Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Response Plan 2021



Total incoming funding: US$376,231,611
Total requirements: US$417,567,330
Coverage: 90.1%
Outgoing funding: US$16,327,582
Incoming minus outgoing funding: US$359,904,029
Displaying 1 - 50 of 352
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
United Nations Children's Fund
Safeguarding Children's Rights in East Jerusalem, Multiyear 2018-2020, total amount CHF 2,150,000 (7F-09537.01)
$102,249 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Support to WHO - oPt / Gaza, multi-year funding, 2018-2023, 2021 portion, total award CHF 300,000 (7F-10059.01)
$321,543 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Food assistance for Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip
Food Security
$44,941,091 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
The risk of particularly vulnerable children, at home, at school or in the community, becoming victims of conflict-related violence, rights violations, neglect, abuse and exploitation is minimized 2021 portion of multi year
$1,100,110 Commitment Incoming
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Inclusive education project with more focus on out-of-school children with disabilities. Total: CAD 4 million (2019: CAD 280,000; 2020: CAD 2,200,000; 2021: CAD 1,520,000)
$1,155,015 Commitment Incoming
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Inclusive education project. Total: $900,000 (2019: $230,000; 2020: $400,000; 2021: $270,000)
$270,000 Commitment Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
oPt - OCHA Office [OCT 6925];[P007512-003]
Coordination and Support Services
$363,636 Paid Contribution Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
oPt - OCHA Office P007512003
Coordination and Support Services
$363,636 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
part of CAB05/GBV/occupied Palestinian territory 2021/Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence and Providing life-saving sexual and reproductive health services in the West Bank and Gaza Strip 2020-2022 (oPt - Multyear 2020 - 2021) [part of Project No. P007512-004]
$1,175,652 Paid Contribution Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
oPt - Multyear 2020 - 2021- portion of 2021 for West Bank and Gaza $1,090,909 Commitment Incoming
MA'AN Development Center
Emergency Repair of Essential WASH Facilities in the Gaza Strip-2021 $909,091 Commitment Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
oPt - OCHA Office [OCT 6899];[S 09-21/Pol-10-321.50 PSE 04/20] $551,876 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
GAZA - Multi-purpose Cash assistance Gaza. 2020/2021/2022 2021 total amount CHF 2'000'000 (7F-10626.01)
Food Security
$2,173,913 Paid Contribution Incoming
Médicos del Mundo Spain
(Spanish Cooperation (AECID) & others) Improvement of the capacity of the vulnerable population to prevent the impact and cope with the protracted crisis
$155,958 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Support of UNRWA's COVID measures in the Palestinian territories (food aid, hygiene measures and cash benefits)
Education | Food Security | Shelter and NFI Cluster
$12,590,799 Commitment Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Distribution:oPt - OCHA Office. OCT 8462 [OCT 8462];[No 12-1/6205]
Coordination and Support Services
$59,737 Paid Contribution Incoming
ACT Alliance / Dan Church Aid - Norwegian Church Aid Joint office in Palestine
The project aims at improving food security and resilience of vulnerable/food insecure HH's. It includes the distribution of E vouchers for food, unrestricted cash, establishing of home gardens and supporting community groups to plan for and implement community initiatives addressing community humanitarian needs
Food Security
$747,608 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Urgent Assistance to Vulnerable Households in Gaza Strip – Phase II
Food Security
$308,258 Paid Contribution Internal
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
War Child Holland
Improved Child Protection and MHPSS service provision for Women, Children and families affected by conflict-related violence and GBV in Area C of the West Bank
$635,000 Paid Contribution Internal
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid
Annual Programme 2021 $817,388 Commitment Incoming
Terre des Hommes International
TDH Community Based Protection Programme. Multi year 2020-2024. 2021 portion total amount CHF 1,000,000 (7F-10109.01.02)
$1,126,126 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
The project for reinforcing conducive learning environment at schools towards quality and inclusive education for Palestine refugee children
$9,303,422 Paid Contribution Incoming
Japan Platform
Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects implemented by JPF member NGOs in Gaza $65,982 Commitment Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
oPt Humanitarian Fund. OCT 8670 [OCT 8670] $199,760 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA) in oPt
Coordination and Support Services
$375,225 Paid Contribution Internal
United Nations Children's Fund
Safeguarding Children's Rights in East Jerusalem. Multi year 2021 to 2023. 2021 portion total amount 750,000 (7F-09537.02)
$774,336 Paid Contribution Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
oPt - OCHA Office. OCT 8611 [OCT 8611];[YK/OCHA/77]
Coordination and Support Services
$250,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
WEST BANK - WFP Allocation 2021. Food security, Emergency food assistance. (7F-03297.63)
Food Security
$485,961 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF). OCT 8617 [OCT 8617] $1,106,195 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
GAZA - Food Assistance through Electronic Food Vouchers and to Food Insecure non-Refugees in Palestine
Food Security
$4,359,090 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Mine Action Service
Mitigation of Explosive Risks and Promotion of Conflict Resilience in Gaza
$483,909 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Enhancement of human security of the Palestine refugees in the West Bank through the delivery of health care services
$2,770,909 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Expansion of UNRWA health services: access to quality, comprehensive health care for Palestine refugees through MHPSS, hospitalization, and medical waste management.
$899,218 Paid Contribution Incoming
Japan Campaign for Children of Palestine
Sustainable Rehabilitation and Reintegration of the persons with disabilities and capacity building for the medical institutions in Gaza Strip
$1,080,277 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
$961,865 Paid Contribution Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
oPt - OCHA Office. CT 6294 [OCT 6294];[52040482 Amendment 4]
Coordination and Support Services
$477,983 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF). OCT 8585 [OCT 8585] $2,298,810 Paid Contribution Incoming
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Socio-economic stabilization and resilience building for vulnerable Bedouin households in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
Food Security
$975,000 Commitment Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Humanitarian support 2021 $970,652 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Humanitarian support 2021
Food Security
$2,431,020 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF). OCT 9552 [OCT 9552] $1,167,815 Paid Contribution Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
oPt - OCHA Office. OCT 8440 [OCT 8440];[7F-08764.24. 81068539]
Coordination and Support Services
$530,223 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
WEST BANK - Food Assistance through Electronic Food Vouchers and to Food Insecure non-Refugees in Palestine
Food Security
$1,868,182 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
GAZA - WFP Allocation 2021. Food security, Emergency food assistance. (7F-03297.63)
Food Security
$1,133,909 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
GAZA - Country Strategic Plan for food assistance to the poor and severely food insecure population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Food Security
$2,382,844 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
GAZA - Country Strategic Plan for food assistance to the poor and severely food insecure population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Food Security
$1,387,994 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
WEST BANK - Country Strategic Plan for food assistance to the poor and severely food insecure population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Food Security
$612,006 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
WEST BANK - Country Strategic Plan for food assistance to the poor and severely food insecure population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (COVID - 19)
Food Security
$1,800,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
GAZA - Country Strategic Plan for food assistance to the poor and severely food insecure population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (COVID - 19)
Food Security
$7,200,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF). OCT 9556 [OCT 9556] $10,290,557 Commitment Incoming

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