Syrian Arab Republic Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) 2022



Total incoming funding: US$1,875,170,909
Total original requirements: US$6,080,899,576
Total current requirements: US$6,080,899,576
Coverage: 30.8%
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Field cluster/sector Sort descending Current requirements US$ Funding US$ Coverage % Pledges US$
Basic Needs 1,034,536,234 296,983,731 28.7% 0
Education 536,800,648 120,797,760 22.5% 0
Food Security and Agriculture 1,338,287,550 442,574,113 33.1% 0
Health and Nutrition 479,634,347 48,438,488 10.1% 0
Livelihoods and Social Cohesion 761,426,595 76,652,007 10.1% 0
Multi-sector 381,029,228 30,323,576 8.0% 0
Not reported 0 751,692,520 0.0% 0
Protection 902,826,941 88,763,663 9.8% 0
Regional Support 39,892,471 1,075,829 2.7% 0
Shelter 213,810,366 7,261,452 3.4% 0
WASH 392,655,196 5,048,605 1.3% 0
Multiple Field clusters (shared) 5,559,165

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