Denmark, Government of 2025
Total funding: | US$110,256,878 |
Total pledges: | US$0 |
Flow ID Sort descending | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status |
#274690 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security Support enhancement of the fishery-based livelihoods in Gaza | 691,563 | Commitment | |
#275341 |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
increase the protection of vulnerable groups, especially women and girls, save lives of the most vulnerable in times of crisis and build productive assets through an integrated and multi – stakeholder approach that involves CBOs (Youth and Women groups), NNGOs, local community structures and networks, local authorities, humanitarian and development partners in Upper Nile | 902,564 | Paid Contribution | |
#307056 |
Danish Refugee Council
Yemen Early Recovery Increasing the self-reliance and the resilience of vulnerable populations including IDPs and HCs. DANIDA SPA project will focus on i) building the capacity of local civil society partners to provide support to affected populations, ii) improving opportunities to income generating opportunities/decent work and iii) reducing exposure to disasters and shocks by improving sustainable natural resource management | 650,385 | Commitment | |
#309119 |
Danish Refugee Council
Flexible Funds 2024 - Response to the floods in Beledweyn and Jowhar | 83,551 | Commitment | |
#310396 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNHCR's activities in Ukraine | 27,600 | Paid Contribution | |
#312581 |
United Nations Mine Action Service
Danish core contribution to UNMAS’ Mine Action 2025 | 2,179,599 | Commitment | |
#312677 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Denmark Contribution to OCHA 2025 | 10,171,462 | Commitment | |
#313221 |
Central Emergency Response Fund
Denmark Contribution to CERF 2025 | 27,608,253 | Commitment | |
#318800 |
United Nations Population Fund
Contribution to UNFPA’s humanitarian response in Ukraine, 2024-2025 ---- Protection/Gender Based Violence | 908,166 | Paid Contribution | |
#323915 |
Danish Refugee Council
Digital inclusion and access to decent and greener livelihoods opportunities for people affected by forced migration and displacement | 26,982 | Paid Contribution | |
#326508 |
Ethiopian Red Cross Society
Regional Migrants Response Plan for East and Horn of Africa and Yemen 2022 Protection, resilience and social cohesion Support the rehabilitation, resilience and reintegration of migrant returnees into their communities. | 500,000 | Commitment | |
#328560 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Afghanistan: Supporting Afghan girls and boys to continue learning through commu Education | 2,906,132 | Paid Contribution | |
#334292 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Danish Contribution to UNHCR’s ROI Programme, Iran 2024-2027 | 1,126,126 | Commitment | |
#334301 |
Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees
Grant agreement between the Danish MFA and DACAAR - project to support returnees, IDP’s and vulnerable host communities in Afghanistan 2024-2027. | 2,815,315 | Commitment | |
#334311 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
Støtte til ICRC’s humanitære indsats i Palæstina gennem Røde Kors i Danmark, 2024-2025 | 703,829 | Commitment | |
#334319 |
World Food Programme
Danish extraordinary contribution to the World Food Programme’s (WFP) humanitarian response in Palestine territory (oPt), 2024-2025 | 1,407,658 | Commitment | |
#334321 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Danish contribution to UNHCR’s Humanitarian Action related to the Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan, 2024-2025 | 2,111,486 | Commitment | |
#334767 |
Special Trust Fund for Afghanistan
DENMARK TO AFGHAN SP TF MAY24 | 7,170,515 | Commitment | |
#335249 |
World Food Programme
Danish contribution to the World Food Programme’s (WFP) humanitarian action in Sahel, 2024-2025 |
4,889,634 | Commitment |
#335250 |
Danish Refugee Council
Top-up 2024 - Sahel - Reducering af sårbarhed overfor klimaforandringer | 530,875 | Commitment | |
#335253 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Danish contribution to UNICEF's humanitarian action in Somalia, 2024-2025 | 3,220,173 | Commitment | |
#335254 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Extraordinary Danish contribution to UNRWA core budget 2024 - 2025 | 2,794,077 | Commitment | |
#335255 |
World Food Programme
Danish contribution to the World Food Programme’s (WFP) humanitarian action in Somalia, 2024-2025 | 1,397,038 | Commitment | |
#335257 |
Danish Red Cross
Danish support to the ICRC and IFRC channelled through the Danish Red Cross 2022-2024 | 2,794,077 | Commitment | |
#335258 |
United Nations Mine Action Service
Danish contribution to UNMAS'project "Humanitarian Mine Action to Promote Peace and Safety in Northern Ethiopia" 2024-2025 | 977,927 | Commitment | |
#335307 |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Flexible Funds 2024 -Expansion of support to people that are displaced due to conflict and hostilities | 31,433 | Commitment | |
#335308 |
Top-up 2024 - Sahel - Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change |
838,223 | Commitment |
#335309 |
Danish Red Cross
Flexible Funds 2024 - Support of the delivery of lifesaving assistance including hygiene kits and dignity kits to displaced people | 139,019 | Commitment | |
#335310 |
CARE Denmark
Top-up 2024 - Sahel - Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change |
656,608 | Commitment |
#335311 |
Danish Refugee Council
Top-up 2024 - Sahel - Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change | 544,845 | Commitment | |
#335312 |
Plan International
Top-up 2024 - Sahel - Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change |
405,141 | Commitment |
#335313 |
Danish Red Cross
Flexible Funds - Support of Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) response to cyclone. | 104,788 | Commitment | |
#335451 |
World Food Programme
Danish contribution to the World Food Programme’s (WFP) humanitarian action in Syria, 2024-2025 | 3,492,596 | Commitment | |
#335452 |
Danish Red Cross
Danish support to the ICRC and IFRC channelled through the Danish Red Cross, 2024-2025 |
3,492,596 | Commitment |
#335742 |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Strengthening community-based climate adaptation in Uganda & South Sudan |
4,610,226 | Commitment |
#335743 |
Danish Refugee Council
Karamoja Strong: Community-led resilience in the face of climate-induced loss, displacement and conflict | 4,749,930 | Commitment | |
#335744 |
Enhance resilience of vulnerable populations to climate and conflict shocks in Burkina Faso | 4,610,226 | Commitment | |
#336334 |
Danish Red Cross
Support for the ICRC's Humanitarian Aid in the Sahel through the Danish Red Cross | 4,104,529 | Commitment | |
#336339 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Danish contribution to UNHCR’s humanitarian action in Syria, 2024-2025 | 3,420,441 | Commitment | |
#336363 |
Danish Refugee Council
Flexible Funds 2025 - Response to reach households with shelter support | 87,837 | Commitment | |
#336398 |
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
Flexible Funds 2025 - response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, driven by prolonged conflict, widespread displacement, and acute food insecurity. The project specifically targets women-headed households in accessing their basic needs. | 248,871 | Commitment | |
#336399 |
Danish Red Cross
Flexible funds - Rakhine IDP response | 124,582 | Commitment |
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