Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Response Plan 2021



Total incoming funding: US$376,712,998
Total requirements: US$417,567,330
Coverage: 90.2%
Outgoing funding: US$16,327,582
Incoming minus outgoing funding: US$360,385,416
Displaying 51 - 100 of 353
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Funding for humanitarian aid 2021
Food Security
$1,194,886 Commitment Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
Strengthening of Public health Capacity and Service Delivery during COVID-19 outbreak in the Gaza Strip
$1,000,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Response to conflict $293,064 Commitment Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
oPt - OCHA Office. OCT 9519 [OCT 9519];[UN OCHA-oPt 21 01]
Coordination and Support Services
$242,131 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF). OCT 9519 [OCT 9519] $363,196 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
World Health Organization
Scale-up laboratory diagnostics of COVID-19 and risk communication and community engagement in Gaza
$2,100,000 Paid Contribution Internal
Norwegian Refugee Council
Humanitarian Response Humanitarian response in Palestine. (QZA-20/0048-27) $925,873 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
OCT 9705 [OCT 9705] $500,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Oxfam Novib Netherlands
Emergency Livelihood Support to Affected Farmers
Food Security
$535,303 Paid Contribution Internal
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
oPt - OCHA Office [OCT 9709];[YK/OCHA/238]
Coordination and Support Services
$200,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) [OCT 8687] $4,878,049 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) [OCT 9735] $1,112,347 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Support of neutrality-promoting measures at UNRWA
Coordination and Support Services
$1,392,111 Commitment Incoming
Catholic Relief Services
West Bank Gaza/CE - Health
$6,000,000 Commitment Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Humanitarian coordination and advocacy in the occupied Palestinian territory (ECHO/PSE/BUD/2021/91005)
Coordination and Support Services
$726,392 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
GAZA - Country Strategic Plan for food assistance to the poor and severely food insecure population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Food Security
$5,548,780 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
WEST BANK - Country Strategic Plan for food assistance to the poor and severely food insecure population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Food Security
$2,378,049 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21021 - Protection of Palestine Refugees Affected by Armed Conflict and Forced Displacement in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem). Phase 13 (ECHO/PSE/BUD/2021/91001)
$1,213,422 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Contribution to the UNRWA Updated humanitarian and early recovery appeal COVID-19 Assistance (2021 portion of EUR 1,150,000)
$350,610 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21038 - Emergency Food Assistance/Emergency Grant Aid for Palestine affected by the deterioration of the situation in the Gaza Strip
Food Security
$5,300,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF). OCT 9712 $2,361,275 Paid Contribution Incoming
UN agencies and NGOs (Confidential)
MPCA Gaza (USAID/BHA) $2,400,000 Commitment Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
United Nations Population Fund
UOC94/MULTI/Provision of health and protection services for vulnerable women and girls impacted by the escalation of violence in Gaza (OPT-21/DDA-3482/3RA/HNC-PROT/UN/19091) $250,249 Paid Contribution Internal
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
World Food Programme
GAZA - Common Feedback Mechanism (CFM)
Food Security
$148,364 Paid Contribution Outgoing
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Norwegian Refugee Council
Immediate shelter solutions to the conflict-affected people in North Gaza Strip
Shelter and NFI
$540,000 Paid Contribution Outgoing
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Al Awda Health and Community Association
Ensuring the continuation of providing L2 PHC services to improve the health status of the patients affected by the destruction of the Hala Al Shawa Governmental Center in the Northern Gaza Strip.
Health and Nutrition
$284,999 Paid Contribution Outgoing
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Palestine Save the Children Foundation
Access to Safe and Inclusive Education through Providing Rehabilitation Services for Governmental schools in 3 Governorates of Gaza Strip
$315,514 Paid Contribution Outgoing
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
MA'AN Development Center
Emergency Shelter Assistance for IDP Families in the Gaza Strip
Shelter and NFI
$698,181 Paid Contribution Outgoing
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
World Food Programme
GAZA - Logistics Hub
Food Security
$144,185 Paid Contribution Outgoing
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Emergency food security and livelihoods support to the most vulnerable households affected by the May 2021 hostilities in the Gaza strip
Food Security
$525,000 Paid Contribution Outgoing
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
World Health Organization
Provision of life-saving health interventions to the victims of mass casualty event during the May 2021 Escalation in Gaza
Health and Nutrition
$1,979,712 Paid Contribution Outgoing
ACT Alliance / Norwegian Church Aid
Save lives, alleviate suffering and protect human dignity. Focus:WASH, SGBV, ASRH and protection.(QZA-20/0052-5)
Protection | WASH
$425,282 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21002 (Spain, Beasain City Council) Emergency Food Assistance
Food Security
$14,808 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21005 (Spain, Bilbao City Council) Food baskets in Gaza
Food Security
$29,202 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21004 (Spain, Castellón City Council) food Assistance in Gaza
Food Security
$60,919 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21015 (Spain, Castilla la Mancha Government) Support COVID response in the schools in GFO
$29,869 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21003 (Spain, Gipuzkoa Regional Government) food programme in Gaza
Food Security
$48,474 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21010 (Spain, Gran Canaria Regional Government) Emergency Food Assistance in Gaza Strip
Food Security
$151,699 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21006 (Spain, Valencia City Council) Food Assistance in Gaza Strip
Food Security
$36,518 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21014 Support the Gaza Emergency Food Assistance
Food Security
$3,910,615 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21007 (Zakat Fund) Emergency Food Assistance in Gaza Strip
Food Security
$876,613 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21008 UNRWA's Emergency Appeal Programmes 2021 in Gaza Strip
Food Security
$507,342 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
part of PR21008 Coordination and Management
Coordination and Support Services
$28,545 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21009 Emergency Food Assistance
Food Security
$4,261 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Safe and inclusion learning opportunities for the most conflict affected children in the West Bank and Gaza (part of ECHO/PSE/BUD/2021/91010)
$663,957 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
PR21012 Supporting the provision of quality and inclusive education for Palestine refugee children in the Gaza Strip
$5,944,050 Paid Contribution Incoming
Oxfam Novib Netherlands
Address the basic needs of most vulnerable communities affected by the protracted humanitarian and COVID-19 Crisis in the Gaza Strip (2021 portion of EUR 700,000)
$514,044 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Improved emergency preparedness, response and humanitarian advocacy for health for the most vulnerable in oPt (part of ECHO/PSE/BUD/2021/91004)
Coordination and Support Services
$775,656 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Improved emergency preparedness, response and humanitarian advocacy for health for the most vulnerable in oPt (part of ECHO/PSE/BUD/2021/91004)
$775,656 Commitment Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme
Provision of Specialized Mental Health Services to Boys, Girls, Women And Men with and without Disabilities who Affected by the Ongoing Crises In The Gaza Strip
Health and Nutrition
$401,247 Paid Contribution Outgoing

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