Denmark, Government of 2024
Total funding: | US$377,790,850 |
Total pledges: | US$0 |
Flow ID Sort descending | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status |
#248917 |
Danish Refugee Council
Increasing self-reliance and the resilience of vulnerable populations including Internally Displaced populations (IDPs) and Host communities (HCs) MFA, Annual programme 2022 | 117,555 | Commitment | |
#274689 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security Support enhancement of the fishery-based livelihoods in Gaza | 691,563 | Commitment | |
#275250 |
African Relief and Development
Saving lives of crisis drought effected households throught inclusive and intergrated community based emergency response somalia | 100,000 | Commitment | |
#275340 |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
increase the protection of vulnerable groups, especially women and girls, save lives of the most vulnerable in times of crisis and build productive assets through an integrated and multi – stakeholder approach that involves CBOs (Youth and Women groups), NNGOs, local community structures and networks, local authorities, humanitarian and development partners in Upper Nile | 902,564 | Paid Contribution | |
#285068 |
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
Protection - Mine Action Establishment of TS and Clearance activities in Eastern Ukraine | 1,101,496 | Commitment | |
#287497 |
International Organization for Migration
Enhancing Resilience and Recovery in Mykolaiv | 2,574,850 | Paid Contribution | |
#288855 |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Annual Programme 2023 - Outcome 1: Basic life-saving needs are met | 111,279 | Commitment | |
#290965 |
Danish Red Cross
Top-up Afghanistan 2023 - Annual Programme 2023 | 719,942 | Commitment | |
#291899 |
Danish Red Cross
Annual programme 2023 – Emergency Response Fund 2023 | 81,760 | Commitment | |
#293586 |
CARE Denmark
Annual programme 2023 | 259,546 | Commitment | |
#293937 |
United Nations Population Fund
Transformative Humanitarian Response/ Action 2023 | 2,205,234 | Paid Contribution | |
#293939 |
United Nations Population Fund
Transformative Humanitarian Response/ Action 2023 | 2,940,312 | Paid Contribution | |
#293940 |
United Nations Population Fund
Transformative Humanitarian Response/ Action 2023 | 735,078 | Paid Contribution | |
#297105 |
CARE Denmark
Emergency Response Fund 2023 - Response towards conflict | 349,492 | Commitment | |
#297116 |
CARE Denmark
Emergency Response Fund 2023 - Response to the humanitarian crisis | 228,795 | Commitment | |
#297133 |
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
Emergency Response Fund 2023 - WASH systems in Jenin Refugee Camp | 153,076 | Commitment | |
#297162 |
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
Emergency Response Fund 2023 - Emergency assistance to Sudanese refugees | 153,076 | Commitment | |
#297263 |
Save the Children
Annual Programme 2023 | 12,078 | Commitment | |
#297294 |
Emergency Response Fund 2023 - Response to humanitarian crisis in Gaza | 176,062 | Commitment | |
#297299 |
Save the Children
Emergency Response Fund 2023 - Response towards floods | 261,238 | Commitment | |
#297307 |
Save the Children
Annual Programme 2023 | 1,088,891 | Commitment | |
#297334 |
Annual Programme 2023 | 74,946 | Commitment | |
#297377 |
ActionAid International
Annual Programme 2023 | 469,480 | Commitment | |
#298169 |
United Nations Mine Action Service
Danish extraordinary contribution to UNMAS’ Mine Action in Support of Resilient Recovery and Reconstruction in Northern Ethiopia | 1,013,025 | Paid Contribution | |
#298182 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Extraordinary Danish contribution to UNRWA core budget 2023 - 2024 | 3,777,135 | Commitment | |
#298183 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Extra-ordinary contribution of DKK 20 million from the Government of Denmark to UNHCR’s Regional Response Plan for the Sudan situation | 3,029,844 | Commitment | |
#298184 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Extraordinary funding to UNHCR’s humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan under the Humanitarian Partnership Framework Agreement between the Government of Denmark and UNHCR for 2023-2024 | 2,170,767 | Commitment | |
#298214 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Danish contribution to UNRWA’s Flash Appel for Gaza and the West Bank, 2023 | 1,287,554 | Commitment | |
#298220 |
World Food Programme
Danish contribution to the World Food Programme's humanitarian action in Palestine | 2,894,356 | Commitment | |
#299753 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Green jobs and Sustainable Income Opportunities for Palestinian Female and Male Youth in the Agri-food Sector -Phase II | 1,103,103 | Commitment | |
#300600 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security Funding will be used to ensure sustainability of results achieved under UNJP/SYR/025/UND | 300,038 | Commitment | |
#300627 |
International NGOs (Confidential)
Support to Flood Affected Communities in Northeast Libya | 42,203 | Paid Contribution | |
#300629 |
International NGOs (Confidential)
Support to Flood Affected Communities in Northeast Libya | 125,135 | Paid Contribution | |
#302486 |
CHS Alliance
Danish Contribution to Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance, 2024 | 246,091 | Commitment | |
#304856 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Palestine: Denmark for thematic HAC Palestine Development funds for Humanitarian/Resilience response | 4,341,534 | Paid Contribution | |
#306914 |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
ELC III livelihood "The proposed project will respond through providing emergency assistance. While providing emergency assistance, the project will ensure to tackle protection issues that the community is suffering from and will also ensure that gender is mainstreamed across all project activities. To enhance community resilience and self-response, the project will also provide livelihood grants/assets. ---CASH --- DANIDA | 147,714 | Paid Contribution | |
#306940 |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
ELC III livelihood "The proposed project will respond through providing emergency assistance. While providing emergency assistance, the project will ensure to tackle protection issues that the community is suffering from and will also ensure that gender is mainstreamed across all project activities. To enhance community resilience and self-response, the project will also provide livelihood grants/assets. --- DANIDA | 590,857 | Paid Contribution | |
#307053 |
Danish Refugee Council
Annual Programme 2023 --- Early Recovery Increasing the self-reliance and the resilience of vulnerable populations including IDPs and HCs. DANIDA SPA project will focus on i) building the capacity of local civil society partners to provide support to affected populations, ii) improving opportunities to income generating opportunities/decent work and iii) reducing exposure to disasters and shocks by improving sustainable natural resource management | 650,385 | Paid Contribution | |
#307732 |
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
Flexible funds 2024 - Response to drought | 153,957 | Commitment | |
#307763 |
Danish Red Cross
Flexible Funds 2024 | 84,676 | Commitment | |
#307787 |
Save the Children
Flexible Funds 2024 | 32,064 | Commitment | |
#307790 |
Danish Refugee Council
Flexible funds 2024 - Response to disease related to Coliform Bacteria in Al-Shiha town | 573,027 | Commitment | |
#307791 |
Save the Children
Flexible funds 2024 | 87,811 | Commitment | |
#307823 |
Care Sudan
Flexible funds 2024 - Response to rapidly unfolding crisis | 269,150 | Commitment | |
#307826 |
CARE Denmark
Emergency Response Fund 2024 - Implementation of the IGNITE Climate innovation challenge: to source and support Ethiopian innovations that benefit the most vulnerable populations in the country affected by climate change and food insecurity. |
131,705 | Commitment |
#307829 |
Caritas Denmark
Emergency Response Fund 2024. Response to the humanitarian interventions undertaken by Caritas Denmark’s sister organization in Myanmar, Karuna Mission Social Solidarity, KMSS (Caritas Myanmar). | 76,725 | Commitment | |
#307837 |
CARE International
Flexible funds 2024 - Response to the unfolding emergency in Kenya caused by floods. | 90,065 | Commitment | |
#307838 |
CARE International
Emergency Response Fund 2024 - Funds for Climate Change Adaption Specialist (CCAS) deployed to two CARE Country Offices in MENA (Yemen and Syria) contexts which are adversely affected by Climate Change. | 115,283 | Commitment | |
#307840 |
Caritas Lebanon Migrants Center
Emergency Response Fund 2024 – Response to the worsening multi-dimensional crisis in Lebanon. Since October 7th 2023, Lebanon has witnessed a worsened national security situation | 76,725 | Commitment | |
#307849 |
CARE International
Emergency Response Fund 2024 – A pilot project initiated in the Kyangwali Refugee Settlement in Uganda in October 2023 | 121,888 | Commitment |