Syrian Arab Republic Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) 2022



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Displaying 1 - 43 of 43
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary Destination country
Switzerland, Government of
Apprentis d'Auteuils
Primary education
$11,825 Paid Contribution Incoming
Switzerland, Government of
Norwegian Refugee Council
Safe and Inclusive Schools Programme, Multi year 2020-2021-2022, 2022 portion, total amount CHF 100,000 (7F-10472.01)
$245,633 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
United Nations Children's Fund
CCTE (Conditional Cash Transfer for Education)" - Increased access to education and protection for vulnerable refugee children and families in Turkey (2022 - Education portion)
$42,081,289 Commitment Incoming
Switzerland, Government of
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Primary education (7F-06962.47.03)
$3,535,674 Paid Contribution Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
United Nations Children's Fund
Supporting the access of out-of-school refugee children and adolescents into education
$6,651,376 Commitment Incoming
UNICEF National Committees
United Nations Children's Fund
Turkey: UNICEF-QATAR. Education Access to education& strengthened child protection for Syrian refugees-Turkey Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas)
$725,395 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
United Nations Children's Fund
UNICEF : Education, Health, MPCA, Nutrition, Protection (STATE/PRM)
Education | Health and Nutrition | Protection
$1,700,000 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Norwegian Refugee Council
Promotion of protection and EiE rights of refugees living in refugee camps and host communities of Jordan.
$3,853,955 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
United Nations Children's Fund
Supporting the access of out-of-school refugee children and adolescents into education
$2,027,027 Commitment Incoming
European Commission - EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey
United Nations Children's Fund
Support for school enrolment for vulnerable refugee children in TurkeyMR01: Support for school enrolment and GBV prevention and response for vulnerable refugee children in Turkey (2022 - Education portion)
$770,295 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
United Nations Children's Fund
Establishing multiple flexible pathways system to reduce barriers and reach the most vulnerable out of school children in Lebanon
$267,738 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
United Nations Children's Fund
Establishing multiple flexible pathways system to reduce barriers and reach the most vulnerable out of school children in Lebanon
$267,738 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
United Nations Children's Fund
Establishing multiple flexible pathways system to reduce barriers and reach the most vulnerable out of school children in Lebanon
$22,311 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
United Nations Children's Fund
CCTE (Conditional Cash Transfer for Education)" - Increased access to education and protection for vulnerable refugee children and families in Turkey (2022 portion of EUR 2,160,000)
$2,238,342 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
International Rescue Committee
Integrated Protection and Education Response for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon (2022 portion of EUR 2 mio)
Education | Protection
$1,008,878 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Norwegian Refugee Council
Reaching Vulnerable Refugee Children in Lebanon with Pathways and Opportunities to Quality Education and Protection Services. COVID-19 Assistance (2022 portion of EUR 2.2 mio)
Education | Protection
$1,639,566 Commitment Incoming
Japan, Government of
Save the Children
Emergency food assistance for vulnerable communities in Aleppo District, Syria
$203,634 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
United Nations Children's Fund
Turkey: Support to Syrian refugee response Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas) BPRM
$28,500,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
Catholic Relief Services
Pathways to Self-Reliance in Egypt
$1,366,302 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
CARE International
Safety, Empowerment and Protection for Syrian and non-Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Egypt
$1,231,002 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
Save the Children
FY22 - No Lost Generation
$857,304 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
Save the Children
MY add - FORSA VIII: Empowering the refugee communities in Egypt to address multidimensional child poverty through protection, education and livelihoods services, and extending these services to the host community Year 2
$266,300 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
Save the Children
Learning Recovery for Refugee and Jordanian Children ages 7-17 years old
$2,555,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
International NGOs (Confidential)
Support to Aspiring Children and Youth (SACY)
$2,750,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
Relief International
REACT2 (Remedial Education Assistance for Children and Tawjihi students)
$2,136,904 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
International Rescue Committee
Integrated Response for Syrian Refugees and Vulnerable Lebanese in Partnership with Lebanese Civil Society
$2,932,511 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
Norwegian Refugee Council
2022 NRC Iraq Livelihoods
$627,850 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
Norwegian Refugee Council
2021 NRC Iraq Consortium
$1,000,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States of America, Government of
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
2022 UNHCR Global Appeal (STATE/PRM)
$2,800,000 Commitment Incoming
United States of America, Government of
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
2022 UNHCR Global Appeal (STATE/PRM)
$1,300,000 Commitment Incoming
United States of America, Government of
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
2022 UNHCR Global Appeal (STATE/PRM)
$2,300,000 Commitment Incoming
United States of America, Government of
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
2022 UNHCR Global Appeal (STATE/PRM)
$1,300,000 Commitment Incoming
United States of America, Government of
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
2022 UNHCR Global Appeal (STATE/PRM)
$1,000,000 Commitment Incoming
Luxembourg, Government of
Kindernothilfe e.V.
The project focuses on school education for Syrian refugee children and psychosocial support for them and their families in Ghazze, Lebanon.
$348,207 Commitment Incoming
United States of America, Government of
International Organization for Migration
Support of IOM Activities in Turkey as outlined in the 2022 Syria Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) Education (STATE/PRM)
$1,702,545 Paid Contribution Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
United Nations Children's Fund
Supporting access to COVID vaccination, basic education and child protection services for refugee and migrant children, their families, and other vulnerable populations in Egypt ---- EDUCATION
$472,057 Paid Contribution Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
United Nations Children's Fund
Supporting access to COVID vaccination, basic education and child protection services for refugee and migrant children, their families, and other vulnerable populations in Egypt ---- EDUCATION
$319,221 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Danish Refugee Council
Responding to protection risks and strengthening the local service provision and protection environment for displacement-affected populations in Turkey --- EDUCATION
$2,369 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Mercy Corps
Services and Assistance For Enabling Recovery (SAFER) --- Education
$68,534 Commitment Incoming
Switzerland, Government of
Swiss Development Cooperation/Swiss Humanitarian Aid
Education facilities&material
$41,248 Paid Contribution Incoming
Switzerland, Government of
Relief International
Primary education
$646,707 Paid Contribution Incoming
Switzerland, Government of
Relief International
Lower secondary education
$959,281 Paid Contribution Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Caritas Germany (DCV)
Education and Protection Assistance for Unaccompanied Minors and Separated Children in Egypt (2023 portion of EUR 2.3)
$412,186 Commitment Incoming
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