Japan, Government of 2023



Total funding: US$1,449,378,302
Total pledges: US$10,000,000
Displaying 201 - 250 of 618
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Solar photovoltaic water desalination plants for vulnerable communities in Somalia 470,370 Commitment
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Empowering newly arrived female internally displaced persons to ensure food security and peace consolidation in South Sudan 303,000 Commitment
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Promotion of integrated services for enhanced industrial decarbonization and upgraded economic and social performance through the Palestinian Business Prosperity Center 551,240 Commitment
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Emergency livelihood support to mitigate the food insecurity crisis among vulnerable peoples in Iraq 645,157 Commitment
United Nations Office for Project Services
Additional Emergency Grant Aid for winterization assistance in Ukraine 548,509 Commitment
International Criminal Police Organization - INTERPOL
Project ViCTOR-Virtual assets facilitated Crime -Trace, Obstruct, Recover 870,370 Commitment
United Nations Development Programme
Strengthening Capacity for Maritime Disaster Risk Management, Peace and Security in Kenya 258,972 Commitment
United Nations Development Programme
Support the Mali Peacekeeping School to strengthen the conflict prevention and management capacities of ECOWAS countries 300,000 Commitment
United Nations Development Programme
Preventing Violent Extremism, Radicalisation and Small Arms Proliferation in the Sahel and adjoining Coastal Countries in West Africa 491,940 Commitment
United Nations Development Programme
Enhancing National Capacities for Counter-Violent Extremism, Anti-Piracy and Protection of Civilians Project 300,000 Commitment
United Nations Development Programme
Strengthening the Capacity of the Peacekeeping Operation Training Center of Togo (phase 2) 326,000 Commitment
World Food Programme
Optimizing Wheat Supply Chain to enhance Food Security in response to the Ukraine crisis Activities NOT COVERED by 3RP 600,000 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Provision of food assistance to crisis-affected people in Iraq, to meet their basic food and nutrition needs in view of the adverse impact of conflict and socioeconomic factors 1,944,444 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Lifesaving assistance to support access to food for Lebanese vulnerable populations Activities NOT COVERED by ERP 925,925 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Humanitarian food assistance to the most food insecure vulnerable people affected by high food prices, and technical support and capacity building to the national social protection system to mitigate the negative impact of the Ukraine crisis on people in Libya (fund reported prior to Storm Daniel) 1,018,518 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food insecure Palestinians in the Gaza Strip affected by the prolonged conflict and consecutive shocks have access to basic food to meet their food and nutrition needs Gaza 925,925 925,925 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Early Recovery and Livelihoods Promotion of early recovery in Syria through the rehabilitation of agricultural productive assets for rural communities 925,925 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Tackling Deteriorating Food Insecurity among Yemen's Most Vulnerable People with Life-Saving Assistance 6,574,074 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Provision of food assistance to vulnerable populations in Burkina Faso 2,361,111 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food Assistance for People Affected by Rising Food Prices, Impact of Rift Valley Virus and Climatic shocks 2,900,000 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Provide assistance to the crisis-affected school children in Cabo Verde through the national school feeding programme 259,259 Commitment
World Food Programme
Provision of emergency food assistance to crisis-affected people 2,500,000 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food and nutrition assistance to refugees and food insecure Djiboutians affected by drought and food price increase crisis 4,661,944 Commitment
World Food Programme
Promoting food and nutrition security for orphans and vulnerable children in Eswatini 583,842 Commitment
World Food Programme
Ethiopia Humanitarian Response Plan 2023 Nutrition 100% for Northern Ethiopia Provide lifesaving nutritional treatment for vulnerable, moderately malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women affected by the conflict in Northern Ethiopia 3,925,925 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Humanitarian food and nutrition assistance to the most vulnerable people in The Gambia affected by Russia - Ukraine crisis, Casamance (Senegal) conflict and climate shocks 1,500,000 Commitment
World Food Programme
Food and nutrition assistance to refugees & asylum seekers living in camps/settlements & populations affected by natural & man-made disasters in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) 1,200,000 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food and Nutrition support to pre-primary school learners 990,000 Commitment
World Food Programme
Improving Food and Nutrition Security for vulnerable communities affected by rising prices resulting from the crisis in Ukraine 900,000 Commitment
World Food Programme
Provision of Integrated Food Assistance for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Vulnerable Populations in Mali - 2023 183,099 Commitment
World Food Programme
Provide food and nutritional assistance to vulnerable refugees in the Department of Bassikounou in Mauritania 2,000,000 Commitment
World Food Programme
Provision of food and nutrition support to conflict-affected populations in northern Mozambique 1,800,000 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Providing Food and Nutritional assistance to refugees and vulnerable households 2,000,000 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Emergency Food Assistance in Schools in Somalia during time of crisis 4,988,888 Commitment
World Food Programme
Emergency food and nutrition assistance addressing food insecurity of vulnerable populations in South Sudan 1,388,888 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food assistance to refugees in camps 900,000 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Karamoja Nutrition Programme. Support to management of moderate acute malnutrition as a result of high food insecurity among vulnerable populations in Karamoja region. 2,500,000 Commitment
World Food Programme
Strengthening the Humanitarian-Development nexus in food insecure communities vulnerable to multiple shocks in Zimbabwe 900,000 Commitment
World Food Programme
Provision of hot meals (vouchers) for refugees residing in Refugee Accommodation Centres in Moldova 1,575,000 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Emergency food assistance for stabilization to food-insecure people of Pakistan including in floods affected areas 3,703,703 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Emergency Food Assistance and Nutrition Support 5,555,555 Commitment
World Health Organization
Mobilising multistakeholder voices in political processes in 2023 1,851,851 Commitment
United Nations Development Programme
Research and Development and Building Capacity for Access and Delivery of New Medicines for NTDs, TB, Malaria and other Diseases 13,825,947 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Supporting research studies and water resources monitoring systems in Syria 55,000 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Agriculture and Livelihoods Provision of unconditional UREA fertilizer to poor and vulnerable paddy farmers 4,629,629 Paid Contribution
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Critical support to safeguard livestock-based livelihoods, improve food and nutrition security and sustain income of most vulnerable rural people affected by multiple climatic and economic shocks in Afghanistan 1,851,851 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Palestine HRP 2023 Food Security Support Gaza fishers livelihoods through improved public services and sustainable fishing practices 438,750 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO will implement Japan Government funded project " Enhancing resilience of newly arrived Afghan and Ukrainian refugees and their host communities by providing employment opportunities in food and agriculture sector in Türkiye" in earthquake affected provinces in order to support host communities and refugees in line with the Earthquake Response and Recovery Plan 475,000 Commitment
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Emergency Livelihood Support for Conflict Affected Households in Afar, Amhara and Tigray Regions of Ethiopia 1,500,000 Commitment
Plan International
14/03/2023 63,055,000 JPY Sudan Plan International Japan 10/03/2023 10/03/2023 Emergency nutrition and water and sanitation project for South Sudanese refugees and host communities in White Nile State MOFA No yasuo.kitano@mofa.go.jp Health, Water and Sanitation 463,606 Paid Contribution

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