount of 1,608,579 euro from 2005-2007 (46.H.7-3-144) 515,570 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Support to reintegration of refugees in South Sudan 2007. Grant period 2006-2008 - total grant of 2,278,820 euro (46.H.7-3-143) 495,191 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Aid to education and improved livelihood among refugees and local citizens in Dadaab, Kenya 2007. grant period 2005-2007 - total grant 2,010,724 euro (46.H.7-3-140) 678,127 Commitment
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Rehabilitation and integration of IDPs, refugees and vulnerable people in North Kivu & the provinces of Orientale, DR Congo 2007. 1.instalment of total grant 1.mio. euro (46.H.7-5-117) 621,416 Commitment
Afghanistan, Government of
Civi-mili cooperation in Afghanistan 2007 - Feysabad (46.H.1-6-8) 170,545 Commitment
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Health education, fase 2, West Darfur, Sudan 2007 (46.H.7-5-119) 706,447 Commitment
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Integrated resettlement and rehabilitation project in Lofa County, Liberia 2007 (46.H.7-5-122) 706,447 Commitment
World Food Programme
Augmentation of Logistics preparedness capacity 48,958 Paid Contribution
Danish Refugee Council
Protection (46.H.7-3-148.b) 443,698 Paid Contribution
Danish Refugee Council
Support to refugee & IDP activities in Sri Lanka 2007 (46.H.7-3-148.c.) 1,738,629 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Support to refugees & IDPs from Darfur affected by the conflict 2007 (46.H.7-3-148.d.) 1,738,629 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Support to refugee & IDP activities in Angola 2007 (46.H.7-3-148.e.) 1,043,178 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Support to Emergency efforts concerning refugees 2007 (46.H.7-3-148.f.) 593,055 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Support to capacity building activities in 2007 with the purpose of further developing the skills of Danish Refugee Council personnel working in the field (46.H.7-3-148.g.) 69,545 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Support to activities in War torn West Africa (The Mano River region) - Liberia, Cte DIvoire and Guinea 2007 (46.H.7-3-148.a.) 788,914 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Physical and legal protection to asylum-seekers and refugees in Nepal 37,500 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection of and Assistance to returned IDPs and Receiving Communities 1,198,236 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Repatriation and Reintegration of Burundian Refugees 881,834 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Awaiting allocation to specific project/sector 2,733,686 Paid Contribution
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Contribution to OCHA for the year 2007 ( 602.4015.1) 1,788,909 Paid Contribution
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Study on the effectiveness of military assets in international natural disaster response 2007 98,390 Commitment
Development Initiatives
Danish contribution to Development Initiatives project; Study on multilaterals - Good Humanitarian Donorship activities under Danish Co-chairmanship 2007 (46.H.1-5) 268,037 Commitment
Oxford University
Support to African & Asian candidates participating in Oxford Universitys summer course programme on refugee studies 2007-2009 (46.H.1-5-3) 83,436 Commitment
Danish Mission Council Development
Emergency aid pool for humanitarian efforts 2007-2009 (46.H.7-20.b) 177,184 Commitment
Danish Refugee Council
Protection & integrated livelihood support for conflict-affected populations in Somalia 2007-2010 (46.H.7-3-149) 2,219,045 Commitment
Save the Children
Ethiopia; Child focused relief (46.H.7-4-120.a-d.) 266,321 Commitment
Save the Children
Education (46.H.7-4-120.a-d.) 621,416 Commitment
Save the Children
Livelihood (46.H.7-4-120.a-d.) 621,416 Commitment
Save the Children
Child resilience (46.H.7-4-120.a-d.) 177,547 Commitment
Save the Children
Support to Save the Children & their project on child protection work in Darfur, Sudan - 2007 (46.H.7-4-121) 804,289 Commitment
Iraq, Government of
Humanitarian efforts in Iraq 2007 - civil-military cooperation (46.H.1-6-10) 893,655 Commitment
Afghanistan, Government of
Civilian-Military activities in Feysabad, Afghanistan 2007 (46.H.1-6-11) 178,731 Commitment
United Nations Population Fund
to be allocated to specific project/sector 480,000 Pledge

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