Afghanistan Flash Appeal 2021



Total incoming funding: US$998,242,768
Total original requirements: US$606,261,163
Total current requirements: US$606,261,163
Coverage: 164.7%
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11
Field cluster/sector Sort descending Current requirements US$ Funding US$ Coverage % Pledges US$
Aviation 40,700,000 12,411,391 30.5% 0
Coordination and Support Services 13,700,000 3,886,441 28.4% 0
Education in Emergencies 12,708,400 9,630,631 75.8% 0
Emergency Shelter and NFI 35,000,000 31,691,807 90.5% 0
Food Security and Agriculture 270,000,000 325,211,913 120.4% 0
Health 66,000,000 106,384,831 161.2% 0
Not reported 0 323,719,479 0.0% 0
Nutrition 56,279,763 103,131,404 183.2% 0
Protection 45,373,000 22,890,108 50.4% 0
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 66,500,000 5,167 0.0% 0
Multiple Field clusters (shared) 59,279,596

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