Syrian Arab Republic Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) 2022



You have filtered on a destination object (Field cluster). Please note that filters do not change a boundary, but reduces the result set accordingly. This means that flow funding values in the result set cannot always be simply added together to get the total funding, as other factors need to be taken into account, such as shared flows and internal flows.
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary Destination country
Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization
Housing Support for Syrian Families in Jordan
$232,931 Paid Contribution Incoming
Première Urgence Internationale
Improving access to rights and living conditions of most at-risk vulnerable Syrian refugees and Lebanese communities
$1,108,360 Paid Contribution Incoming
Peace Winds
2022 Peace Winds Iraq - Shelter
$4,000,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Fundación Entreculturas - Fe y Alegría
Humanitarian aid
$851,305 Commitment Incoming
Danish Refugee Council
Responding to protection risks and strengthening the local service provision and protection environment for displacement-affected populations in Turkey --- SHELTER
$15,952 Commitment Incoming
Mercy Corps
Services and Assistance For Enabling Recovery (SAFER) --- Shelter
$197,985 Commitment Incoming
Supporting urban Syrian refugees and the poorest Jordanians in four provinces of Jordan by providing winter survival and shelter resources.
$452,751 Commitment Incoming
Polish Center for International Aid
Reduce the risk of eviction and provide safe shelter for Syrian refugees and Lebanese families affected by the economic crisis.
$402,168 Commitment Incoming
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