Libya Humanitarian Response Plan 2021



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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
United Nations Population Fund
Annual Programme 2021 $164,609 Commitment Incoming
International Rescue Committee
Humanitarian support 2021 $799,361 Commitment Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Humanitarian support 2021 $570,972 Commitment Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Humanitarian response in Libya - Multisector (P010168001) $555,997 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Humanitarian response in Libya. (QZA-20/0048-26) $1,080,185 Paid Contribution Incoming
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Improving access to essential services for vulnerable people excluded from humanitarian assistance in Libya COVID-19 Assistance (2021 portion of EUR 549,000) $498,487 Commitment Incoming
UN agencies and NGOs (Confidential)
Protection, Capacity Building, Food Security, Health, Logistics Support and Relief Commodities, Multipurpose Cash Assistance, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Countrywide. (STATE/PRM) $15,400,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
GUSA02 - COVID-19 - 2021 $1,200,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Première Urgence Internationale
Improving safe access to an effective and efficient COVID-19 vaccination campaign for vulnerable people living in Al Kufra, Libya. $1,789,976 Commitment Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Canada Open Items 2021 $44 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
GNLD11 - Libya- Oct20 $73,957 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Partially against Mali HRP for all populations - GUSA02 - 2nd Tranche - Jun21 E0171 $8,000,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Against Libya HRP Italy GITA19 - Libya - Jul21 E0164 $2,460,780 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Against Libya HRP $9,608 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
JPD23/Financial Libya - Tripoli $15,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
EUB23/European Comission/Financial Libya - Tripoli $3,195,716 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
EUB15/MULTI/Libya Humanitarian Response Plan 2021/Advancing midwifery and specialized nursing in Libya (ENI/2018/399-480) $8,025 Paid Contribution Incoming
UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund
United Nations Population Fund
UJA88/MULTI/Libya Humanitarian Response Plan 2021/Building peace within and with young women and men in Sirte/MPTF Proj. No. 00119048 PBF/IRF-323 $19,517 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Annual Allocation 2021 $1,646,865 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Flexible Funds project: Emergency cash assistance and core relief items for vulnerable displaced families in Tripoli and Benghazi $243,813 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Annual Allocation 2021 $479,444 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) project: Provision of Emergency Shelter Assistance to Vulnerable Returnees in Tawergha, Libya $240,993 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
INGO coordination and humanitarian access strengthened through support to the Libyan INGO Forum $123,016 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
part of JPD23/GBV/Financial Libya - Tripoli/Provision of integrated essential gender-based violence prevention/mitigation/response and sexual and reproductive health services to vulnerable women and girls in Libya (SC/21/024) $662,718 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
part of JPD23/SRH /Financial Libya - Tripoli/Provision of integrated essential gender-based violence prevention/mitigation/response and sexual and reproductive health services to vulnerable women and girls in Libya (SC/21/024) $662,718 Paid Contribution Incoming
HALO Trust
Survey of contaminated areas and clearance of explosive ordnance in Tripoli, in addition to capacity development of Libyan authorities Mine Action $2,130,932 Paid Contribution Incoming
HALO Trust
Technical survey and mechanical clearance in Tripoli and Sirte, respectively $524,520 Paid Contribution Incoming
HALO Trust
Mechanical and technical survey clearance in Tripoli $600,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Humanitarian response in Libya. (QZA-20/0048-26) $811,831 Paid Contribution Incoming
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