Germany, Government of 2013



Total funding: US$634,720,425
Total pledges: US$1,037,776
Displaying 1 - 50 of 470
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
(Rakhine) NFI emergency assistance Rakhine State (VN05 321.50 MMR 04/12) 232,758 Paid Contribution
Central Emergency Response Fund
To be allocated to specific projects (VN 05 381.00 CERF) 20,313,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(Jordan) Meeting the urgent basic needs of flood affected Syrian refugees in Zaatri camp. (VN05 321.50 SYR 02/13) 1,356,852 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(Lebanon) Provision of adequate shelter in response to drastic weather conditions. (VN05 321.50 SYR 03/13) 1,277,139 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
(Lebanon) back to school initiative (KfW) 5,074,930 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
(Lebanon) Strengthening Resilience and Restoring Normalcy among Refugee Children from Syria: The Child Friendly Spaces Initiative in Lebanon 658,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection and Assistance of refugees in Chad (VN05 321.50 TCD 01/13) 1,298,701 Paid Contribution
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Emergency Food Assistance in Gaza (VN05 321.50 PSE 02/13) 5,427,408 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Multi-sector assistance for Afghan refugees 951,299 Paid Contribution
Emergency aid to flood victims in the Eastern and Northern Province, Sri Lanka (VN05 321.50 LKA 01/13) 89,183 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Voluntary Conribution UNHCR 2013 (VN05 385.05/5) 10,610,080 Commitment
UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
Voluntary contribution for UNISDR in Geneva (VN05 385.28/3 01/13) 1,298,701 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
Non-earmarked field contribution ICRC 2013 (VN 05 503.30 FreiB IKRK) 3,978,780 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Disaster Preparedness -Voluntary Contribution OCHA 2013 (part of VN05 385.08 FreiB) [OCT 4073] 1,356,852 Paid Contribution
German Red Cross
Typhoon Bopha: Reducing mortality and morbidity in the population most affected by the typhoon (VN05 321.50 PHL 05/12) 238,727 Commitment
Johanniter Germany
Typhoon Bopha: Reducing mortality and morbidity in the population most affected by the typhoon (VN05 321.50 PHL 03/12) 238,662 Commitment
World Vision Germany
(World Vision Deutschland e.V.) Provision of drinking water and sanitation for IDPs, returnees and host families along the shores of Lake Kivu (Goma-Sake road Minova-Kalehe) (VN05 321.50 COD 02/13) 372,952 Commitment
Johanniter Germany
(Johanniter Unfall Hilfe e.V.) To reduce mortality and morbidity of IDPs (internally displaced Persons)in Mugunga I, III and Lac Vert through the improvement of health conditions (VN05 321.50 COD 01/13) 435,540 Commitment
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
Support for poor repatriated families who are affected from the strong rain and the floods (VN05 321.50 LKA 02/13) 119,363 Commitment
Arche Nova E.V. - Initiative for People in Need
(Rakhine) Safeguarding the lives of IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) of different population groups (VN05 321.50 MMR 01/13) 106,224 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Diakonie Emergency Aid
(Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) Emergency measures to ensure survival for internally displaced and returnee families in the catchment area Mutiri (VN05 321.50 COD 03/13) 712,599 Commitment
Assurance of basic medical aid for refugees in Melka Dida (VN05 321.50 ETH 01/13) 298,408 Commitment
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
(Lebanon) Cash Assistance 1,909,719 Paid Contribution
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Strenghtening of DRR Capacity and community based climate change adaptation in high risk areas of Rakhine State (BMZ 2012.9831.4) 2,077,922 Commitment
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
(Rakhine) Health assistance in Rakhine State (VN05 321.50 MMR 04/12) 69,948 Paid Contribution
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Typhoon Bopha: Distribution of drinking water after Typhoon Bopha in Baganga (VN05 321.50 PHL 04/12) 40,706 Commitment
United Nations Humanitarian Air Service
United Nations Humanitarian Air Service, SO 200341 UNHAS, South Sudan (VN05 321.50 SSD 02/13) 678,426 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
United Nations Humanitarian Air Service for Central African Republic (VN05 321.50 CAF 01/13) 678,426 Paid Contribution
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
(Lebanon) Non Food Items (NFI) 442,366 Paid Contribution
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
(Lebanon) Emergency Health 74,593 Paid Contribution
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
(Lebanon) Capacity and Management Support 152,017 Paid Contribution
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Provision of Victim Assistance at national, community and individual level in Central Equatoria State (VN05 440.70 SSD 01/13) 88,535 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection and Humanitarian Assistance for Afghan Refugees in Iran (VN05 321.50 IRN 01/13) 2,713,704 Commitment
Save the Children
(Jordan) Revised Syria Regional Response Plan ((part of VN05 321.50 SYR 16/13)) 2,916,084 Paid Contribution
Technisches Hilfswerk (THW)
(Jordan) Help for victims of the crisis in Syria (VN05 321.50 SYR 18/13) 2,577,028 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection and Mixed Solutions for refugees in Kenya (VN05 321.50 KEN 02/13) 2,857,143 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food Assistance to Refugees (VN05 321.50 KEN 03/13) 1,356,852 Paid Contribution
Johanniter Germany
Provide capacity for medical treatment of victims of possible election riots in 12 health facilities in hot-spot areas in Kenya (VN05 321.50 KEN 05/13) 71,224 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection of refugees and asylum seekers in South Sudan (VN05 321.50 SSD 01/13) 2,337,662 Paid Contribution
Aviation Sans Frontieres
(Turkey) Livelihood security for Syrian refugees in Turkey - Health and Medical, Food, Logistics / Technical assistance, Nutrition, therapeutic & supp feeding (VN05 321.50 SYR 19/13) 186,160 Commitment
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Preparation of health structures and emergency care in the urban informal settlements of Nairobi in relation to possible unrest in connection with the forthcoming elections in Kenya (VN05 321.50 KEN 04/13) 334,355 Commitment
International Committee of the Red Cross
(Syria) ICRC Assistance and Protection Activities in Syria (VN05 321.50 SYR 04/13) 678,426 Commitment
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
(Region) Humanitarian assistance to Syria Crisis - Health and Medical; Food; Household products & equipment (part of VN05 321.50 SYR 14/13) 332,157 Commitment
Médecins du Monde
(Region) Improving access to primary health care and reproductive health (part of VN05 321.50 SYR 07/13) 678,426 Commitment
(Jordan) Humanitarian assistance to Syria Crisis - NFI 542,741 Commitment
(Jordan) Alleviating the humanitarian plight of Syrian refugees in Jordan and particularly poor Jordanian families for a period of five months (VN05 321.50 SYR 11/13) 1,356,852 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Diakonie Emergency Aid
(Jordan) Emergency of Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon & Turkey (part of VN05 321.50 SYR 12/13) 814,111 Commitment
Johanniter Germany
(Jordan) Emergency assistance to Syrian refugees in Jordan (part of VN05 321.50 SYR 10/13) 542,741 Commitment
Save the Children
(Jordan) Emergency assistance for vulnerable children and their families in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan (part of VN05 321.50 SYR 16/13) 271,370 Commitment
Caritas Lebanon Migrants Center
(Lebanon) Humanitarian aid for the most deprived Lebanese families and Syrian refugees in Lebanon (VN05 321.50 SYR 09/13) 1,085,482 Commitment

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