Kuwait, Government of 2024



Total funding: US$51,565,037
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 50 of 181
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
International Labour Organization
Livelihoods Palestine Emergency Response Programme 64,630 Paid Contribution
International Labour Organization
Escalation of Hostilities in the OPT Flash Appeal 217,870 Paid Contribution
Central Emergency Response Fund
Kuwait Contribution to CERF 2024 1,000,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations Development Programme
Coordination and Support Services To finance humanitarian operations of UNDP to support those affected by the earthquake that struck Türkiye 500,000 Paid Contribution
International Labour Organization
Out of plan HDP (development) Social Security project 140,073 Paid Contribution
Armenian Red Cross Society
Provide relief items benefits go to (315) needy families - Armenia (first payment 50%) 50,000 Paid Contribution
Kuwait Red Crescent Society
Restoration of 94 houses due to floods - Burundi 50,000 Paid Contribution
Comoros Red Crescent, The
Iftar project benefit go to (135) needy family 10,000 Paid Contribution
Djibouti Red Crescent Society
Iftar project for (100) families in DJibouti 10,000 Paid Contribution
Egyptian Red Crescent Society
provision of blood donation car equipped with all of the necessary equipment to safely collect and store blood - Egypt 55,307 Paid Contribution
Republic of Guinea, Government of
- Provision of food baskets for 517 family affected by the flooding in Conakry 25,000 Paid Contribution
Salvation Army
distributed food baskets during Ramadan to 3,000 persons for needy families 10,000 Paid Contribution
Iraqi Red Crescent Society
Providing health center with medical equipments in Al-Basra District (first payment 40%)- Iraq 320,000 Paid Contribution
Jordan National Red Crescent Society
Contribution to the Jordanian Club - support for a developmental economic project to empower girls 5,000 Paid Contribution
Lebanese Red Cross
Provide (1,971) food basket for needy families 67,014 Paid Contribution
Lebanese Red Cross
Kuwait Red Crescent-providing daily fresh bread for 500 needy families in Lebanon, in addition of operational costs (first payment) 24,000 Paid Contribution
Islamic Charitable Society
Providing medications and surgery for Lebanese (20) patients (last payment)- Lebanon 10,000 Paid Contribution
Lebanese Red Cross
Kuwait Red Crescent-providing daily fresh bread for 3,000 needy families in Lebanon, in addition of operational costs (last payment) 24,000 Paid Contribution
Lebanese Red Cross
Provide (2,500) food basket for needy families 42,500 Paid Contribution
Lebanese Red Cross
Provide (2500) hygiene and sterilization kits for needy families 25,000 Paid Contribution
Lebanese Red Cross
Al-fitr Eid clothing project for (2,000) needy families (first payment) 45,000 Paid Contribution
Malawi Red Cross Society
Provision of relief materials (food parcels, blankets, hygiene sets) to 680 affected families by Freddy cyclone (third & last payment) 20,000 Paid Contribution
Malawi Red Cross Society
Iftar project for (250) needy families during Ramadan- Malaw 10,000 Paid Contribution
Mauritanian Red Crescent
Iftar project benefits go to needy families in Mauritania 10,000 Paid Contribution
Philippine Red Cross
- Provide healthcare for Filipino patient 4,357 Paid Contribution
Tunisian Red Crescent
Provision of food baskets (Iftar Project) for 2,400 needy family - Tunisia 40,000 Paid Contribution
Somali Red Crescent Society
Provide healthcare for Somali patient 5,500 Paid Contribution
Somali Red Crescent Society
Provide food basket benefits go to (1087) families affected by massive floods in the city of Beledweyne - Somalia (first payment 80%) 80,000 Paid Contribution
Somali Red Crescent Society
Provide food basket benefits go to (82) families during Ramadan (first payment 50%) 20,000 Paid Contribution
Estijabah Network for Humanitarian Aid and Relief
Operational costs for relief items distribution and transportation charge for delivering food stuff 16,883 Paid Contribution
Wafaa microfinance and capacity building
Food assistance for Gaza impacted peoples 759,780 Paid Contribution
Wafaa microfinance and capacity building
Relief items for Gaza impacted families 105,000 Paid Contribution
Wafaa microfinance and capacity building
Health support for Gaza impacted peoples 113,520 Paid Contribution
Palestine Red Crescent Society
Iftar for Gaza affected peoples 300,000 Paid Contribution
King Hussein Cancer Foundation
Provision of medicine and medical supplies for Gazan cancer patients 31,051 Paid Contribution
Lebanese Red Cross
Provide (2,206) food basket (Iftar Project) for needy Palestinian families (first payment) 37,500 Paid Contribution
Public Welfare Foundation
Providing hot meals for displaced people in refugee centers for a total of 24,700 hot meals for breakfast and suhoor 90,000 Paid Contribution
Jordan National Red Crescent Society
Iftar project for palestinian refugee families (first payment 50%) distributed to 7,500 beneficiaries - 50,000 Paid Contribution
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
All fields (oPt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan) 2024 Programme Budget 2,000,000 Paid Contribution
Cameroon Red Cross Society
Provide relief items benefits go to (57) families affected by massive floods in the district of Mbankolo, northwest of Yaounde 19,444 Paid Contribution
Cameroon Red Cross Society
Provide relief items benefits go to (57) families affected by massive floods in the district of Mbankolo, northwest of Yaounde 27,778 Paid Contribution
Cameroon Red Cross Society
Provide relief items benefits go to (57) families affected by massive floods in the district of Mbankolo, northwest of Yaounde 2,778 Paid Contribution
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
MOFA 25,000,000 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Food Distribution Project (legumes+flour+salt+oil) benefits go to 6709 family (last payment 40%) 200,000 Commitment
Benin Red Cross Society
Kuwait Red Crescent Society -Ramadan food pack for (200) needy families- Benin 10,000 Paid Contribution
International Committee of the Red Cross
Kuwait Red Crescent- Contribution to support budget 2024 11,125 Paid Contribution
Jordan National Red Crescent Society
Contribution to the Jordanian Club - support for a developmental economic project to empower girls 5,000 Paid Contribution
Jordan National Red Crescent Society
Provide healthcare for Jordanian patient 1,283 Paid Contribution
Libya Red Crescent
Provision of food parcels for 2000 needy families during Ramadan 50,000 Paid Contribution
Malawi Red Cross Society
Kuwait Red Crescent Society - Sacrifice Project for 295 family 10,000 Paid Contribution

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