Australia, Government of 2007
Total funding: | US$109,371,739 |
Total pledges: | US$3,817,867 |
Flow ID Sort descending | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status |
#41954 |
Central Emergency Response Fund
Funds to be allocated to specific appeals, agencies and projects | 8,760,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#42705 |
Oxfam GB
Water and sanitation activities (Part of AUD 1 million) | 787,402 | Commitment | |
#42706 |
World Food Programme
Food aid to vulnerable populations | 793,651 | Paid Contribution | |
#42965 |
Indonesian Red Crescent Society
Provision of 5,000 emergency food parcels and 5,000 hygiene kits to be distributed in the affected areas | 116,279 | Commitment | |
#43071 |
World Health Organization
Post-conflict activities in Lebanon | 1,905,000 | Commitment | |
#43077 |
World Food Programme
Emergency food aid in the form of high-energy biscuits and noodles to thousands of flood victims in Jakarta | 77,519 | Paid Contribution | |
#43520 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 12,550,868 | Paid Contribution | |
#43592 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Assist UNHCR to reach Iraqi refugees in nearby countries such as Syria and Jordan | 2,380,952 | Paid Contribution | |
#43593 |
International Organization for Migration
To assist Iraqis who have been forced from their homes and are now living in other parts of Iraq. | 2,325,581 | Commitment | |
#43692 |
UNDG Iraq Trust Fund
Humanitarian funding to the health cluster | 1,968,504 | Paid Contribution | |
#43693 |
UNDG Iraq Trust Fund
Humanitarian funding to the agriculture cluster | 1,968,504 | Paid Contribution | |
#44479 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 4,027,819 | Paid Contribution | |
#44523 |
International NGOs (Confidential)
Emergency and reconstruction assistance to affected communities | 1,615,509 | Commitment | |
#44714 |
International Organization for Migration
Camp Management / Multi-Sector Assistance to IDPs | 2,395,997 | Paid Contribution | |
#44795 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Support the restoration of health services, particularly immunisation campaigns for children in Lebanon (SM070041) | 1,211,625 | Paid Contribution | |
#44849 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Physical and legal protection to asylum-seekers and refugees in Nepal | 363,092 | Paid Contribution | |
#44892 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
to be allocated to specific project/sector | 1,959,147 | Paid Contribution | |
#44948 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Multi-sectoral support to conflict families in Southern Afghanistan: AUD819,551 for Measles & TT vaccination campaign; AUD548,249 for strategic water points & AUD15,664 for mine risk education (SM070057) | 1,097,987 | Paid Contribution | |
#44991 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 1,211,632 | Commitment | |
#44992 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Water and sanitation programme (SC070414) | 1,239,675 | Commitment | |
#44993 |
World Health Organization
Emergency health and essential medicines | 395,733 | Commitment | |
#44994 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Disaster management and water supply and sanitation | 403,877 | Commitment | |
#45002 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Rapid Response to educational needs in the North Eastern Province (SM070088) | 1,274,500 | Paid Contribution | |
#45206 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 403,877 | Paid Contribution | |
#45518 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Emergency Health Points (West Bank) | 2,361,760 | Paid Contribution | |
#45519 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Psychosocial Support, Gaza | 1,140,160 | Paid Contribution | |
#45520 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Emergency Food Assistance (Gaza) | 3,639,568 | Paid Contribution | |
#45521 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Emergency Food Assistance (West Bank) | 1,602,412 | Paid Contribution | |
#45684 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
Sri Lankan programme including protection, detainee visits and missing person activities (Ref: 240/5/1/1) | 833,333 | Commitment | |
#45695 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Facilitation and coordination humanitarian assistance to populations affected by disasters and emergencies; advocacy for the protection of vulnerable populations; and information management (Ref: 240/5/1/1) | 210,900 | Paid Contribution | |
#45721 |
World Food Programme
To provide emergency food aid to up to 400,000 people recently displaced and affected by the conflict, and for community-based food-for-work programmes (Ref: 240/5/1/1) | 1,181,103 | Paid Contribution | |
#45722 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Protection of children affected by conflict and displacement (SM070179) (Ref: 240/5/1/1) | 525,425 | Commitment | |
#45724 |
World Vision International
Conservation farming in drought prone areas (Ref: 240/5/1/1) | 416,667 | Commitment | |
#45725 | Through the DFID protracted relief programme to help stabilise food security and assist households in need (Ref: 240/5/1/1) | 833,333 | Commitment | ||
#46173 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection and legal assistance to displaced persons in Nepal | 36,248 | Commitment | |
#46174 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
To support the IASC project - Five ways to strengthen gender mainstreaming in humanitarian action | 419,300 | Paid Contribution | |
#46243 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Urgent humanitarian interventions support project | 156,046 | Paid Contribution | |
#46364 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Preventing and responding to gender-based violence | 832,700 | Paid Contribution | |
#46376 |
International Organization for Migration
shelter and emergency assistance to conflict affected population in Lebanon | 639,471 | Paid Contribution | |
#46403 |
International Organization for Migration
Immediate humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and reintegration assistance to IDPs in Iraq | 793,651 | Paid Contribution | |
#46498 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 1,574,803 | Paid Contribution | |
#46525 |
Save the Children
Reintegration of children formerly associated with armed groups/forces (CAFAAG) | 400,000 | Commitment | |
#46602 |
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Food security | 80,000 | Commitment | |
#46669 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (SM070179) (Ref: 240/5/1/1) | 525,425 | Commitment | |
#47037 |
World Health Organization
Provision of life saving health services to IDPs, urban poor and host communities in South Central zone of Somalia | 413,223 | Paid Contribution | |
#47119 |
World Food Programme
Coordination and provision of Security Telecommunication services within the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster | 409,836 | Commitment | |
#47120 |
World Food Programme
LRT formation & training/Cluster cell support costs/Inter-agency training | 614,755 | Commitment | |
#47121 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Protection Standby Capacity Project (ProCap) | 410,050 | Paid Contribution | |
#47321 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
To provide emergency shelter and support the Pakistan Red Crescent to distribute food parcels, essential NFIs and provide short-term basic shelter and health needs | 847,458 | Commitment | |
#47322 |
World Health Organization
Essential medicines and vaccines for the affected population | 433,550 | Paid Contribution |