Japan, Government of 2006
Total funding: | US$225,980,857 |
Total pledges: | US$16,572,027 |
Flow ID Sort descending | Destination org. | Description | Sector | Amount (US$) | Funding status |
#33773 |
Indonesia, Government of
Tents, blankets, polyethylene tanks, sleeping mats, plastic sheets - JPY 13,000,000 | 110,987 | Paid Contribution | |
#33981 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Nutrition Assessment, intervention, monitoring and surveillance | 1,000,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#33982 |
United Nations Children's Fund
UNICEF emergency response to South Asia Earthquake: for nutritional supplements, vaccination, monitoring and programme management | 1,000,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#34095 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 20,243 | Paid Contribution | |
#34207 |
Bolivia, Government of
Tents, blankets, sleeping mats and portable water tanks - JPY 10,000,000 | 86,125 | Paid Contribution | |
#34497 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Funds for the ADRC/OCHA Cooperative Project for the Regional Disaster Response Advisor in OCHA/Kobe | 100,000 | Commitment | |
#34613 |
Philippines, Government of
Emergency supplies and equipment (tents, blankets, plastic sheets, sleeping mats, polyethylene tanks, water purifiers, portable water tanks, electric generators) - JPY 25,000,000 | 215,313 | Paid Contribution | |
#34718 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
In response to IFRC Appeal - JPY 30,000,000 | 256,410 | Commitment | |
#34721 |
International Committee of the Red Cross
Medical assistance programme in Sudan | 2,000,000 | Commitment | |
#34725 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection, monitoring and assistance for IDPs and receiving communities | 2,146,703 | Paid Contribution | |
#34726 |
United Nations Mine Action Service
Support to Development of a National Rapid Response Capacity (Technical Survey and Landmine/ERW Clearance) | 553,665 | Commitment | |
#34730 |
United Nations Development Programme
Reintegration, rehabilitation and poverty reduction programme | 978,789 | Commitment | |
#34732 |
United Nations Development Programme
Community Empowerment and development project in Sierra Leone | 2,108,501 | Commitment | |
#34733 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Reintegration of children demobilized from fighting forces | 2,880,684 | Paid Contribution | |
#34734 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Primary education in Burundi | 7,267,030 | Paid Contribution | |
#34749 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Awaiting allocation to specific project/sector | 1,400,897 | Paid Contribution | |
#34865 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food security programme which contributes to the increase of food production in the State of Eritrea, with special emphasis on underprivileged farmers, through support to the project for the Management of Obsolete Pesticides | 555,556 | Commitment | |
#34866 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Awaiting allocation to specific project/sector | 1,256,410 | Pledge | |
#34923 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 1,428,571 | Paid Contribution | |
#35003 |
Central Emergency Response Fund
Funds to be allocated to specific appeals, agencies and projects from Hyogo Prefecture, Japan | 424,989 | Paid Contribution | |
#35036 |
United Nations Population Fund
Assistance for Isolated and Disenfranchised Communities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory | 256,447 | Commitment | |
#35037 |
United Nations Population Fund
to be allocated to specific project | 43,000 | Commitment | |
#35073 |
Central Emergency Response Fund
Funds to be allocated to specific appeals, agencies and projects | 7,500,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#35267 |
World Food Programme
Response to the Cote d´Ivoire crisis and its regional impact in Burkina Faso, Mali and Ghana (WFP PRRO 10372.0) | 13,805 | Paid Contribution | |
#35273 |
World Food Programme
Post-conflict transition in the West Africa Coastal region (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea) (WFP PRRO 10064.3) | 3,142,662 | Paid Contribution | |
#35282 |
World Food Programme
Post-conflict and rehabilitation in Guinea Bissau (WFP PRRO 10148.2) | 366,290 | Paid Contribution | |
#35304 |
World Food Programme
to sustain adequate food security of the poor ex-poppy growing farmers - Northern Shan State (EMOP 10345). | 280,000 | Pledge | |
#35335 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 257,342 | Paid Contribution | |
#35336 |
World Food Programme
Emergency food assistance to vulnerable households in the North Caucasus | 94,718 | Paid Contribution | |
#35346 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 8,448,276 | Paid Contribution | |
#35357 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 1,512,605 | Paid Contribution | |
#35358 |
World Food Programme
Food aid | 2,605,042 | Paid Contribution | |
#35395 |
World Food Programme
Food aid for the suffering people in Afghanistan | 2,517,241 | Commitment | |
#35398 |
World Food Programme
Food aid for the suffering people in Timor Leste | 862,069 | Commitment | |
#35400 |
World Food Programme
Food aid programme for suffering people in Nicaragua | 1,163,793 | Commitment | |
#35401 |
World Food Programme
Food aid programme for the suffering people in Bangladesh | 4,310,345 | Commitment | |
#35455 |
World Food Programme
Food aid programme for the suffering people in the Mindanao region | 1,206,897 | Commitment | |
#35464 |
World Food Programme
Food aid (JPN2006-004HQ 02) | 1,379,310 | Paid Contribution | |
#35465 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Contribution to UNRWAs General Fund for food aid | 4,310,345 | Commitment | |
#36258 |
Iran, Government of
Tents, blankets and electric generators | 85,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#36530 |
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Strengthening OCHA for 2006 | 650,000 | Commitment | |
#36621 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Improve Quality Education in oPt | 526,460 | Paid Contribution | |
#36750 |
United Nations Children's Fund
(Bangladesh) Emergency risk communication | 1,250,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#36755 |
United Nations Children's Fund
(Cambodia) Emergency risk communication | 1,300,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#36756 |
United Nations Children's Fund
(China) Emergency risk communication | 1,250,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#36757 |
United Nations Children's Fund
(Indonesia) Emergency risk communication | 2,600,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#36758 |
United Nations Children's Fund
(Lao PDR) Sensitisation of governments, health personnel, teachers, poultry farmers and other stakeholders and development of strategies | 1,150,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#36759 |
United Nations Children's Fund
(Mongolia) Emergency risk communication | 890,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#36760 |
United Nations Children's Fund
(Myanmar) Emergency risk communication | 1,460,000 | Paid Contribution | |
#36761 |
United Nations Children's Fund
(Thailand) Emergency risk communication | 1,660,000 | Paid Contribution |