Sudan Humanitarian Response Plan 2022



Total incoming funding: US$1,124,282,974
Total original requirements: US$1,936,697,740
Total current requirements: US$1,936,697,740
Coverage: 58.1%
Total pledges: US$4,540,295
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Field cluster/sector Sort descending Current requirements US$ Funding US$ Coverage % Pledges US$
Common Services 12,750,000 28,999,534 227.4% 0
Education 102,461,395 16,777,004 16.4% 0
Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items 83,726,308 49,521,589 59.1% 4,540,295
Food Security and Livelihoods 708,263,488 481,718,880 68.0% 0
Health 141,100,000 99,570,834 70.6% 0
Logistics and Emergency Telecommunications 29,600,000 26,435,717 89.3% 0
Not reported 0 67,381,873 0.0% 0
Nutrition 159,949,054 73,206,012 45.8% 0
Protection 161,917,433 34,503,340 21.3% 0
Refugee Response 425,000,000 118,098,411 27.8% 0
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 111,930,062 53,604,394 47.9% 0
Multiple Field clusters (shared) 74,465,386

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