Germany, Government of 2022



Total funding: US$5,065,113,999
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 51 - 100 of 1517
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
United Nations Children's Fund
The objective of the project is to contribute to strengthening resilience to future extreme weather events in up to three selected drought-prone communities in Oromia and SNNP through integrated and coordinated measures in the water, sanitation and health care sectors - BMZ Multiyear 2019 to 2022 (2022 portion) 4,788,149 Commitment
Aktion Deutschland Hilft
Journalist Competition "Humanitarian Assistance" (2022 portion) 160,443 Commitment
Save the Children
Food security and resilience of IDPs, returnees and host communities in Eastern Equatoria will be sustainably improved. 5,000,000 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Burundi - OCHA Office [OCT 6697];[S 09-40/Pol-10-321.50 BDI 02/19] 569,476 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Provision of UNHAS flights SOM 01/19 Multiyear (2022 portion) (Logistic) 3,300,330 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Somalia OCHA Office [OCT 6690];[S09-50/Pol-10-321.5S0OM06/18] 547,645 Paid Contribution
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Ethiopia - OCHA Office [OCT 6689];[S 09-50(Pol-10-321.50 ETH 01/19] 569,476 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food aid for those affected by the Boko Haram crisis in the Chad region in Nigeria, Niger, and Chad 13,636,364 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food aid for those affected by the Boko Haram crisis in the Chad region in Nigeria, Niger, and Chad 12,500,000 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food aid for those affected by the Boko Haram crisis in the Chad region in Nigeria, Niger, and Chad 12,235,818 Commitment
Plan International
Promoting the development of over 6,000 children (at least 50% of whom are girls), aged 0-8, through access to community-based, gender-sensitive mother-child health (MCH) services, early childhood development and promotion with an integrated peacebuilding curriculum, nutrition and WASH measures, and improved child protection for 27 conflict-ridden Muslim and Buddhist communities with over 30,000 inhabitants in Rakhine, Myanmar. 114,372 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Save the Children
The risk of particularly vulnerable children, at home, at school or in the community, becoming victims of conflict-related violence, rights violations, neglect, abuse and exploitation is minimized. 330,033 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Save the Children
The risk of particularly vulnerable children, at home, at school or in the community, becoming victims of conflict-related violence, rights violations, neglect, abuse and exploitation is minimized 2022 portion of multi year 1,100,110 Commitment
Plan International
Promoting the development of over 6,000 children (at least 50% of whom are girls), aged 0-8, through access to community-based, gender-sensitive mother-child health (MCH) services, early childhood development and promotion with an integrated peacebuilding curriculum, nutrition and WASH measures, and improved child protection for 27 conflict-ridden Muslim and Buddhist communities with over 30,000 inhabitants in Rakhine, Myanmar - 2022 portion of multi year 632,563 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
South Sudan - OCHA Office[OCT 6692];[S09-12/Pol-10-321.50 SSD 13/18] 569,476 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
The aim of the evaluation approach is to contribute to effective programme implementation and institutional, transnational learning within the framework of the Sahel Resilienz Initiative (and beyond). 3,190,319 (shared on boundary) Commitment
KFW Development
The objective of the project is to provide particularly vulnerable children and adolescents with improved access to integrated basic dining services. To this end, the project relies on participation in learning and action, gender-transformative approaches and the commitment of young people and adolescents as fundamental prerequisites for the ability of individuals and communities to resist and act. 33,003,300 (shared on boundary) Commitment
World Food Programme
The project aims to sustainably improve the food situation of the population and strengthen their resilience to crises (BMZ 2019.1860.6) 12,122,364 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
The income opportunities in the Anbar conflict region areimproved (BMZ) 31,808,036 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
The provision of basic services in the sectors of health, water/waste water, education and social support to vulnerable population groups - residents, displaced persons and refugees - has been improved. 29,065,848 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Relevant local actors and institutions of receiving municipalities are strengthened in the implementation of efficient, demand-oriented and integrated social and medical service provision for the sustainable and peaceful development of the receiving municipalities. 11,160,714 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.
Strengthen traditional agricultural production capacity in north-eastern Syria and improve conditions for the voluntary return of refugees and IDPs (2022 portion) (BMZ) 1,488,423 Commitment
The aim of the project is to strengthen the resilience of the population affected by the conflict in Kachin through improved livelihoods and to improve the protection of internally displaced persons and host communities (2022 portion) (BMZ) 605,061 Commitment
United Nations Development Programme
The aim of the project is to strengthen communities in terms of their social cohesion and their resilience to crises and conflicts. The measures include needs-based services, improved access to justice and increased local development opportunities - especially with the involvement of women (2022 portion) (BMZ) 1,395,089 Commitment
World Food Programme
Strategic Outcoms (SO) 2: "Vulnerable groups, including children, pregnant and lactating women and malnourished......SO3: "Food insecure women and men living in targeted areas of CAR have enhanced livelihoods to...SO 4: "National and subnational institutions have strengthened capacities to establish an adequate social protection system and manage food security and nutrition policies and programmes by 2020" Multi year BMZ (2022 portion) early recovery 5,224,327 Commitment
World Food Programme
Early recovery (2020 portion) 346,821 Paid Contribution
KFW Development
Contribution to high-quality basic education, and to strengthen resilience in particularly disadvantaged communities in the states of Adamawa, Yobe and Borno (2022 portion) (2019.1821.8) 4,242,081 Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Strengthening capacities to deal with the conflict between arable and livestock farmers in central Nigeria (BMZ 2019.1856.4) (2022 portion) 3,311,258 Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Integrated agriculture and livestock farming in Gao and Mènaka, Mali (BMZ 2019.1862.2) 626,931 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Integrated agriculture and livestock farming in Gao and Mènaka, Mali (2022 portion) 2,207,506 Commitment
United Nations Development Programme
The aim is to make an important contribution to stabilising the host communities in Lebanon and to improve the resilience of the refugees and the local population (2022 portion) 5,518,764 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
The aim of the project is to contribute to the reduction of maternal and child mortality through increased use of preventive and curative health services by pregnant women, children and adolescents, especially in the areas of reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, nutrition and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) (2022 portion) 4,139,073 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food aid for those affected by the Boko Haram crisis in the Chad region in Nigeria, Niger, and Chad (part of AA-S09 321.50 NGA 04/19) 5,619,402 (shared on boundary) Commitment
World Food Programme
CHAD PRRO 200713: “Building Resilience, Protecting Livelihoods and Reducing Malnutrition of Refugees,Returnees and Vulnerable People“ CHAD DEV 200288 (2022 portion) 3,420,782 Commitment
Medico International
Provision of humanitarian health services for IDPs and host populations in North-West Syria (2022 portion / AA-S09 321.50 SYR 02/20) 713,100 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
The project seeks to improve Agricultural production and household incomes of beneficiaries in affected areas : Conflict-affected IDP, returnee and host community farming households have improved access to agricultural inputs / nutritious food, livelihoods and safe access to fuel and energy (SAFE). 1,091,703 Commitment
KFW Development | United Nations Children's Fund
Structure-building measures within the nationwide school system and at schools will strengthen resilience, particularly in regions of Zimbabwe threatened by climate change. 10,917,031 (shared on boundary) Commitment
KFW Development
to provide improved access to vocational training and skills development including post-training support and psychosocial care for young people in the Rohingya camps and the host communities. 5,458,515 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Sudan Humanitarian Fund
Deposit into the Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) 45,059,718 (shared on boundary) Commitment
Democratic Republic of the Congo Humanitarian Fund
Deposit into the Democratic Republic of Congo humanitarian Fund 17,915,309 Commitment
Nigeria Humanitarian Fund
Nigeria Humanitarian Fund (NHF) [OCT 6914] 1,138,952 Paid Contribution
WASH, Food Security and Protection in the Democratic Republic of Congo (2022 portion) 1,845,820 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Emergency food security and livelihood support for conflict-affected groups in northeastern Nigeria (2021 portion) 1,085,776 Commitment
Nigeria Humanitarian Fund
Deposit into the Humanitarian Fund (NHF) 13,100,437 Commitment
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Improving access to primary health care and water- and sanita-tion services as well as emergency relief for conflict-affected population in northern Rakhine State, Myanmar (2022 portion) 275,938 Commitment
Ärzte für die Dritte Welt - German Doctors e.V.
Increased access to integrated qualitative health services for vulnerable populations in conflict affected areas in the target governorates in Iraq 1,279,584 Commitment
International NGOs (Confidential)
Improving protection and health of conflict-affected persons through mine action and physical rehabilitation, psychosocial and prosthetic services in the North-West and North-East of Syria 1,302,932 Commitment
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
oPt - OCHA Office [OCT 6900];[S 09-21/Pol-10-321.50 PSE 04/20] 561,798 Paid Contribution
Johanniter Germany
Regional emergency aid for people affected by the crisis in South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda 3,752,759 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
HRP FOOD SECURITY 1,830,740 Paid Contribution

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