Central Emergency Response Fund 2023



Total funding: US$39,247,274
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 49 of 49
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
United Nations Children's Fund
Réponse intégrée d'urgence en Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA), Nutrition, Education, Santé et Protection de l'enfance pour renforcer l’accès aux services de base essentiels des populations déplacées dans la province du Lac 720,487 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Réponse intégrée d'urgence en Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA), Nutrition, Education, Santé et Protection de l'enfance pour renforcer l’accès aux services de base essentiels des populations déplacées dans la province du Lac 229,246 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Réponse intégrée d'urgence en Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA), Nutrition, Education, Santé et Protection de l'enfance pour renforcer l’accès aux services de base essentiels des populations déplacées dans la province du Lac 1,146,229 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Réponse intégrée d'urgence en Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA), Nutrition, Education, Santé et Protection de l'enfance pour renforcer l’accès aux services de base essentiels des populations déplacées dans la province du Lac 687,737 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Réponse intégrée d'urgence en Eau, Hygiène et Assainissement (EHA), Nutrition, Education, Santé et Protection de l'enfance pour renforcer l’accès aux services de base essentiels des populations déplacées dans la province du Lac 491,241 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Continued Integrated emergency life-saving interventions to drought emergency in Southern Angola 495,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Continued Integrated emergency life-saving interventions to drought emergency in Southern Angola 1,012,500 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Continued Integrated emergency life-saving interventions to drought emergency in Southern Angola 742,500 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Fourniture d’une aide humanitaire d’urgence intégrée en eau, assainissement et hygiène, santé, éducation et services de protection aux enfants et personnes déplacées internes et aux populations hôtes 514,079 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Fourniture d’une aide humanitaire d’urgence intégrée en eau, assainissement et hygiène, santé, éducation et services de protection aux enfants et personnes déplacées internes et aux populations hôtes 869,980 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Fourniture d’une aide humanitaire d’urgence intégrée en eau, assainissement et hygiène, santé, éducation et services de protection aux enfants et personnes déplacées internes et aux populations hôtes 1,542,238 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Fourniture d’une aide humanitaire d’urgence intégrée en eau, assainissement et hygiène, santé, éducation et services de protection aux enfants et personnes déplacées internes et aux populations hôtes 632,713 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Fourniture d’une aide humanitaire d’urgence intégrée en eau, assainissement et hygiène, santé, éducation et services de protection aux enfants et personnes déplacées internes et aux populations hôtes 395,446 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Multisectoral humanitarian assistance for people affected by Ancuabe attacks in Cabo Delgado 273,000 Paid Contribution
World Health Organization
Appui sanitaire d’urgence aux sinistrés des inondations dans les provinces du Mandoul, logone Occidental, Sila, le Lac et Ndjamena 799,459 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
CERF 1,500,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Réponse multisectorielle aux inondations dans les provinces de N’Djaména, du Logone Occidental et du Mandoul 396,004 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Réponse multisectorielle aux inondations dans les provinces de N’Djaména, du Logone Occidental et du Mandoul 1,008,011 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Réponse multisectorielle aux inondations dans les provinces de N’Djaména, du Logone Occidental et du Mandoul 396,005 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Réponse d’urgence aux réfugiés affectés par les inondations dans les camps des réfugiés de N’Djamena, Sila, Chari-Baguirmi et le Lac 900,855 Paid Contribution
World Health Organization
Strengthening Measles outbreak response in 10 most affected districts in Zimbabwe 618,888 Paid Contribution
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rehabilitation of short-cycle crops production to the food and nutritional security of vulnerable people affected by Hurricane Ian 500,085 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Amélioration du cadre de protection des personnes victimes d’inondations déplacées à N’Djamena et dans la province du Lac 700,000 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Assistance alimentaire d’urgence aux personnes affectées par les inondations dans les 1,300,000 Paid Contribution
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Emergency livelihoods response to newly displaced people in the Cabo Delgado and Nampula provinces 100,000 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Assistance d’urgence en abris et articles ménagers essentiels pour les personnes déplacées à cause des inondations à N'Djamena et dans le Lac. 800,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Offre de services pour la réponse aux Violences Basées sur le Genre et Abus et Exploitation Sexuels, incluant l’accès aux services de santé reproductive (SR) 250,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection response for the internal displacement situation in the North-West/South-West regions and Shelter/NFI response in the Far North 845,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protection response for the internal displacement situation in the North-West/South-West regions and Shelter/NFI response in the Far North 455,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations Population Fund
Comprehensive life saving GBV services to affected women and girls in the North West and South Regions of Cameroon 650,010 Paid Contribution
International Organization for Migration
Providing Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) to address cooking fuel needs of Rohingya households in Cox's Bazar Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis Joint Response Plan 2023 Emergency Shelter and NFI 1,500,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Provision of WASH and CP services for Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar and Bhasan Char 1,000,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Provision of WASH and CP services for Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar and Bhasan Char 250,000 Paid Contribution
Pan-American Health Organization (World Health Organization)
Increasing access to continued and safe lifesaving sexual and reproductive health services in the states of Amazonas, Apure and Sucre. 518,400 Paid Contribution
Pan-American Health Organization (World Health Organization)
Increasing access to continued and safe lifesaving sexual and reproductive health services in the states of Amazonas, Apure and Sucre. 201,600 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Provision of life-saving quality education emergency services, and WASH services to the most vulnerable, crisis-affected girls and boys, including those with disabilities 999,752 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Provision of life-saving quality education emergency services, and WASH services to the most vulnerable, crisis-affected girls and boys, including those with disabilities 999,753 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Provision of Multi-purpose cash assistance to flood and conflict affected IDPs and host community households in Unity State 3,500,001 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Strengthening the Emergency Protection Response for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Upper Nile, Unity and Northern Jonglei states 1,383,411 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Strengthening the Emergency Protection Response for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Upper Nile, Unity and Northern Jonglei states 553,597 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Strengthening the Emergency Protection Response for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Upper Nile, Unity and Northern Jonglei states 190,970 Commitment
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Strengthening the Emergency Protection Response for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Upper Nile, Unity and Northern Jonglei states 471,980 Commitment
International Organization for Migration
Provision of Multi-Purpose cash assistance (MPCA) to address the most critical needs of crisis-affected communities 3,900,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Strengthening the Emergency Protection Response for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Upper Nile, Unity and Northern Jonglei states 2,599,958 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
part of SM210285/Multi-sectoral Marib crisis response - RRM (part of 21-RR-CEF-015) 3,245 Paid Contribution
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Sri Lanka Multi-Dimensional Crisis - Humanitarian Needs and Priorities Food Security To increase food security, by enabling paddy farmers to successfully cultivate paddy in the forthcoming Maha 2022 cropping season and to supplement the food and nutritional needs of small-scale artisanal marine fishers. --- CASH 42,330 Paid Contribution
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Sri Lanka Multi-Dimensional Crisis - Humanitarian Needs and Priorities Agriculture and Livelihoods Increase of food security, by enabling paddy farmers to successfully cultivate paddy in the forthcoming Maha 2022 cropping season and to supplement the food and nutritional needs of small-scale artisanal marine fishers. 50,376 Paid Contribution
Humane Aid for Community Organization
United Nations Children's Fund
Assistance en eau, Hygiène et Assainissement pour les populations déplacées et les populations hôtes affectées par la crise sécuritaire au Burkina Faso 14,143 Paid Contribution
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